Chapter 2268

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Bai Shan nodded and said, "we'll settle the rest of the money to you in two days?"

The heavy rain immediately laughed, "it's easy to say."

In this way, it would be difficult for them to live together again. He decided to take people back to the Inn and move out tomorrow.

Alas, the place where these aristocratic family CHILDES live is too expensive.

After this, everyone talked about other things. Nie joined the army and said, "we don't have to go to the barracks here?"

Bai Shan nodded. "I'll go to the capital guard's house tonight. If General Guo mentions this, I'll explain."

If they didn't mention it, they naturally didn't need to mention it, but the other party acquiesced at that time.

Nie joined the army and put his heart down. Only then did he have time to care about other things. "How can General Guo seem to have an opinion on our mission?"

Everyone turned around to see Liu Huan.

Liu Huan: "... Why do you look at me? I, I'm still a child. I don't know anything."

The youngest Zhou Liru couldn't help but dislike him. "You're so old and still have children?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled and told him, "when you go to the capital guard house, follow Bai Shan and don't go alone."

Liu Huanying.

Mr. Zhuang continued, "don't eat the wine of the capital guard. In short, be careful what they eat."

Liu Huan responded, but always felt that the advice was familiar, much like what his grandmother told several cousins.

Such a comparison, Liu Huan some heart.

Mr. Zhuang finally took only two pieces of cloth and went to the banquet. There was no way. Although they had many things, the most was this kind of goods. They really didn't bring any interesting local products.

Anxidu's guard house was located in the original palace in Gaochang.

The whole palace was changed into a yamen for handling affairs. General Guo's family lived in the palace.

Although the Gaochang palace is far less than the Imperial Palace in the capital, it is also extremely luxurious, far better than the general Jiedu envoy's house.

The main reason is that the door is too high and too big, which has long been against the system, but General Guo who lives here seems to have no intention of changing.

When they entered the palace... Oh, no, they were led by servants. Fortunately, they entered from the side door. As soon as they entered, General Guo's family lived. If they entered from the front door, they had to go through many yamen offices.

Houji raided the Gaochang royal family, but they couldn't take the house away, and many things in it were not damaged, so they saw a lot of strange scenery along the way.

The banquet was held in a lobby, which seemed to be the main hall of the original royal family. The room was quite large. There were desk and couch on the left and right sides. Fortunately, the desk headed by Zhou man was not high above. Otherwise, Zhou man would have to consider whether to tell the emperor that General Guo was plotting against the truth.

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't like to get involved in such a thing at all.

Bai Shan didn't like it either, so they sat down in their own position and were silent.

General Guo doesn't seem to want to embarrass them on the seating order, and Zhou man's official products are high here in the western regions. The five products, that is, General Guo and two deputy generals in the army are above her, and the rest, including Guo Zhao, are under her.

General Meng also came early, because he came to support. He was a guest and took a good seat. He was diagonally opposite Liu Huan. As soon as he saw them, he covered his stomach and shook over to say hello, "Lord Zhou, I still want to find you."

Man Bao's eyes fell on his stomach and asked, "is the wound cracked again?"

General Meng gave a "hiss" sound. He had cracked once before charging. The second suture felt much more painful than the first. He said, "it didn't crack, but it bled."

He lowered his voice and said, "doctor Zhou, I don't think my wound medicine is as good as you used before."

Man Bao said, "there's Panax Notoginseng Powder in it. It's all used up."

General Meng looked sorry and man Bao said, "but I'm going to make some more hemostatic ointment and hemostatic powder. Although there is no Panax notoginseng, the effect should be better than yours. Let someone come to me later."

Then he told, "general Meng, you can't drink, eat too greasy things, and don't move around."

She said faintly, "you shouldn't have come to the party."

General Meng said, "... There's no way. This is a dust washing banquet specially organized by General Guo for me. If I don't come, I won't give him face. I'll tell my father later."

"No wonder you people in war always have all kinds of hidden wounds and old diseases, not only because you are always injured, but also because you haven't taken good care of after you are injured," man Baodun said after a pause, "but isn't tonight's banquet a dust washing banquet for our mission?"

General Meng: "... The steward clearly said it was for me."

Man Bao: "coincidentally, the steward said it was for our mission."

The two stared at each other.

Bai Shan said, "there's nothing to argue about. The two sides are right together. That's what General Guo said. Just listen to it for the time being. Tonight is mainly to contact feelings and prepare for sending troops to Kucha later?"

General Meng turned to look at him, "how do you know?" Guo Zhao told him this in private.

Bai Shan raised his chin and motioned them to see several generals standing nearby talking together. "Their voice is too loud. They have been scolding how tortoise is unkind. It will be as sweet as honey before next year. It's just a rumor. They will spit at each other after two years."

General Meng was still a little confused and couldn't react. "What rumors?"

"Your Majesty also got smallpox. Isn't it always preached in the western regions?" Bai Shan looked at him curiously and asked, "why, don't you know?"

"Oh, I know." General Meng looked cold. Of course he knew. Guo Zhao mentioned these things to him, but why did Bai Shan know everything?

Nobody told him that.

Bai Shan has turned his head and said to man Bao, "when we find someone, we'll ask. If we're close to the tortoise, we'd better take NIE to join them."

Man Bao nods.

General Meng couldn't help asking, "who are you looking for?"

Bai Shan said, "a group of people."

So perfunctory?

Little general Meng also asked. Bai Shan had laughed and opened the topic and asked, "little general Meng, do you want to stay and participate in the battle of Kucha?"

General Meng was silent for a moment before he said, "since I'm here, I naturally listen to General Guo's orders."

However, General Guo is likely to transfer him to frighten the Tibetan army and make them dare not invade when the Anxi army starts fighting against Kucha.

The reason why the Anxi army asked for help at this time was to reopen the trade route. The second reason was that they couldn't guarantee the rear because they wanted to fight the tortoise. The Tubo side was used to being cunning and would take advantage of it.