Chapter 2295

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Koko continued to walk forward for two days. They scanned the place a day after they entered the desert.

It's not right in front of them. The direction deviates and is still within its scanning range.

Man Bao whispers to Bai Shan.

Bai Shan didn't ask anything. He just pretended to study with the drawings, and the team changed direction.

After walking for half a day, Keke said to man Bao, "go further and enter the radiation area."

Man Bao looked forward and didn't see Tiankeng.

This is different from the known pit, so man Bao didn't speak, but directly led them forward.

After trotting forward for half an hour, they saw a pit. It was not very big, but it was different from the usual pit in the desert. It hit very deep and directly exposed the sand and gravel below.

Everyone came forward and looked at it. At one glance, two young Danshi village people who had looked for gemstones in the Tiankeng said, "this is such a pit!"

Man Bao turned back and said to them, "quit ten miles and find a place to camp."

That not only exits the radiation range, but also exits the line of sight.

Everyone step back orderly.

This time, man Bao and Bai Shan still only took Daji in, but they didn't let Daji close, just let him watch from a distance.

Although the pit is deep, it is much smaller. There are some scattered stones inside. The largest one is only as big as the head and has a very thick stone skin. It is also because of this stone skin that its radiation is not so strong.

The scattered small stones show the beautiful color inside. If someone passes here, they will be taken away as gemstones.

Man Bao gathered all the stones together and sent them to the teaching room. Then he sat in the pit with Bai Shan and rested. He was still tired of digging.

Even with the help of two digging robots, they have to lift the stones together, don't they?

Bai Shan dug out a very special stone from the sand and stone and curiously raised it to man Bao, "look at this."

She said, "it didn't fall from the sky."

Bai Shan couldn't help laughing. "Of course I know it didn't fall from the sky. Do you think it's very moist, but it has a unique shape?"

Man Bao stared. The stone was not very big, but it was not small. It was estimated that it was a third of her height, but the width was about the same as her upper body.

Before, half of it was buried under sand and stone. When the excavation robot dug a stone, it dug down next to it, so it revealed half of its body.

Bai Shan thought it looked good, so he took a medicine hoe and continued to dig, and then dug it out.

Several layers of stones are stacked together, but they are not stacked very closely, so there is a sense of mountains, and there are many holes in the stone.

It looks like a cave.

But the color is not very good-looking. Most of them are yellow like sand, and a few are gray. Well, they are gray black.

Man Bao bent his fingers and knocked. His voice was clear and beautiful.

Man Bao asked Koko, "is it poisonous after staying here so long?"

Koko scanned it and said, "there's no poison."

What's poisonous is the sand and stone further down.

Man Bao was relieved. He waved his hand and said, "take it back if you like."

So man Bao and Bai Shan took a stone and went back to Daji.

They said to him, "those poisonous stones have been treated. This one is not poisonous."

"We think it looks good and plan to take it back to Mr. Zhuang."

What can Daji do? I can only reach out and carry it back to them.

Returning to the camp, Bai Shan said to them, "it's all handled, but some places under the sand are infected, so we can only wait for time to slowly consume the toxicity."

The guards have already had an experience. They should start packing up and going back when they get off.

It's poisonous. They won't come here again anyway.

But the two young people in Danshi village feel a little trance. Is this the end of the day?

They looked for this Tiankeng for 14 days, but it only took one day to solve it.

"Come on, let's go back to them and see if there's any news in their direction."

The other team didn't find Tiankeng within the time, but they also inquired about a lot of news according to Bai Shan's way of asking for news. If they saw anything strange that night, they asked the direction. In this way, they looked along the direction and still had some news.

They turned several directions and villages and handed the corrected road map to Bai Shan, which saved Bai Shan a lot of energy.

As soon as Bai shanlue thought about it, he asked them to go back to Danshi village first. "Let's go to the next village and town to add some drinking water and find it along your road. It takes up to a month to go back and forth. You go back first and report peace."

Otherwise, it will take them too long to go back to Danshi village and find another direction.

They have been out for more than a month.

The people in Danshi village had no problem. They only left two people with their team to lead Bai Shan. The rest went back.

Because a team of people had passed by, Bai Shan saved time and effort when they walked again. The young man who led them pointed to the distance and said, "there is a village from mid day to sunset along this road, but they said that the fireball fell in that direction. We went there at that time, but we changed this road when we came back. Soon."

Bai Shan asked, "how fast?"

"After walking in that direction from that village for one day, we entered the desert. We walked all the way. We didn't find it for four days, because we came back in half a month."

He said, "when you come back, just look at the direction of sunrise. So we went out of the desert in two days and came here from morning to noon. Look, there are still sticks we inserted."

The journey was indeed much shorter.

Bai Shan said, "let's go this way."

The youth of Danshi village had the experience of looking for Tiankeng, and he believed in their judgment of direction.

So they didn't go to the place where there were villages. They had enough water and didn't need to add it, so they went directly to the edge of the desert and went in directly.

After less than two days, they came to the place where the young people said. They also made marks here, three sticks. At this time, the sticks had not been blown down by the wind and sand.

When he got here, the young man didn't know where to go. He could only gesture: "they said they saw it falling in that direction. Aini was going to take us forward, but the desert was too deep. We were afraid of not enough water, and it was half a month..."

Bai Shan said he understood. After looking at man Bao, he decided to move on.

After another day and a half, man Bao wondered if the young people were really looking for the right direction. Keke said, "I found it."

Man Bao's spirit perked up, replaced Bai Shan and showed him the way, "let's go in that direction."

Now even Daji looked at it. Every time miss man said so, she could often find it.

Sure enough, the young master turned without thinking.

Daji didn't ask, but silently led people to turn. Everyone stepped forward. Sure enough, they found Tiankeng at sunset.

Bai Shan looked at the sky, turned and said, "let's go. Let's stay away from it and come to deal with it tomorrow."