Chapter 2106

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Man Bao stood at the door and said, "he's getting acne very fast now. Will he be too aggressive if he promotes acne again?"

Dr. Lu frowned and thought, "then he's going to burn all night tonight. I felt very hot when I gave him an injection just now. He probably can't get through it. Write a comprehensive prescription and reduce the fever a little."

Man Bao nodded, "don't suppress the acne."

"I know."

So the two considered and discussed a prescription. It was not difficult to discuss. They prepared several easy-to-use prescriptions in xiazhou. Now they just add or subtract some herbs according to the actual situation of the patient, or there are some changes in the quantity.

When they wrote the prescription, man Bao took the medicine and went to the medicine rack next to them to grab the medicine. These are the medicinal materials they dialed from Taiping Hospital, which can be used.

They are packed in boxes with the name of the medicine written on them.

Man Bao weighed out a packet of medicine and handed it to the servant. "Go and make medicine," he said

No. 3 recovered quickly, but the acne began to scab in two days. It is estimated that the scab will fall off in less than two days.

Man Bao looked at him and said, "how about continuing the next test with his acne scab?"

Xiao Yuanzheng and Lu Taiyi couldn't help looking over. Then they looked at the unconscious patients on the two beds next to them. With a sigh, they nodded, "he recovered well. From the situation of his acne, the toxicity of acne should not be very great."

The situation of the other two people is not very good. It's strange that they are the same acne scab and the weight is the same. Why are the three people so much worse?

Man Bao frowned and said, "because of age?"

Xiao Yuanzheng and Lu Taiyi take a look at the young No. 3, and then go to see No. 2 and No. 1. That's the only reason.

Dr. Lutai said: "from the situation in xiazhou, the mortality rate of the elderly after smallpox is indeed higher, followed by adults, and children and adolescents are the least."

Man Bao nodded.

Xiao Yuan was thinking, "in the future, you have to vaccinate as soon as possible. I don't know how successful the success rate is. It would be better if they were all like No. 3."

Man Bao said, "there are few prisoners so young, right?" So where to find the subjects?

Xiao Yuan said, "only among the families of the implicated criminals can we find them. We have to go to Dali temple. However, vaccination is very dangerous. Most of the families of the implicated criminals are exiled and filled into the yeting. I'm afraid they won't be willing to risk their lives."

Man Bao nodded slightly and looked at the situation. If his acne scab was less toxic, the risk of vaccination would not be great. At that time, we can discuss with Dali temple to let them commit crimes and meritorious deeds“

There are people who think life is more important, and naturally there are people who want to fight for wealth and risk.

Xiao Yuanzheng and Lu Taiyi didn't object, but it's too early to mention it. Now the top priority is to save the lives of the two people in the hospital bed, otherwise the three people will die if they catch smallpox. The mortality rate is higher than that in xiazhou.

The three tried their best to treat them. Acupuncture and medicine took turns. The condition of No. 2 gradually stabilized, and the acne showed signs of improvement, and the fever was slowly reducing.

All three were relieved, and then most of their attention turned to number one.

But he didn't know whether it was because he was older or his body was worse than the other two. The high fever kept going, and smallpox couldn't all come out, but he was confused in two days.

Man Bao and his family couldn't look at it. They had to prescribe medicine to cool him down, but they couldn't keep it down at the moment, and even if they were pressed down, they would rebound badly afterwards.

Moreover, smallpox can not be sent out, which is bound to cause other diseases. They have seen too much in the past four months.

At noon on the third day, after touching his pulse, Dr. Lu looked at the pale No. 1 lying in bed, shook his head and went out: "it's useless. It can't be saved“

Man Bao went in and took a look. He couldn't help giving him another set of needles, but there were still no people at night.

It's not the first time for us to see the dead. We just sighed with regret, and then the record should be well recorded.

Man Bao looked at his fresh acne and couldn't help turning his head to see No. 3 and No. 2 who had completely recovered.

The two of them were startled when they touched his eyes, and Qi Qi took a step back.

Man Bao put down his little book and said to Dr. Lu Tai of Xiao hospital, "we haven't tried yet. Can they really stop infecting smallpox?"

Dr. Lu: "those who have had acne will not have acne again. Isn't this a well-known thing?"

Xiao Yuan is understanding Zhou man's meaning, "but their situation is somewhat different, especially on the third. He didn't arrive in five days from pox to recovery."

Moreover, there are few acne on his body, and he basically doesn't suffer any pain. To be honest, Xiao Yuanzheng is also trembling in his heart. If the acne doesn't work, smallpox will still infect him?

Man Bao said, "there's a way. Try it with his fresh acne slurry."

Xiao Yuan is looking at No. 1 who has just closed his eyes in bed... The red ceiling on his body is like thinking.

After a while, the three imperial doctors came forward with a piece of cotton cloth, broke two fresh smallpox on him, stained with slurry and walked to No. 3.

No. 3 shivered and thought they were going to put it into his nose again. Who knows, man Bao took his hand, rolled his sleeve, stabbed his arm with a thick needle, and they all bled. Then they took the cotton cloth and wiped his wound.

Man Bao said, "I'll know if it works in two days."

Mr. Mo was very happy after knowing this and said, "the reason why you want to be vaccinated against smallpox is to reduce the toxicity of smallpox and get smallpox immunity without danger?"

He said: "according to the No. 3 pulse plan you gave, his condition is not even good. The best smallpox vaccine I know will not have any discomfort except some slight pain during input. People who have successfully vaccinated will have a trace of smallpox, which is even the ability to be immune to smallpox."

Man Bao listened with longing and asked, "is this the cowpox method written in the book?"

Teacher Mo smiled: "according to the records, cowpox is much safer than human pox. Unfortunately, I haven't found too detailed production methods for a long time. However, I asked some colleagues. They all think that cowpox vaccination should also be cultivated after several generations, at least the second generation, so that the toxicity will be much weakened."

Man Bao asked, "it's the same as the water vaccine method of human acne. Do you use the end of acne scab to make acne?"

Mr. Mo shook his head. "I guess it's acne slurry. The effect should be faster. If, as described in the book, cowpox is so much safer than human pox, the smallpox virus domesticated for several generations will not be much toxic. At this time, vaccination should be direct vaccination. Unfortunately, you didn't inject it there, Maybe you can prick your arm directly like today and pollute the wound with vaccinia? "

Man Bao mused, "since I can't explain clearly, I can only try one by one."

Mr. Mo also thinks so. Science is always trying and making mistakes.