Chapter 2794

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Even the waitress can ride fast. Even with three carts of gifts and luggage behind them, they still rush to Luozhou quickly.

We set out before dawn in the morning. We had an occasional rest on the way and changed horses at the post station.

Man Bao was ready to change horses at the beginning, so he directly brought his own red horse and an official horse. When he arrived at the post station, he changed the official horse, and two horses rode instead. He arrived in Luoyang in three days.

Just when they got off the horse, their legs trembled a little. Even man Bao walked a little outside eight. Fortunately, it was better to turn around.

Man Bao looked up at the gate of Luoyang and said directly, "go and find King Gong."

She is an acquaintance of King Gong's family here in Luozhou except Zheng Gu, who has been arrested.

When the party entered the city and passed an inn, man Bao turned to shopkeeper Zheng Da and said, "settle down here first and wait for me to inform you."


Man Bao took his party to Prince Gong's house.

When King Gong heard that the angel was coming, his parents sent him a lot of things. For a moment, he was happy. He immediately took his son's hand and the princess and came out with a smile. As a result, when he came to the front yard, he saw the man who was looking around with his head up.

King Gong walked and couldn't help rubbing his eyes first. When he looked at it, he was still full.

So King Gong released his son's hand and turned to return to the inner court.

The princess quickly pulled him, "Prince..."

When man Bao heard the news, he took back his eyes from the garden and looked at the king Gong's family. He raised a big smile on his face, folded his hands and bowed down to salute. He was happy: "I've seen the king Gong, the princess and the little prince."

She said, "I came to see the Lord and princess under the orders of my empress Feng."

The princess is also familiar with Zhou man. After all, they meet every three or five times in the second half of King Gong's weight loss and leg injury.

Seriously, if it weren't for the small disputes between Zhou man and her husband, they would still be able to talk. Of course, it's private.

Princess Gong has a good relationship with Princess Changyu, and she has a good impression of Zhou man.

The princess pulled the smelly King Gong forward.

Even when he arrived, Gong Wang looked at Zhou man incredulously, "are you an angel?"

Man Bao grinned, "yes, King Gong can listen to the order."

A waiter beside Zhou man coughed and whispered, "Lord, set up a case to receive the order."

King Gong asked someone to prepare the incense table.

The chambermaid then took out the yellow silk from a box, unfolded it and read the message.

The main idea is that the weather in Chang'an is very cold recently. The emperor and queen can feel the cold wind when they live in the Tai Chi hall. They deeply feel that it is not easy to live outside.

I heard that Luozhou is colder this year than last year. Do you feel any pain due to injury on your leg?

Your leg hurts, but my parents' heart hurts even more. It hurts day and night. So I specially sent Zhou man, who is skilled in medicine in the Tai hospital, to see you. I hope you can take good care of yourself.

Hello, parents can be good.

I don't know if your medicine is complete, so I have attached some medicine supplements. The list is as follows.

The waiter began to read the list.

It is said that it is a medicinal tonic, but the emperor took things from his inner library, not only pearls and jade, but also a box of precious isolated calligraphy and painting.

Man Bao sounds jealous anyway. The emperor is really rich.

The waiter read the gift list until his mouth was dry. Then he handed a roll of yellow silk to King Gong and everyone looked at him together.

King Gong looked at Zhou man and then at Zhou man. Although he wanted to drive people out, he didn't have the courage.

If he dares to drive people out, the imperial censor in the capital will be able to spray him to death. Therefore, he can only bear to look at the princess and gnash his teeth and say, "the princess will arrange it."

The princess smiled and said to the crowd, "we have arranged the guest house for you. Come on, take Lord Zhou and your adults to the guest house to have a rest."

Man Bao and his party followed the steward of the palace to the guest house.

Because Zhou man is a female guest, he lives in a different place from them. He lives on the other side of the guest yard, closer to the inner yard. He lives in a separate yard with her.

Daji also wanted to follow, which made the steward of the palace look at it again and again.

Man Bao just couldn't understand what he meant. Seeing that his desire to speak stopped, he was about to say, "he took me with him since childhood. Let him live in the same yard with me. There's no need to make extra arrangements."

That's why I'm in charge.

Man Bao looked at the main room of the guest yard. It was still very good. It was big enough and fresh and clean.

The servants sent by the king's residence helped them move their luggage in. They had to open it neatly. They were stopped by the cake. She said, "I'll arrange these myself."

The cake took out a handful of copper coins and stuffed them. He smiled and said, "my adults are tired all the way. They also asked my sisters to help fetch some hot water to freshen up."

The servant girl of the palace took the money, smiled and said, "it's easy to say, it's easy to say."

Go down and get them hot water.

Man Bao hasn't washed her hair for three days and has been on her way. The dust is flying all over the road and her body is very dirty. She not only took a bath, but also washed her head. Then she sat on the couch and let the cake wipe her hair.

She calculated the time herself. "Are the people in Dali temple still on the road now?"

In fact, they set out on the same day as doctor Lu of Dali temple, but they were faster.

"They won't arrive for at least one day," said the cake

Man Bao yawned and said to the pancake, "go wash yourself, too. Let's rest today and start working when we have enough spirit."

The west cake whispered, "Sir, the servants of the king's house are guarding outside. Will it be inconvenient for us to live in the king's house?"

Man Bao thought for a while and then said, "it's more convenient to live in the prince's house. It's all right. I'll borrow King Gong's reputation later. I'll beg him later."

Pie always thought that what the adult said was to talk to him, but didn't everyone in the family say that the relationship between the adult and King Gong was not very good?

Man Bao leaned against the bed and took a nap. When he had enough energy, he put on a new dress and went to see the king Gong's family.

When King Gong saw her, he snorted and turned his head to one side.

The princess raised her smiling face and asked, "is Lord Zhou still used to living? If there's anything missing, tell me and I'll ask the servant to buy it for you. "

Man Bao said with a smile, "it's very good. The things inside are very complete. There's nothing to add to the lower officials."

She also greeted the princess warmly, "how is the princess? I think you look a little tired. Would you like to see it? "

The princess naturally wanted to sit down and stretch out her wrist.

Man Bao looked back slightly, and the cake immediately came up with the medicine box.

Man Bao opens the medicine box and takes out the pulse pillow for the princess.

Seeing that they could talk so well without his participation, King Gong couldn't help humming in his heart and glancing at them.