Chapter 2078

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
It's natural to look for Yang Heshu to transfer people to the capital.

Yang Heshu agreed after a moment of meditation, so he sent a document to the capital again.

The official took the official documents and rushed to the capital. In the evening, he met the team of Taiyuan hospital in the post station.

When Dr. Lu heard that he would return to the capital to transfer people, he was surprised, "why do you want to transfer people?"

The official said, "there are too many patients and the doctor is not enough."

Doctor Lu became worried.

Along the way, the counties have begun to close their gates, and many checkpoints have been set up on the official roads. The closer they are to xiazhou, the worse the situation is.

The order of the capital was given by Zhou man. They left Beijing step by step, but Zhou man didn't make arrangements when they passed by. However, they seemed to be lucky. When they passed, the States and counties responded.

However, Dr. Lu was investigated a lot all the way. Fortunately, they came from the north rather than from the south. People from the north to the South were investigated more severely. Those with fever or acne should be treated nearby and directly taken to the medical shed outside the city.

Dr. Lu once went in when they passed by and passed on some prescriptions and treatments before they got up.

Some states and counties saw that they had brought a lot of medicinal materials and wanted to buy them, but doctor Lu was not very good tempered. This was for xiazhou City, so it didn't succeed.

However, Dr. Lu was still exhausted during this period, so that the journey was slower than scheduled.

He glanced at the two big burdens around the official, frowned and asked, "Why are you carrying such a big burden when you send an urgent order?"

Official: "this is what Zhou Taiyi entrusted to bring home."

Dr. Lu immediately asked, "what is it?"

He said, "you can't take things from the epidemic area out of the city."

The two officers immediately said, "it's letters. There are letters to the family, as well as letters to the hospital and classmates. Anyway, there are many letters. Doctor Zhou said to give them to her home and let her send them to her home."

In fact, there were not only some drugs, but also some drugs. She divided them and told Zhou Liru and Liu Sanniang to give them to the right people.

Unfortunately, when she left Beijing, she couldn't find a vaccine for smallpox virus, otherwise it would be best to give them nearby.

Doctor Lu stopped asking, but just reminded, "when you pass, you'd better shout that it's xiazhou city emergency report. It's good to pass."

The officer didn't understand. Officer a couldn't help but say happily, "doctor Lu is right. It's really good to use."

Officer B was angry. "Is this still a good thing? Hurry and get to the capital in five days. "

At this time, man Bao was sending her away to another hospital. Seeing her surrounded home, she turned back to see the newly admitted patient.

After Bai Shan took over, he found that there were not many new patients in the rich family during this period, so he began to move the patients in the room, mainly around the main hospital.

The reason is also very considerate. On the West Hospital side, Zhou Taiyi association mainly works in the main hospital. After all, Mrs. Yang is here.

In the East Hospital, not only Dr. Jin, Dr. Hua and Dr. Lu's energy is mainly in the main hospital, but also Zhou man will come to the main hospital first.

So some patients who didn't want to move the room immediately took the initiative to move, so some courtyards on the edge were empty.

Bai Shan asked someone to make a few wooden beds, removed the screen inside, and added two and four beds to each room.

Then he took the patient list he brought from the county government and began to select some patients from it and send them in.

Those patients were arranged in the medical shed before. Now they are sent to another hospital. They don't think there are many ten beds in a room. They also feel spacious, so thank you very much.

Most of the selected patients are taken care of by their families, but there are no close family care. He tries to arrange a family together and let them take care of each other.

So there was a patient among the people who went to the front hall to fill medicine.

Fortunately, the patients living in the room near the main hospital basically don't go out and are in bed, so they don't know the changes outside.

The servant girls knew, but Bai Cheng intervened in Bai Shan's smiling warning, so they didn't say.

When Yang Heshu came over after a busy day of government affairs, he saw that so many ordinary people's patients had entered other hospitals. He couldn't help smiling and asked Bai Shan, "doctor Jin, don't they have a problem?"

"There are complaints, but the boy confessed," Bai Shan said. "There are more patients in the medical shed. Now we don't have enough doctors, so we can only do so."

Dr. Jin and Dr. Hua, who felt more relaxed, did not expect that in two days after a good day, Bai Shan stuffed more patients in other hospitals, nearly twice as many as before.

They were dizzy, but seeing Bai Shan's face full of guilt and worried patients, they couldn't say anything angry.

Especially when he looked at the corridor, he had a tendency to surround the corridor and put it on the hospital bed. They immediately dared not say, and turned around to see the new patients.

Man Bao was also busy. At last, Bai Shan stuffed so many patients in. She simply went to the East Hospital and robbed Lu Yizhu. He did a good job in pulse diagnosis and prescription except that he couldn't get an acupuncture.

The lobby is also very busy. It has been filling medicine from beginning to end, but there are still a lot of people in line.

Bai Shan asked people to open another position. Occasionally, he and Bai Erlang would go up to help.

He and Bai Erlang barely recognized most of the herbs, and the names were written on the medicine cabinet, but at first it was slower.

Just because they are all unified diseases, the medicine in the prescription is slightly different from the dose, but the medicinal materials used are almost the same. After catching one or two pairs, they will be familiar, especially Bai Shan. Sometimes Bai Erlang finds a place when he reads the name of the medicine

The medicine boy who filled the medicine in the same row with him was very complicated. Are all scholars so smart?

Man Bao looked at Mrs. Gong's pox rash and touched her pulse. He said, "there is no new pox rash today. If it doesn't happen again in two days, it's even better. You can go home when the pox rash disappears."

Mrs. Gong was pleasantly surprised. "I'll do it now?"

Man Bao nodded and said, "almost."

Looking at man Bao wearing a mask, Mrs. Gong San was very grateful. She couldn't help it. She took man Bao's hand and said with a smile: "when I'm ready, we must invite Zhou Tai to treat our sheep and scorpions in xiazhou city. Lord Yang came in a short time. I don't know. In fact, our sheep and scorpions in xiazhou city are the best to eat."