Chapter 2211

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The picky man Bao stood in front of the fish stall and asked him to put the fish in another bucket, but the vendor was unwilling. He kept on recommending the remaining fish with man Bao, "this fish is delicious, especially delicious. It can be boiled in soup or steamed."

Bai Shan glanced at him, simply put away the copper money and took out a silver horn.

When the vendor saw that the whole face was distorted, he was very excited, but his hand reached half and refused. He turned his head aside and said, "young master, don't embarrass us. The fish can't be sold to you. We'll send it to the master's house."

The old master is the mayor of this town. Man Bao heard from the young people yesterday that the town is not very stable. Occasionally, horse thieves will rob it, but they are blocked by their old master with troops, so at least half of the houses in this town belong to the old master.

Bai Shan still had to pay. Man Bao stopped him when he saw that he was embarrassed. He smiled and said, "OK, we won't buy it today. If you catch this kind of fish tomorrow, you can leave one for me."

The vendor hesitated and shook his head. "This kind of fish is not easy to fight, and there are not many in the lake. If it comes up, no matter how many, it will be sent to the master's house."

Man Bao tilted his head. "Can he eat so much?"

The vendor laughed. "Miss joked. Our master is not alone. There are parents, brothers, wives and children. This is only a fish. It's not enough to plug the teeth."

Man Bao:

What else can she say?

Bai Shan also collected the silver horn, turned his head and said to her, "let's fish by ourselves."

Man Bao nodded, "OK."

So they turned back, but they bought fish before they went back.

They haven't eaten fish for a long time, and the lake looks good, and the fish should be delicious.

With a few fish in their hands, they took nearly ten fish back with four hands, leaving two. The rest was given to Nie to join the army.

The cook cooked a big pot of rice for the soldiers and guards in the yard next door. Man Bao thought about it and simply rolled up his sleeve and said, "let's cook by ourselves."

Bai Erlang, who had just slept downstairs, was shocked. Even Mr. Zhuang stopped and couldn't help looking back, "in fact, it's not necessary..."

Bai Shan also stopped her. "These two fish are rare. I think it's better to give them to the cook of the Inn and order some food from the inn."

I'm not short of money. Why do I have to do it myself?

Wronged hands do not say, but also wronged stomach.

The others nodded.

Man Bao had no choice but to give up, "but I don't want to eat cakes and steamed bread. I want to eat!"

Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said, "this is simple. We don't order staple food and cook by ourselves."

It's not difficult, Liu Huan and yin or not, but others can. Bai Shan rolled up his sleeve and went into the kitchen and asked man Bao to take a small bag of rice out of his luggage.

Bai Erlang exhaled and immediately ran down, "I know where it is. I'll go."

So the steward took the fish, turned to the Inn and ordered a dish by the way.

After he came back, Bai Shan had started the fire, and man Bao also cleaned the rice and put it on the stove. He hurried forward, "young master, Miss man, I'd better do this."

Bai Shan waved his hand and said carelessly, "let's just come, and..."

He looked up and down at the steward. "Can you cook?"

The steward was stiff and speechless.

He really can't.

He was a family child, surnamed Li, but his grandfather was Mrs. Liu's dowry. His grandfather was in charge of the dowry for Mrs. Liu at that time.

When his father came to the house to serve, he would serve people more or less, but later his father also came out to take charge of the Chuang Tzu and the shop outside.

So when it was his turn, Mr. Liu was kind. When he was seven or eight years old, he ran errands with his father in the store and said he was a servant, but his life was not bad. Compared with the people outside, he was almost like a young master.

Mrs. Liu specially transferred him from Longzhou because he often went out behind Bai Da's steward to run Bai's outside industry.

He has traveled all over the world about grain, cloth and wood. It is impossible for him to leave his business behind. Therefore, Mrs. Liu carefully selected him. She thought he had rich experience in going out and was not bad in human and worldly skills. She also knew about the Bai family and the Liu family. She went out and didn't know about the industries around her family, If he meets Bai's and Liu's in laws, he can give some advice.

If Bai Shan needs to hire people, it's more convenient for him to go out and invite people.

He is not very old. He has three in twenty. Therefore, he can make a fire and cook. He has no experience. He is worse than Bai Shan.

Seriously, he still doesn't quite understand the old lady. Why don't he put a waiter beside the young master.

As for Daji, although he has been with the young master, everyone knows that he is not a young man, or even a follower, but a confidant, who only protects the safety of the young master.

Daji is served by a young man.

Although the young man does all the work of carrying water, washing clothes and washing clothes, the young master doesn't have a young man to serve closely. If he wants to drink water at night, he has to get up by himself.

Didn't you see that yin or Liu Huan had people around them? He found it when he went upstairs today. Changshou and Liu Huan changed their positions last night and lived in a house with yin or. There were boys at night and they served closely in the morning. They spit and someone handed a spittoon.

Unlike the young master of their family, he has always lived with the young master of the hall, not to mention the small things like pouring water. When he wants to change clothes, he has to look through the box by himself. Sometimes he is sad to think about it.

Now Li Guan is even more sad to see that they have to make a fire and cook by themselves.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that he wouldn't worry. He could learn. Bai Shan waved with a smile and said, "we're cooking and playing by ourselves in the kitchen. Go and help us find out what the bait here is, but do you sell it? If we don't dig anywhere, we'll go fishing in the afternoon."

As soon as Mr. Zhuang in the yard heard that he was going fishing, he immediately strolled over and asked, "where to fish?"

Bai Shan thought for a moment and then said, "it's not good here. There are many pedestrians here and many people washing things. I'm afraid the fish will be startled away. If we don't startle away, we'll be very clever. I'm afraid we won't bite the bait, so let's go out and go up along the lake to see where there are few people."

Mr. Zhuang nodded, pointed to a direction and said, "there are many forests and grass in that direction. The lake flows out from there, and there are no houses. It is said that most of the fields in this town are in that direction. It should be possible to go there."

Then he said, "I'll go with you."

He hasn't been fishing for a long time. He's still a little happy.

Li Guan's many ideas were crowded out by these things. He said, "you have to take a carriage, young master. Do you want to prepare some tea and fruits?"

Everyone nods together. This is needed.