Chapter 2781

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Bai Shan changed his jade crown and clothes and went out for a turn. After being filled with several glasses of wine, he saw man Bao give him a wink. He immediately found an excuse and slipped away first.

When they returned to the main courtyard, Daji stood by the door with a long gift box in his hand. When he saw them coming, he bowed slightly, "young master, young lady, this is the gift from general Qi Peng."

He managed to get it out of a pile of gift boxes.

Bai Shan pushed the door open. "Come on in."

They opened the gift box and there was a scroll inside.

Bai Shan and Zhou man were stunned. Unexpectedly, they were painting.

Man Bao said with a smile, "what paintings can general Qi Peng send? It also makes Kong Jijiu look so ugly. "

Bai Shan was startled. Isn't it some messy paintings?

He took it out, untied the rope and opened the scroll. He opened a third of it at once. His eyes widened slightly, and the movement of his hands slowed down and the speed slowed down.

Man Bao also saw it. His heart beat. He wound around Bai Shan from the other side of the table and reached out to hold one side of the scroll. The husband and wife slowly unfolded the picture scroll.

Seeing the familiar person on the picture, they both held their breath in their chest for a long time, "it's the picture of sage Lao Tzu."

Bai shanleng touched the stroke with his finger belly, and asked incredulously, "is this... Really?"

Man Bao couldn't believe it either. He swallowed his throat and said, "really, otherwise general Qi won't give it to us so confidently?"

Bai Shan traced the strokes on the painting bit by bit. Man Bao immediately collected the things on the table with Daji and asked him to open the painting exhibition on the table.

They bent over and looked at it together. The more they looked at it, the more they exclaimed, "it seems to be true."

Bai Erlang stopped Bai Shan from drinking. People were almost confused. He didn't come. For a moment, he was angry. He just grabbed yin or ran away and went to the backyard to find someone.

He went straight to the main courtyard. Seeing that the doors and windows of the study were open, he went straight there, "the room is full of guests. You won't read at this time?"

As soon as he stepped in, he saw that they were bending over and looking at the things on the table. Without raising their heads, they waved and said, "don't make noise."

Bai Erlang and yin or looked up curiously.

They were not ignorant. Bai Erlang saw that it was a good painting, so he looked at the signature, "eh, Zhong Yao's picture of the sage Lao Tzu? Imitation? "

Yin or hesitated: "it seems to be true."

Bai Erlang blinked, "who sent it? How much will it cost to buy it?"

Bai Shan straightened up and bent for too long. He was a little sour for a moment. He rubbed his waist and sighed, "it's from general Qipeng."

Bai Erlang: "Oh, no wonder he doesn't feel bad. Is that fake? Can general Chi Chi buy a real picture? "

Bai Shan's eyes brightened. "What if Kong offered wine for his reference?"

Bai Erlang stopped talking.

Bai Shan gave yin or gave way to a position, "look."

Yan or looked carefully and nodded, "it's very like an authentic work, not like imitation."

Man Bao straightened up, beat his back and said, "don't you know if you can ask Kong to offer wine?"

Bai Shanli will roll up the picture, put it in the box and give it to Daji. He takes man Bao and goes out, "go and find Kong to offer wine."

At the banquet, Bai Shan naturally couldn't let general Qi Peng lose face, so he just tried to pull the Kong sacrifice wine to the back. He thought that if it was true, he would invite everyone to enjoy it. If it was false, his own people would know.

It is estimated that general Qi Peng also bought it seriously.

When Bai Shan and Zhou man opened the box, he knew what they wanted him to see. So when the picture scroll was opened again, he sighed and asked, "did general Qi Peng send it?"


Kong Jijiu looked at the painting again. When he looked again, he couldn't help but marvel and admire it. He said, "this is a real painting."

Bai Shan's eyes were bright and surprised at the painting. "How did general Qi Peng buy such a painting?"

Man Bao was also happy. "Such paintings can be handed down. Why didn't general Qi keep them by himself?"

Kong Jijiu said blandly, "because you are stupid and rich."


Bai Shan couldn't help looking at Kong's offering of wine, "since the offering of wine can recognize that it is genuine, it's obviously seen with general Qi, why don't you buy it?"

Give the sword to the hero, and Meitu should also be given to those who know how to appreciate him. This is worth it.

Such a picture is given to Bai Shan, otherwise it would be a bright pearl in the dust in the hands of general Qi Peng.

Kong Jijiu said angrily, "because I'm poor!"

Kong Jijiu may not be really poor, but general Qi Peng is really rich. Especially just after the eastern expedition, he got a lot of booty. He can harvest a lot of gold and silver by exchanging some luxury goods.

This picture of sage Lao Tzu suddenly appeared in the capital three months ago. It was in the hands of a rich businessman.

Kong Jijiu followed the people back and forth several times before he was convinced that it was genuine, while others were still hesitant. Some people thought it was true and others thought it was false.

The rich merchant insisted that it was true. He bought it from a scholar surnamed Sima. It was said that it was from the former royal Sima family. Therefore, he insisted on the price and refused to reduce it at all.

Although Kong was the prince's teacher and the Imperial College's toast, he was really poor compared with officials of the same grade.

However, he does not lack such things as food and clothing, but if he wants to buy luxury goods such as calligraphy and painting, his salary and professional income alone will be the same at most in a year.

It happened that the price of this picture of sage Lao Tzu was much higher than his annual income, so he had no money.

But the painting didn't sell. He followed people and looked at it many times. At the same time, he was also raising money to buy it.

Just then, general ASHNA returned from Liaodong.

Kong Jijiu and general ashner are good friends. Although general ashner hardly intercepts the spoils of war, the emperor will reward him a lot every time he goes to war.

Especially when he handed over the spoils of war, imagine that when everyone went to war together, others accounted for 30%, divided them into 30%, gave them to the emperor, and 10% might be handed over to the state treasury; General ashner gave 10% to the following soldiers, and the remaining 90% was handed over to the emperor and the Treasury.

Of course, the emperor would love him, so he would give him a large number of gifts, and general ashner left part of these gifts, and the rest was distributed to his soldiers.

But even if it's only part of it, it's much more than the income of Kong sacrificial wine in a year.

So he went to the door and took general ashner to see the painting. He thought that if he liked to buy it with money, he could often go to general ashner to see it in the future. If ashner didn't like it in the future, he might have enough money to buy it from general ashner.

As a result, general Qi Peng happened to be there. As soon as he heard that he was going to see the painting, he immediately followed.

After arriving at the place, he only looked at the painting and asked, "is this painting very nice?"

Kong Jijiu was too lazy to pay attention to such a rude man.

General ashner, who was also a military general, explained in a low voice: "the painting of the sage Lao Tzu was painted by Zhong Yao, so it is not the painting itself. If it was painted by Zhong Yao alone, its value is not low."

General Qi, who had no culture, asked, "who is Zhong you?"