Chapter 1976

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The emperor was already mentally prepared, and his face didn't change much. He turned to Zhou man and asked, "do you have anything to add?"

Man Bao thought for a while and then said, "Your Highness King Gong still has to continue to lose weight. But now exercise is not suitable. You can only eat less and eat more meals and diet to lose weight. Otherwise, your body is too heavy and it will put great pressure on your bones. Even the connected bones may bend again in the future."

Xiao Yuan didn't think of this because he thought it would be more than ten years later when King Gong's bone was bent again due to stress.

However, he still agreed that King Gong should not be fatter.

The emperor nodded thoughtfully and his eyes slipped back and forth on several people. Finally, he appointed Xiao Yuanzheng and Zhou manlai to be responsible for King Gong's injury.

No way, he looked down all the way. It seemed that two people were the best at bone setting.

Xiao Yuanzheng and man Bao both breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and gave them both, indicating that the emperor did not doubt that Zhou man had something to do with it, and was willing to give Xiao Yuanzheng a chance to make up for his mistakes.

Then they should be careful in the next three months. At least they can't have any more crooked bones.

King Gong knew nothing about it. He was lying on the couch like a pickled dead fish. The maid in charge and the chambermaid carefully wiped his sweat and changed his clothes. If his chest did not fluctuate occasionally, he could hardly see that he was still alive.

The prince stood and looked at it. He couldn't help laughing in his heart. He turned and went out directly. He happened to hear that the emperor asked Xiao Yuan Zheng and Zhou man to be in charge of King Gong, so he came forward and said, "father, Zhou man still has to see his mother and Mingda. It's better to give it to Zheng Taiyi."

The emperor looked at the prince and said, "the queen and Mingda are also under her control. Anyway, they are all on the way. When they come to see the doctor, they are all along the way."

That's it.

Xiao Yuan is standing aside with eyes down and listening. When he led the people back to the Tai hospital for dinner, he found an opportunity to be alone with Zhou man. "Now you are in charge of the three masters alone. It can be seen that your majesty attaches great importance to you. Now you are the only one in the Tai hospital. If your majesty and I recommend you as the principal of the hospital..."

"It's impossible," man Bao directly interrupted Xiao Yuanzheng's words: "don't say that your majesty won't agree, but that your majesty agreed. I can't convince the public in Taiyuan hospital. Xiao Yuanzheng, my qualifications are too shallow, not to mention Doctor Liu and doctor Lu, but doctor Tan and doctor Zheng are also above me."

"Besides, I don't want to be the head of the hospital."

Xiao Yuan Zheng raised his eyebrow. "You didn't say that before. I think you're kind these two days, and your attitude is much different from before. Why do you have other ideas?"

After thinking about it, man Bao felt that even if Xiao Yuanzheng was removed from the post of Yuanzheng, his prestige in Taiyuan hospital would not be weakened much. He would probably be her boss. He still had to pass his resignation in the future, so he said, "I thought about it for a while. After these things in the palace were settled, I resigned."

Xiao Yuanzheng:

After half a ring, he found his voice and tried to persuade him in a gentle tone: "are you frightened by King Gong this time? Don't be afraid, not to mention the prince's daughter. Even the concubines in the harem will use this means of self mutilation. This time... "

Man Bao shook his head and said, "no, I just think I'm still young. I haven't learned a lot of medical skills and I haven't seen a lot of diseases. I want to go out and study."

She said: "in the past, it was because I was too young, it was inconvenient to go out and I had to study, but now I am a little older, I have been an official and seen the world. Even if I go abroad, my parents won't be too worried."

Xiao Yuan believes that she is a ghost. Why did he think he could do anything with ambition before, but now his words are so modest and his behavior is so arrogant.

By the way, two days ago, she directly arranged Zheng Gu three people over Lu Taiyi. Xiao Yuan was having a headache for a moment.

He felt that the most important thing now was not to show King Gong his legs, but how to retain this capable subordinate.

Although Zhou man didn't think much of it when he first entered Taiyuan hospital, the two sides have been used to cooperation for more than a year.

Although she is not qualified enough in Taiping Hospital, her medical skills have also been recognized by Taiping doctors. They have learned a lot from each other. She left

Xiao Yuanzheng hasn't figured out how to retain her. Man Bao has asked, "do you want to recommend Dr. Liu to replace Yuanzheng?"

Xiao Yuan is a little embarrassed when he hears the speech. It's true that the whole hospital has the ability and qualifications to replace him. One is Doctor Liu and the other is doctor Lu.

Xiao Yuan is choosing doctor Liu. He has both public and private intentions.

In the public mind, Dr. Liu has great prestige and gentle personality in Taiyi hospital. He can get along well with most Taiyi doctors. Except for being too gentle, he has no other serious problems;

Selfishness. Doctor Liu has a better relationship with him and is older. If he takes over, Xiao Yuanzheng will be able to take over again in a few years;

But Lu Taiyi is different. Lu Taiyi is a few years younger than Xiao Yuanzheng. It is a time of great ambition. If he takes over and doesn't make mistakes in the future, Xiao Yuanzheng is afraid that he won't have a chance to return to the origin all his life.

He also made no secret of his selfishness and asked Zhou man, "what do you think of Doctor Liu?"

Man Bao naturally agreed. In Taiyi hospital, she has the most cooperation with Dr. Liu, but her relationship with Dr. Lu is not very good. Naturally, she prefers Dr. Liu.

So they reached a consensus.

Man Bao is at least a sixth grade imperial doctor. She has a little voice in the imperial hospital. If she follows Xiao Yuan and supports imperial doctor Liu, it will be ten to ten.

The two sides looked at each other and settled the matter for the time being.

The Queen's condition stabilized, and King Gong's leg was connected. Everyone lined up for work. Man Bao was able to rest all night, so she took her medicine box back to Chongwen Museum.

When she went back, it was the last class in Chongwen hall. Only Zhan Shifu in front was walking around and doing business back and forth. Chongwen hall in the back was quiet. When she walked past, she stopped and looked. The students seemed to be buried in writing papers.

She took the medicine box and turned to the gentlemen's office next to her.

When the waiters in the office room saw man Bao, they were slightly surprised and said with a smile, "come to talk to Zhuang Shi?"

Man Bao said "yes" after saluting

The waiters said, "Zhuang Shi told the prince a lecture. I'm afraid he won't come back until later."

The waiters warmly invited and said, "why don't you sit and wait for a while?"

Man Bao refuses. He plans to go back to wash and have a rest. It's the same when everyone comes back after school.

The attendants can only watch her leave with regret. They still like to chat with her. They mainly want to inquire about the situation of the harem.

They only vaguely heard that the queen, Princess and Prince Gong in the palace were ill, but the prince was very happy these two days, especially today, except for his smelly face a few days ago.

After all, this is the Chongwen hall. They are part of the crown prince. Naturally, they want to know more.

Unfortunately, man Bao didn't give them this opportunity and left after leaving.