Chapter 2173

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
When Nie joined the army and grabbed the three injured thieves back, the three were kneeling in front of man Bao, telling their miserable lives in recent days with tears and snot.

"... last year we followed the same official path. There were no bandits. Who knew that such a ferocious horse thief was ambushed in the mountains this year? Our master said, "it's important to keep the green mountains alive without worrying about firewood. So if they want money, we'll give them money. We'll rob all the goods, and we'll give them all..."

When the three said this, man Bao cried and asked, "then?"

The three wiped their tears. "Maybe they saw that our master was too cooperative, so they caught us all and took us up the mountain. They wanted us to go down with them."

Manbao several people: "... This is a little too much."

"No, we all have families and businesses. How can those who abandon their homes stay here as horse thieves?" Sanren: "but they have knives, and we don't dare to say it directly. Therefore, just think about it. We help do some firewood and fire, which makes them less alert to us."

But it is still guarded every day and cannot leave the fixed area.

"Last night, when they were in charge of their birthday, everyone was lively. We ran out of the gap when we went to fetch boiled food for them at dawn."

Originally, they wanted to run last night, but when they went out of the door, they saw the dark woods, couldn't see their fingers, didn't say anything, and it was chilly. They were very worried about the fierce animals in the dense forest, so they waited until dawn on the pretext of fetching and boiling water for them, and then ran out quietly.

Most people drank last night, and the non drinkers didn't go to bed until very late. They got up early in the morning not only to cook, but also to clean up the leftovers left last night. Therefore, the people in charge of the kitchen were not reluctant to get up so early. Master you, they can find a chance to run out.

The three cried and asked Zhou man, "Lord Zhou, please save our master."

Man Bao asked, "how many people did you run out?"

"There are fifteen of us together, but not long after we ran out, the master let us run separately. In this way, we have a better chance to run out alive. No matter who, as long as he goes back alive, he has to report a letter to his family."

Man Bao asked, "do you remember which direction they ran in?"

The three guys looked at each other, scratched their heads and thought for a while. Finally, the oldest one hesitated to point in two directions and said, "we've been running all day, and I don't know if they've changed their direction."

Of course, it has changed. It has not only changed, but also become very outrageous.

Man Bao only glanced at NIE to join the army.

Nie joined the army and thought, "go back first. If these thieves don't go back after dark, the horse thieves should know that something has happened. We have to find a good place to stay first."

We escorted the three bandits back. When we got to the place, the people who went to ambush another place also came back with people. Master you was among them.

He had met Mr. Zhuang, and when he saw Zhou man, he couldn't help crying again.

The injuries on the six of them were not serious, they were all scratched and fell, and the soldiers and guards sent were not injured. After all, they not only ambushed, but also brought bows and arrows. They waited for work with ease, two to one, and it would be unreasonable to be injured again.

"Eight bandits, three dead, two seriously injured and three slightly injured. It seems that they can't die. Join the army. Do you want to save them?"

"Stop the blood. Anyway, we'll kill them later, but we have to ask questions first."

But the horse thieves also knew that most of them would be sentenced to beheading, so they didn't speak.

Bai Shan looked up at the sky and said to man Bao, "it's getting late. We have a lot of luggage. We send a team to search for and save people. If we can find them, we can save them. If we can't find them, we can only wait for the reinforcements."

Man Bao nodded and squatted down to cut off the arrows from several people who were hit by the arrows, leaving only the arrows inside. "Let's find the place to stay first."

The Yamen serviceman who came to show them the way has gone back quickly. The single horse is fast, but I don't know if I can return to Liangzhou at night.

Nie joined the army and felt that they should leave here and find a place to stay.

The remaining yamen servant racked his brains and thought, "Sir, there is no place to hide near here. If there is, it is also through this mountain. On the other side, there is a large grassland. Needless to say, there are several mountain depressions with natural wind resistance, which can be hidden and hidden."

Nie joined the army and said, "it's too far away, and there are horse thieves. How can we stay in the mountain depression?" It was wrapped up accidentally.

Nie joined the army and thought, "let's go back. There was a wide grassland on our way. At that time, I saw a lot of fresh sheep manure on the grassland. Someone should graze there."

"Yes, that piece of water and grass is good. At present, it is grazed and will not move there until June." Those who can be called by the assassin to lead the way are naturally familiar with this piece.

Nie joined the army and nodded and ordered to tie up the thieves and bandits, throw them in the car and return immediately.

Before he left, he ordered ten men from a group of soldiers, one of whom was a scout. He said, "go to those two places and see if you can find someone to save. See if you can touch the situation of the horse thieves. As long as Duan assassin sends someone, we will wipe them out."

This is to let them do meritorious service. All ten people have bright eyes and respond with excitement.

So everyone separated. Manbao let out the carriage to master you and others, and ran on her horse. She looked back, knew the exact direction from Koko, and said to the ten people who were about to start: "when people run for their lives, they run wherever it is convenient. It's difficult to lock the direction. You can't find anyone in the past, It's better to go that way. I think since they all run this way, the thief's nest may be in that direction. "

Man Bao points two directions to them.

Ten people solemnly responded. After taking orders, they pulled their horses and quietly mixed into the mountains and forests.

Bai Shan and his companions retreated until the sunset. They barely found a suitable place. An advance scout came back and reported: "Sir, there is a tribe stationed five miles ahead. I've seen it. Their tribe is bigger than Tutu."

Nie joined the army, nodded and said to man Bao, "Lord Zhou, we are stationed here. Our vision is wide and far enough from the den of thieves. Even if there is an attack at night, we can find it early, and there are herdsmen tribes five miles away. Those horse thieves have some scruples."

The herdsmen on the grassland are different from the ordinary people in the Central Plains. They can become soldiers when they get on the horse, so the horse thieves generally don't trouble the local tribes.

It is different from the mountain bandits who often go down the mountain to rob the people in the Central Plains.