Chapter 2758

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The emperor took people back to the main account, leaving only a few important ministers and generals, and the rest let them go to the news.

Zhou man was also kept.

He looked at the crowd. "What do Aiqing think of Bai Qing's proposal?"

Feng Shangshu said: "you can have a try. If you succeed, the loss will be smaller than that of a strong attack."

The Duke of Zhao was very hopeless. "The city walls are strong, and these Koguryo soldiers are also prisoners. They can't ask to open the city gate, or they will subdue them. I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense."

But Niu Cishi said, "rats have rat ways, snakes have snake ways. Maybe there is such a place?"

The emperor also thought so. The cost here is not big, but some medicinal materials and food. The most important thing is to be full.

So the emperor looked at Zhou man and said with a smile, "I'll entrust it to Zhou Qing."

Man Bao bowed down.

The emperor said, "this thing needs to be done, but we also need to make another kind of preparation. Koguryo dares to use this poisonous trick. Obviously, she still has great expectations. It is impossible to surrender in a short time. "

He said: "select death squads from the army, write down their names, places of origin and families, and give them heavy rewards whether they live or die."

Duke Zhao asked, "when is the raid?"

The emperor turned to look at the dark sky outside and said coldly, "tonight is a good time. They must be very happy to have seriously injured my two ministers."

Feng Shangshu immediately asked, "where does your majesty want to raid? The tower? "

Yesterday, Koguryo just watered the city wall. Now it's slippery. Even if the other party's defense is relaxed, it's time to raid with half the effort. Maybe it's not even half the effort.

He did not recommend risking the lives of his soldiers.

The emperor glanced at him and said, "nature is not a city gate."

He motioned Gu Zhong to bring the map. After unfolding it, he pointed to several places and said, "we attack from the East. This area has been subdued by us all, but we still keep the northeast and Southeast."

Even the Duke of Zhao couldn't help saying nothing, "Your Majesty, there are only three towns in these two places, not even a county."

What's the point of them fighting down in such a place?

It doesn't cost much troops, okay?

The emperor said, "anyway, there is no good result in attacking the domestic city now. They are in a mood to besiege the city. Everyone is idle. It's better to take all this piece."

General ashner asked, "Your Majesty wants the domestic city to become a real isolated city?"

The emperor sneered and said, "after taking down these important towns, collect grain and grass in situ, find the big families in the town, and what are the inside length and so on. The soldiers are short of grain and grass, which is just enough."

He wants to see how long the domestic city can last without external support and support.

Although others felt that this method would not work, they still listened.

Anyway, that is the town. Next to it are some small counties. There are not many defenders in the city. It is not difficult for the Jin army to win them.

They don't fight these places because it's not worth it.

Take the domestic city and step into the Koguryo palace. Even if Koguryo dies, these small towns don't have to fight. They directly belong to Dajin;

Unable to take the domestic city, they sent troops to attack these places. After they retreat, these places will still return to Koguryo's arms. Therefore, it is really unnecessary to send troops out. It is not only a waste of troops, but also a waste of food and grass.

But it would be different in the name of collecting grain and grass.

Now the Jin army still has to feed the poor people in the small town, so there is a shortage of food and grass.

They now have only two sources of food and grass. The Ministry of household raises money at home and the army collects it from the captured cities.

Although it looks a lot, the domestic city still doesn't know when to encircle. It's always no problem to prepare more.

So Xue GUI, Niu Jishi and others took the initiative to invite troops to fight.

The Emperor gave them two teams of troops and horses to attack the towns in the northeast and Southeast.

When Gao Zhi knew this, Xue GUI and Niu Jishi had connected more than ten towns and three cities.

It's not that Gaozhi news lags behind, but that they are too fast.

The troops around the domestic city were either transferred to Anshi city for support, but now they have become prisoners. That is, they were called into the domestic city to defend the domestic city and the palace together.

There are not many soldiers in the city at all. Most of them are yamen guards guarding the city, not to mention the villages and towns outside. In addition to the habitual defense of some large families leading their servants, the Jin army is like entering a deserted land.

Mainly Koguryo did not expect that the Jin army would waste its troops to attack these towns.

These places are neither gateways nor on their way of attack. They have no strategic significance, okay?

Who knows they'll take it?

After Xue GUI and Niu Jishi occupied these places, they began to collect food and grass.

As soon as the problem was discovered, many poor people directly cried to the ground, and some even preferred to escape in the cold weather rather than take out food and grass.

"General, in the past two months, Koguryo has collected food and grass three times. Many people don't have food at all now. We went into the house and looked for it. Several families directly ate bark."

Another soldier said, "it's not pure bark. There's still a little rice in it, but there aren't many. Dozens of them."

Xue GUI:

He can only call the soldiers back. Instead of conscription, the Koguryo people who have quietly Mimi to escape are stunned.

Xue GUI also sat on the stone in a daze. "No wonder Feng Shangshu and Duke Zhao didn't agree to raid these places..."

Because it's really not worth it. It's a waste of troops and food.

When the troops are dispatched, the soldiers have a large amount of exercise. Coupled with the cold, they consume more food and grass than usual, okay?

Xue GUI scratched his head with a headache.

Niu Jishi on the other side, after occupying the town and the big village below, directly asked people to call the old people in the village and the town for questioning. After asking about Koguryo's tax situation in the past six months, he had a rough idea.

Then he drew a piece casually and brought the children of each family to ask questions. What do you eat early, what do you eat late, what time do you sleep, what do you do every day, and whose evening food is the most delicious

As soon as the call was asked, Niu Jishi didn't go to the homes of ordinary people. He directly took his soldiers and horses to sit in several families.

He doesn't have to open his mouth. The owner's house will prepare several carts of grain for him to take away.

Niu Jishi calculated that these food and grass were enough for their own consumption, and there was no number of people to support the army at all.

However, he thought about it and felt that it was not a loss. At least the army would spend less than 2000 people's food and grass, so he could earn the rest of the food and grass.

So he said to the lingbing, "go back and tell the logistics that we don't need to provide food and grass for the time being. We can be self-sufficient."