Chapter 2682

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
When passing by the medical tent, I found that they directly occupied the eldest brother's land, and the wounded soldiers in front were still sending them down.

Niu Jishi couldn't help reining in his horse. He glanced and saw a wounded soldier covered in blood carried down from a stretcher. His face turned white and the whole person was lying unconscious.

Niu Jishi was slightly surprised. They generally gave up such wounded soldiers. Even if they carried them, they also carried them to one side first to rescue the people who could still live.

He looked up and found that some of the wounded soldiers were carried and others supported each other.

The medical account is more lively than ever, and there are more people coming and going.

After thinking about it, he called and didn't hurry to get back to the master account.

Wen Tiandong took several soldiers standing at the intersection and could walk by himself or by being supported. He looked at the wound and pointed out the position to them, "go over there..."

When being carried, he also looked at the wound quickly and realized that the bleeding was not particularly fierce to the other side, while those who had lost consciousness, or the blood gushed and gushed, and the injured position was more dangerous, they were sent to the medical account.

Niu Jishi got off the horse with a whip and was about to talk to him. Wen Tiandong couldn't see a healthy person in his eyes. He only scanned those who were not hurt. He didn't care at all, so as soon as he came up, Wen Tiandong pushed him aside, went up to see the person on the stretcher, touched his neck and found that he was still angry. He glanced at the person covered with blood and fixed his eyes on his arm, "Where else was the injury except the arm?" he asked

The lying man was unconscious, and the carrying man said, "I don't know. It seems that he hurt his arm."

Wen Tiandong nodded, turned his head and shouted inside, "Su mu, Chen Banxia, there is a serious injury."

Su Mu was sewing a wound. For a moment, he couldn't draw his hand. Chen Banxia ran out, looked at it and said, "we need blood transfusion."

She couldn't do it alone, so she turned and ran. She called Zhou Liru and went to get the blood transfusion device.

Wen Tiandong said, "the medical account has no place. Put people on that table."

Niu Jishi wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth at all. Wen Tiandong received four wounded soldiers who came with each other. After looking at the wounds, he found that they were small wounds, so he pointed to the other side and said, "go there..."

Niu Jishi turned and walked in. He just saw two soldiers carrying the wounded soldier to a table. Then he saw the little girl who always followed Lord Zhou take out scissors and cut all the people's clothes in three or two times. Then he took out a needle to stab people. Finally, he took out a saw and another little girl came forward to help, They pulled a saw and saw out the man's arm.

Niu Jishi's eyes widened.

The two little ladies threw the sawn hands into a basket, and then took the medicine bag to stop bleeding. On the other side, a little lady held up a pole and put a needle on his arm. He knew the thing. He had heard that Duke Zhao mentioned it before and said it was very precious. The whole Pacific Medical Department could not make several pairs. Having it on the battlefield was equivalent to half a life.

The three little women divide the work, one covers the medicine bag to stop bleeding, one pricks the needle to stop bleeding, one transfuses blood, and then sutures

The blood stopped slowly.

But they did so much. After stitching, a little woman reached out and touched his pulse. Her face changed slightly and said, "no, he has no pulse."

So they began to press his chest, three people separated, one person did it for a while, cycling back and forth.

Niu Jishi frowned and went forward. Seeing that his lips were white, he couldn't help touching his neck and pursed his mouth and said, "he's dead."

Zhou Liru didn't care about him, but continued to press.

The three people took turns. After about a quarter of an hour, they had a pulse again.

Niu Jishi opened his mouth in surprise.

Zhou Liru exhaled, turned his head and said to Chen Banxia, "call the teacher quickly. He can't just take ready-made prescriptions."

This man needs blood and Qi, especially Qi. As long as he can hold this breath, he can live.

Chen Banxia ran to find someone.

Man Bao's clothes were full of blood. It looked worse than the soldiers coming down from the battlefield. Even his neck was stained with blood.

She came out and saw Niu Jishi standing aside. After nodding to him, she went to see the wounded soldier, checked the wound, touched the pulse, learned that he had just lost his breath, lowered her eyes, thought, and said, "go and get six yuan for baked angelica, five yuan for ginseng, three yuan for dried ginger and three yuan for Ligusticum chuanxiong..."

Man Bao read the prescription. Chen Banxia read it again. After confirming that it was correct, he went down to boil the medicine. Man Bao called her and said, "take two ginseng tablets for him."

Chen Banxia responded and turned away.

Man Bao looked at Niu Cishi, "Niu Cishi came to see the wounded soldiers?"

Niu Jishi nodded quietly.

Man Bao turned and said, "let's go. I'll show you."

Then she led him to the other side, which was mostly moderately injured. She didn't lead Niu Jishi around, but said, "look around."

Then deal with the wounded who are waiting in line for help.

Even if man Bao has 28 students, plus the original two military doctors and the old, weak, sick and disabled logistics soldiers who helped in the medical account, it is still not enough.

After a great war, not many people died, but many people were injured.

West cake followed Zhou man with a medicine box, and Niu Jishi didn't go. He stood on the side and saw that they kept cutting clothes with scissors, or applying medicine to stop bleeding, or sewing to stop bleeding, and then filling a bowl of medicine. Some still needed to saw their legs and arms.

Others need to cut the turned meat and clean up the dirt in the wound bit by bit with tweezers or knives.

Most of them are women. They look at Jiao Didi, but when they scrape meat with a knife, their faces are full of blood and haven't changed much.

Chen Banxia and others think that this day is full of such patients, and they have changed long before. However, they will still panic when they encounter seriously injured patients.

Niu Jishi stood on the side and looked. Finally, he turned to the other side.

On the other side were the soldiers who were slightly injured. They stretched out their arms and teased the little women while bandaging them. "Little lady, if you look at my body, you have to be responsible for me."

The girl student blushed, and then when she applied the medicine, she severely pressed the wound and let the other party scream like a pig. Only then did she bandage the wound.

The soldier was so angry that he raised his hand to beat her. Niu Jishi kicked the man down and shouted angrily, "did you save him? Don't apologize to the doctor soon. "

He turned his head and smiled at the little lady. He flattered her a little and said, "don't mind, little lady. These big bastards have bad mouths, but they don't have any bad thoughts."

The girl student's eyes were slightly red and hummed: "I'm not afraid. Who's afraid? If you have the ability, don't get hurt next time, or you'll have to fall into our hands, hum!"

She picked up the medicine box and went to see the next one.

When Niu Jishi saw that she was gone, he stretched out his hand and patted the veteran's head. "If it's all right, go there and the medical account. Look at your colleagues whose arms and legs have been sawn, fool!"