Chapter 1898

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The carriage went slowly into the city, then into the Imperial City, and then all the way into the palace.

Some officials who worked overtime on holidays frowned slightly when they saw the frame entering the palace.

Apart from the Empress Dowager and empress dowager, only princess Mingda can ride in the palace.

That's because Princess Mingda is weak, but she rarely uses this right. She walks and jumps by herself.

There was king Gong before, but later he was banned because of his crimes. This right has been deprived. This is

Before they came forward to explore, a palace man had already carried a chariot, so four powerful chamberlains on the frame carefully carried King Gong down, and there were four powerful chamberlains below. Then, they carefully moved to the chariot.

The prince saw it on one side. He couldn't help turning a big white eye. He just broke his right leg. Is it necessary?

Not to mention crutches, can you jump down?

The officials who were just about to come forward to find out stopped one after another, looked at the onlookers from a distance, and then gathered together to say a small word, "what's the matter with King Gong?"

"It seems that I hurt my leg."

"Didn't they go to baiyun temple in Yongzhou to pray for the Empress Dowager? Why did you hurt your leg? "

"Will you..." lame?

The words didn't go out, but the meaning was obvious.

"I don't think so. Look at the expression of adult Zhou standing aside."

Everyone looked at Zhou man one after another

Man Baozheng stood idly by and was obviously surprised by the operation in the palace. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang stood beside her and opened their mouths.

Mingda and Changyu have got off the car. Because the sun is too big and the journey is tiring, Mingda also rarely sits on the frame and pulls Changyu together.

Bai Shan turned and asked man Bao, "can we follow you in?"

The emperor was worried about man Bao.

The passing Prince glanced at him and said, "follow."

He smelled a familiar smell and always felt that he would quarrel with his father when he went. Bai Shan was always witty and had a powerful mouth. He might be able to share some scolding for him instead of Zhou man.

So with the prince's nod, Bai Shan followed openly.

Bai Erlang sneaked in and followed him.

All the way to the Tai Chi hall, the empress took Princess Gong and waited in the main hall. As soon as king Gong was carried in, the emperor stood up and ran down from his seat, "Sanlang --"

As soon as king Gong saw the emperor, countless grievances surged into his heart, and he couldn't help shouting, "father emperor -"

The emperor came up to look at his legs, but king Gong hugged him around the waist. He was in his twenties. He was still fat. The man with a tiger back and a heavy waist hugged the emperor and cried, "YeYe, it hurts."

The emperor couldn't hold back his tears. The old tears ran down. He patted him on the back and looked at King Gong's leg. He asked sadly, "how could you break your leg? Why are you so careless?"

King Gong cried and opened his mouth to sue, "it's the prince..."

Bai Shan's face changed slightly, took man Bao down on his knees and interrupted him: "Your Majesty, your ministers are guilty and failed to take good care of King Gong."

Man Bao nodded repeatedly to plead guilty.

After this interruption, King Gong remembered what Bai Shan said last night, so his face changed a few times. Just as it happened, the emperor was looking up at Bai Shan and Zhou man, so he didn't pay attention, but the queen looked at him.

King Gong hesitated back and forth. Finally, he accepted the complaint. Against his heart, he said to the emperor, "father, it's my son's minister who accidentally slipped."

The emperor wondered, "what did you just say about the prince?"

The prince raised his eyelids and looked at King Gong.

King Gong turned his back to him and didn't see it. He just said, "brother Prince takes care of his ministers today."

King Gong often said good things about the prince, but the prince always said no false words to King Gong, so the Emperor didn't know whether he believed it or not. He just squinted at the prince and the kneeling Bai Shan. Finally, he settled on Zhou man and asked in a deep voice, "I heard the report that you healed King Gong in the house when King Gong broke his leg? Since it's healing, how can you break your leg? "

Man Bao opens his mouth and looks at King Gong. What should I say?

To tell you the truth, King Gong kicked the table?

She was so hesitant that the emperor became more suspicious and couldn't help narrowing his eyes and staring at them.

Bai Shan doesn't let man Bao lie about this. As a doctor, she can't lie about her illness.

But they can choose whether to say it or not.

They can admit the mistake, but they can't tell the truth.

Sure enough, the three lowered their heads and the prince, who had been silent, said, "Zhou man is just a doctor, and she can't stop King Gong from kicking the table..."

This kind of thing can't be concealed. It's better for the emperor to tell it than to wait for the emperor to know the details from the forbidden guards and the accompanying palace people.

King Gong didn't expect that he was considerate to cover up for the crown prince, but the crown prince broke down his platform. He was immediately angry, but in front of his father, he didn't get angry, just hugged his father and cried again.

The crying child had milk to eat. The emperor patted King Gong and asked the prince, "what's Sanlang doing to kick the table? You see? "

"No, I was gone at that time, but it's not a secret in the palace. If you don't believe it, ask Mingda and Changyu."

The emperor turned to see his two daughters.

Changyu lowered his head and Mingda nodded.

The emperor was angry and distressed and asked King Gong, "Why are you kicking the table? If you get angry and smash things, how can you hurt your body? "

King Gong opened his mouth before he said good things about the prince. It's a little difficult for him to say bad things about the prince in front of his father.

The prince said to himself, "maybe it's because he scolded him?"

The emperor was furious, "what did you scold Saburo for?"

Although he was angry, everyone present felt that the emperor was not as angry with the prince as he was at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't be angry.

Of course, the prince wouldn't tell the emperor the distance in his heart, but he snorted coldly: "what's the matter with scolding him? I didn't scold him wrong. Father, you don't know how useless he is. He has studied martial arts with martial arts master Fu for so long. I took him to the martial arts arena to compete. I was stunned. It's not right. I just fell twice. I yelled to see the imperial doctor. I despised this and that... "

King Gong couldn't help crying, "I didn't want to see the imperial doctor. Mingda found her."

He wants to know the consequences of letting Zhou man cure his illness. He won't cure him.

Now even the emperor couldn't help saying King Gong, "your sister is for you. How can you blame your sister for this?"

King Gong was immediately convinced. He knew that his father loved Mingda more than Mingda.

Zhou man and Mingda are friends. I'm afraid there's nothing he can do with her this time. King Gong is wilting.