Chapter 2381

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The man who was held by Zhou man trembled. Man Bao noticed his trembling and smiled at him. Unfortunately, she was wearing a mask. The other party couldn't see her smile, but saw her eyes bent. She thought it was a treacherous smile, so she trembled even more. The whole person was soft, slipped to the ground, shook his lips and said, "spare your life, spare your life, sir..."

Man Bao:... Is she so terrible?

Man Bao looks back at Xiao Yuanzheng.

Xiao Yuan is slightly frowning, some angry greetings to the steward on the side, "how do you choose the person?"

Even if there is a problem with food and drink, now even people have a problem?

The steward was sweating. He waved to ask someone to drag him down, but Zhou man raised his hand to stop him. She put her hand on his shoulder, stared at the trembling young man and asked, "have you listened to the orders to go out in the sun and walk these days?"

After the young man was stunned, he swallowed his saliva nervously and nodded again and again.

Man Bao asked briskly, "have you seen the veterans and disabled soldiers living in the house over there?"

The young man nodded. Man Bao felt his body relaxed, so he continued to ask, "have you talked to them?"

The young man whispered, "yes."

Man Bao: "then you should know that they have all been vaccinated. Have you seen the acne marks on them?"

The young man hesitated and nodded.

"Since I've seen it, I should know that there aren't many vaccinia. Look at them, some are old enough to have gray hair, some are short of arms and legs, and some are disabled. The healthiest ones also have one or two injuries. Although they are soldiers who kill the enemy on the battlefield, their bodies are really not as healthy as yours, so they can carry smallpox vaccinia, It's easier for you. "

Man Bao said, "we don't vaccinate in Tai hospital to make people get smallpox in vain, but to make more people face smallpox and won't be infected again in the future. So our goal is to cure smallpox. You can rest assured. "

I feel that the young man has relaxed a lot. Although he is still shaking, he won't feel weak and faint.

Man Bao quickly stabbed the inside of his arm. He only felt pain. Then he saw Zhou man put something on his wound. Liu Yizhu, who had been waiting for him, immediately took the cloth and tied it up.

Man Bao stopped, smiled with him and said, "it's okay. The blood will stop soon. The cloth can be taken down in a while."

Soon, when all six people in a room had been vaccinated, they took off the cloth strip after waiting in the room and threw the vaccinia in a fine sack.

It's not something that can be done in one day. Xiao Yuan is deciding to finish it in two days.

The used vaccinia were taken to a room for destruction. There was a stove in it. A fire was started early. The temperature inside was the highest at this time. Under the supervision of the imperial doctor, all the vaccinia were thrown in for destruction.

Before leaving, Xiao Yuan told Zhou man and Lu Taiyi, "this thing is a big killing weapon. You must keep an eye on it. Things can only stay within these three levels, not to mention outside the imperial villa, but not outside the level."

Man Bao and doctor Lu replied with a serious face.

Man Bao thought of Xiao Yuanzheng's operation and all kinds of tricks in the books he had read before, so he lowered his voice and asked him, "do you suspect that someone wants to steal smallpox vaccine to frame our hospital?"

Xiao Yuanzheng: "... Doctor Zhou is really smart. I can't think of this unless you mention it."

He was just worried that someone would steal it to harm others. As for the harm to Taitai hospital, he couldn't use such a method.

He asked for money. His hatred was not so deep.

However, when Zhou man said this, he also felt flustered, so he said: "I have told the guard's guard that we, including us, should also search the things on our body at the entrance and exit. We are not allowed to take things suspected of smallpox vaccine out, as well as our clothes, shoes and socks, which can only enter but not out."

Man Bao asked, "our clothes at last..."

"Burn them all." Xiao Yuan said, "do you think that room is just for burning vaccinia? There's too much to burn. "

Man Bao was distressed. When he went back, he said to cake jiulan, "I knew I'd take fewer sets of clothes. Two of them are still very beautiful. I thought I'd go out for an outing and put them on."

Jiulan: "madam, I think it's hard to catch up with the outing."

Man Bao immediately said, "bah, bah, don't talk to the crow."

Man Bao sat on the couch, looked outside and sighed, "I don't know how the fifth brother talked with the steward. Ask Xiao Yuanzheng tomorrow. I don't know if the Steward will report to Xiao Yuanzheng."

On Friday, Lang and they had already settled. When they came here in the morning, they fell behind Xiao Yuan and were one step behind them.

Because Xiao Yuan was saying hello, as soon as they arrived, they directly met the steward last time. This conversation was much smoother than last time. There would be no more buyers raising prices and sellers pressing prices.

However, this is not a normal bargaining, because the other party agreed as soon as the price was offered on Friday, and there was no struggle at all. There was neither price increase nor price reduction. Even the quantity they could provide on Friday was not controversial, and they directly responded as soon as they mentioned it.

Then within half an hour, they signed the deed, directly signed and sealed it, and the steward paid them a deposit.

He personally sent people to the gate of the imperial villa, looked at Wu Lang with a smile and said, "I really didn't expect that Wu Ye's backer is so powerful. He is a small man who has eyes and doesn't know gold and jade. He offended me earlier."

On Friday, Lang didn't understand, but he immediately said, "adults are joking. Where can we rely on small families?"

Zhou Lizhong smiled and said, "no matter how big our backer is, it's not as good as adults. The so-called county officials are better than now. In the future, our uncles and nephews hope adults will take more care of us."

The steward was stunned for a moment. After a while, he said sadly, "young master Zhou, you're welcome. I want to take care of you. I'm afraid I don't have a chance."

On Friday, Lang and Zhou Lizhong were puzzled, and then when they sent the first batch of eggs, broilers and vegetables as agreed on the third day, they found that the supervisor had changed.

And not only changed a steward, I heard that more than half of the steward of Taitai hospital in Huangzhuang was changed. They looked at each other and were a little confused.

After Liu Sanniang returned, she told them, "it's a small matter. The big thing is that the chief officials of the NEISHI province have been changed. It's said that the NEISHI and steward in charge of purchasing have been changed from outside to inside. Those who are lucky are just transferred to other places. Those who are unlucky are directly assigned to each imperial villa to do coolies."

On Friday Lang opened his mouth and asked, "for what?"

Liu Sanniang didn't speak. Why?

Of course, it's because the person in charge of purchasing is too greedy, which makes Xiao Yuan unhappy.

But she heard her grandfather mention it. At first, it was because of the master's boast about how good the village she operated in, and then

Liu Sanniang shook her head, removed all the distractions in her mind, and said to the two humanitarians: "anyway, it has little to do with us. We don't want to participate in it, just give the goods honestly. However, I heard that Huangzhuang is going to look for people who supply goods again. The prices of those people who supplied goods before are also falsely high, and Xiao Yuan is not very satisfied."

Zhou Lizhong's eyes brightened and he thought deeply.