Chapter 2462

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Let's watch Zhou man vaccinate. In a word, Zhou man is the first person with such a special honor. Most of the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital are here.

Xiao Yuan is operating a knife himself. After making a small cut in the inner side of her arm, she planted the vaccinia. After planting, Xiao Yuan said, "OK, doctor Zhou, have a good rest."

It's impossible to rest. Although she got vaccinated, she didn't live in the ward, but still lived in her own yard, but her yard was locked, and Xibing and jiulan moved to the next yard.

However, Dr. Lu brought her a lot of things, all of which were the pulse records and data of the experimenter this time. "This is one third. For your vaccination sake, I will bear the remaining two-thirds."

Man Bao:

She accepted these things silently.

So man Bao's daily life is not much different from that before, except that his diet is lighter and he can only relax in the yard.

The next evening, man Bao got a little hot. She didn't feel it herself, but the doctor Lu who came to see her saw that she was hot at one glance. When he touched her forehead, it was really a low fever, so he took a look at her arm.

Man Bao also stared at his arm. "He hasn't had acne yet. He may have to wait another day. Let's have a look tomorrow."

Doctor Lu nodded and told, "don't stay up late tonight. Go to bed early. If you feel uncomfortable, call someone. We're all next door."


After he left, man Bao immediately asked Koko, "am I okay?"

Koko: "it's okay."

Man Bao touched his bouncing chest, "it makes me very nervous."


Man Bao decides to have a chat with teacher mo. anyway, across the Starry Sea, even if she and teacher Mo face-to-face, they can't infect each other.

Mr. Mo is also curious about her symptoms. After all, the previous pulse records were recorded and passed to him after she read them. He hasn't really seen the patient, let alone communicate face-to-face with the patient.

Out of curiosity about the people of that era and that world, Mr. Mo deliberately put down his experiment and ran to the Internet to watch.

Let Zhou man turn around and show him. Unfortunately, it's just a light curtain projection and can't be actually touched. Therefore, he only saw that her cheeks were a little red, and there were a little more blood in her eyes. He couldn't see too many abnormalities on her face.

"This is a normal manifestation of fever. What's your temperature now?"

Man Bao asked Koko. Koko reported, "thirty seven degrees eight."

Teacher Mo said, "it's a little high. According to this temperature, you should have acne soon. Pay attention these two hours. If it continues to heat up, you should be careful. "

Teacher Mo said, "you have an antidote in your body. It is said that even if you are infected with smallpox, you should recover faster than ordinary people, and the risk should be less."

Mr. Mo said it well. Zhou man's risk is really small. Her maximum temperature is 37 degrees and 8 degrees. Before she lay down and fell asleep, she felt a little itchy on the inner side of her arm. When she raised her arm and looked at the light, she saw a pox.

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked Koko, "what's my temperature now?"

"37 degrees seven."

A little more.

Man Bao's eyes are bright, he resists the feeling of scratching, and honestly puts his hand in front of his abdomen to sleep.

Although her arm is really itchy and she wants to grab it, she is also really sleepy. Today, she sorted and summarized half of the pulse records and data she handed in. She was so tired and didn't take a nap. She finished a little more

And the fever was really sleepy, and his head was a little dizzy. Manbao was thinking. His eyelids became heavier and heavier. He felt that the itch on his arm was away from her, so she fell asleep.

Man Bao woke up once in the night and was itched. She turned over several times irritably and refused to grasp. Later, she fell asleep again.

The next day, man Bao woke up by the light. She jumped up from the bed, rolled her sleeve, looked at the inner side of her arm and saw three closely adjacent acne. She reached out and touched her forehead and asked, "Koko, how many degrees have I been?"

"Thirty seven degrees."

"So accurate?"

Koko: Yes

Man Bao was delighted. "Even if it doesn't burn, I haven't taken any medicine yet."

When Keke saw her look of regret, he couldn't help asking, "does the host temporarily fill a bowl of medicine?"

"Then you don't have to," man Baolian hurriedly said, "it's not easy to waste. You'd better save the medicine and leave it to the people who need it more."

Man Bao gets up, washes and dresses. Jiulan and Xibing talk to her across the gate. "Madam, what do you want to eat? We'll prepare it for you."

Man Bao thought for a moment and said, "forget it. Give the Sao Zi to doctor Lu. I'll have some porridge and some pickles."

Only with pickles is impossible. Jiulan cut her some meat, which is not very greasy. Doctor Lu allowed it.

In addition to egg water, man Bao can eat everything with relish.

After breakfast, Dr. Lu came to see her, touched her forehead, took another look at the pox on the inside of her arm, nodded with satisfaction and said, "yes, see if there will be fever today. If you don't continue to have pox and fever today, the probability of pox in the next two days is not large."

Doctor Lu asked her, "do you want to take medicine?"

Man Bao refused, "I think my body can heal itself without taking medicine."

Doctor Lu is not reluctant. Her symptoms don't look very severe. He walked around the yard, made sure she was all right, and then left, but he came back soon.

Unlike Zhou man who sneaked to the teaching room at night, he was working overtime at night. There was no way. There was nothing to do in the imperial villa. Especially after Zhou man got vaccinated, even the people who talked were locked up, so he had to work overtime.

Doctor Lu, who works overtime, is fast and has sorted out the pulse records on his hands.

He took the data to Zhou man, and they compared it and made a summary.

Therefore, the test data of these two times are also summarized and can be directly put into the file for storage.

Dr. Lu exhaled, looked at Zhou man and said, "I'm short of you now."

Man Bao was very confident in himself and asked, "Dr. Lu, after I had smallpox, would you like your children to plant it?"

Dr. Lu: "my son is not young. He is not good at planting."

"Isn't there a grandson?"

Dr. Lu: "I don't have grandchildren yet."

"Oh, my granddaughter is the same. How can you favor one over the other?"

Dr. Lu: "she's less than a year old!"

"It's a little small," man Bao thought. "I'll talk to doctor Xiao later. I remember he has a grandson who is six years old. It should be appropriate."

Doctor Lu stopped talking and nodded.