Chapter 2227

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Erge said faintly: "you just arrived in Liangzhou city for two days, so you didn't check carefully, but you'll know if you send someone to inquire carefully. If you don't get up, I'll take you up the mountain. I have only one condition. I want to be the second leader of your caravan. I'm telling you this just to make you prepare in advance so that you don't get angry when you find something on the mountain. "

Jin kui'an hesitated. Did he really get up?

He turned to a man and said, "give him a horse."

So they hurried to the stronghold.

It was emptied by the assassins, so now it is an empty mountain and no one is stationed.

Erge took them directly to a place. From a distance, he had a bad intuition when he saw the turned up ground. When he came to the front, he looked at the big pit and his forehead was blue and couldn't help jumping.

Jin kui'an had a bad intuition and said with an iron blue face, "don't tell me that things are hidden here."

Erge nodded with a green face. "Yes, a big coffin was prepared by the general for himself. He put all the gold, silver and jewelry he could take away for me in it."

Jin kui'an's face was ugly. He turned his head and glared at him fiercely and said, "don't you have people in Liangzhou city? Call them out for questioning. "

I don't believe him.

Erge glanced at him and said, "they are in the city. Do you think anyone can get out of the city now?"

Duan Jishi has strict control over Liangzhou. Some of his current staff are still arranged in the past. They usually seem very ordinary. If they hadn't done little for him before, they have something in his hands, and he wouldn't command them at all.

Jin quian said, "do you think I can accept a trip in vain?"

After a moment of silence with a calm face, Erge said, "I'll contact them."

"I'll give you two days at most, Erge. I brought my brothers all the way to Liangzhou not to save you from prison."

Erge knew that if he could not give enough benefits to each other, his future might not be much better than that in prison.

After waiting for a day, Erge pretended to be a herdsman and asked the vegetable farmers in the suburbs to pass a word to the people in the city.

They met people in the afternoon.

It's no secret that assassin Duan found the treasure on the mountain. Let alone that there were so many soldiers watching at that time, it was to calm the army and let the Liangzhou army know that they have money and food. Assassin Duan can't hide it.

Therefore, we can know all about it at the slightest inquiry, and it is also very legendary.

"It's said that the young lady and childe from the capital are powerful. They can see through the miasma at a glance. They helped Duan Jishi find the treasure on the mountain." The humanitarian who was threatened by Erge out of the city: "I know so much, and there are only so many legends outside."

"How many treasures did they find?"

"There are only three famous places."

"Is there a coffin?"

"Yes, it's a big coffin. The wood is OK. At that time, the Liangzhou army carried it back. It's said that it is now in the assassin's residence. The officials and soldiers call it a blessing coffin. They don't know who will go if it's cheap in the future."

Berger and kinquian:

Jin kui'an glanced at him with a smile, "are you cheap?"

The other party trembled and said he didn't dare.

Jin kui'an sneered and asked, "where are those gold and silver hidden?"

The other party was silent. Erge said, "he is a cook cake seller at the gate of the county government. Do you think he knows where the gold and silver are hidden?"

Jin kui'an had a calm face and didn't speak.

"He doesn't know, but I know," Erge said. "It's either in the warehouse of the assassin's office or in the warehouse of the garrison. Some should be in the private warehouse of Duan assassin."

Seeing his ugly face, Erge said, "we can't get it."

Not to mention that they have robbed the prison to scare the snake, but there is no such thing as robbing the prison. Jin kui'an can't get the treasure back in Duan's hands.

Otherwise, there is no need to rob any treasure. Looting in the city is almost enough.

But in order to protect his life, Erge certainly wouldn't just give this information. He turned around and said to Jin kui'an, "at that time, we were locked in a tent, but there was a lot of noise outside. I still heard some information. The treasure was found. Duan assassin wanted to give part to the officials from the capital."

He said, "it's hard for us to get back the treasures in Liangzhou, but there are only more than 100 people. It's much easier to rob things from them."

Jin kui'an's eyes narrowed, "more than 100 people? What kind of people are there? What is the young lady like? "

Erge once sent someone to stare at them and naturally knew what they were like. "Six people, including two young ladies and four CHILDES, are very outstanding people, especially the first childe and a young lady. Although they are young, the young lady should be Zhou man, a famous little miracle doctor in the capital. The childe has a close relationship with her. It is said that she has a fiance who is an aristocratic family, And Tian Khan's brother. "

"Are they?" Jin kui'an asked, "I'm still following an old man. He looks like a scholar. There's a big man with three thick faces. The head of their guard is all over his face."

Erge: "... Have you seen them?"

Jin Kuian: "in the desert."

He carefully recalled that they did carry a lot of luggage, including a caravan.

His heart was burning, especially when he thought of the face sticking out of the window. A strange light flashed in his eyes and got up and said, "let's go after it."

Erge didn't expect him to be so decisive. He thought it would take persuasion to succeed. He hurriedly said, "we don't know their itinerary, and so many days apart“

Jin quian interrupted him, "where are they going?"

After a pause, he said, "I heard it's going to the western regions."

"That's what they said in the Desert Inn. If they didn't lie, they had to go to Shazhou," Jin kui'an thought. "No, take that road and we will finally reach Shazhou, so we just need to hurry to Shazhou and find out. Even if they leave Shazhou, we can catch up."

Erge thought for a while and thought that Zhou man and his party should be able to catch up with Li duo. After all, there is still a long time to go to the western regions, and Jin kui'an outside the pass is more familiar.

So Erge nodded.

After discussion, Jin kui'an said, "we follow their tracks and go straight across the desert. Although it's not easy to go, it directly bypasses Suzhou City and brings enough water. It's faster."

Erge had no opinion, so they set out early the next morning.

At this time, man Bao had just finished processing the medicinal materials in the mayor's house, put the finished medicines on the shelf, and take preservation measures according to Zhou man.

A man followed Zhou man for four days and learned a lot. Zhou man didn't hide the prescription, and even took the initiative to write it down for a man, and then said, "for diseases such as wind, cold, wind and heat, some drugs are not suitable for making pills, but they can only be used in soup, but the effect is also better. If you want a prescription, I can give you two."

Aman wants it.

In return, he said, "doctor Zhou, I know a place where I can catch stone fish."