Chapter 1538

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Man Bao was envious. "It's food that can't keep up. We should eat more eggs and meat. Why don't we pay for Shangshi bureau to add more dishes to you?"

Bai Shan hesitated, "isn't that good?"

Man Bao immediately said, "what's wrong? Being able to grow is a good thing. I don't think it's possible to grow taller."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "don't compare with us. You are not short. I think you are almost as tall as Xu Yu when you stand together. She is several years older than you. She must be taller than her in the future."

Can't she compete with boys because she grew up among them?

Man Bao is not very happy, because Xu Yu is not very tall among the palace maids she has met.

Man Bao began to think. He didn't know whether her mother was tall or not. He had to ask her mother next time he came home. She must know.

When they were talking, Xu Yu brought the food box in. Seeing Bai Shan sitting in front of the bed, he quickly looked away and bowed his head to salute, "I don't know that adults have guests."

After saying that, he will step back and look like an indecent person.

Bai Shan hurriedly stopped her and said, "Lord Zhou's leg is hurt. You go to fetch water to wash her, and then help her with medicine."

Man Bao, who doesn't hurt much anymore:

She hesitated and thought that Bai Shan had just carried her back, so she closed her mouth and said nothing.

Bai Shan got up and said goodbye to her, "you take medicine before you eat. Do you want me to go to the library to help you get your book back?"

Man Bao nodded again and again. She really had to fix the book later.

Bai Shan went.

Xu Yu sidled out of the way. When he left, he hurried forward to see man Bao, "how did Lord Zhou get hurt?"

Man Bao said, "it's too fast."

Xu Yu

When Xu Yu went to fetch hot water and had to help her wash, man Bao pushed her hand away and went by herself. She smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt much."

Xu Yu saw that although her walking speed was a little slow, she didn't see much pain on her face. She knew it didn't matter. She also thought whether it was a night watch at night. She was silent for a moment.

In my heart, I think Bai Shan is making a mountain out of a molehill.

Man Bao took a bath, washed his face and took medicine himself. He didn't ask Xu Yu to help.

Since knowing that Xu Yu always liked to stare at her, man Bao asked Keke to help stare at her. Because it involved the life safety of the host and the people were not far away, Keke gave her a discount and only charged half of the points for staring at the crown prince at that time.

But after staring at man Bao for several days, even Koko didn't see anything wrong, except that she always likes to peep at man Bao from time to time.

None of them found anyone who contacted her. There was a problem, and she didn't say anything against man Bao.

Not to mention man Bao, even Koko feels that this integral is wrongly spent, although it is it that earns the integral.

Finally, man Bao simply doesn't stare. Isn't it good to buy books with points?

Although she doesn't stare at Xu Yu, man Bao is still very careful. She knows that the room in the palace is not very safe. Not only Xu Yu, but also other female officials or palace maids have ways to come in if they want.

So when she sees something that doesn't belong to the world, she will close the door and Keke will look at it. As long as someone approaches, she will stuff it into the system.

So far, nothing has gone wrong.

But man Bao still doesn't want to let a person who is not sure about his enemies and friends get close, even if Bai Shan says Xu Yu doesn't have the courage to do things in front of her doctor.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt much. Just wipe the medicine yourself.

Man Bao wiped the medicine and began to eat. After Xu Yu took the food box away, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang moved her things together.

She needs a lot of materials to repair her book. Last month, she searched a lot of materials, which are piled on the table. Bai Shan simply moved them all to her.

There are also paper and ink provided by Chongwen Museum.

After entering the Chongwen hall, the paper and ink used by man Bao didn't cost money. They were all provided by the east palace.

Bai Erlang helped put the things on the desk, looked up and down at man Bao and asked Bai Shan, "where is she hurt? Why can't I see?"

Before Bai Shan spoke, man Bao said, "let you see, then you are the doctor."

Bai Erlang frowned and asked with some concern, "won't you really get hurt?"

Man Bao slowly sat on the desk and nodded: "of course it's true. I just wiped the medicine. Don't you smell it?"

Bai Erlang shrugged his nose. He really smelled a faint smell of medicine. He was worried and asked, "how did you hurt?"

Bai Shan also smelled it. He simply went to the stove to lift the teapot and pour water for her. "Do you want to ask for leave tomorrow?"

Man Bao shook his head. "No, just sleep all night. It's a big deal. I'll ask my second apprentice to give me some needles tomorrow."

Bai Erlang saw that she poured water and studied ink. She looked like she had to work. She felt some sympathy. "Are you hurt and have to work?"

Man Bao's eyes brightened, and his tone spoke with some stirring regret, "I just checked my salary with the Ministry of household, eating your salary and being loyal to you. I took so much money and didn't work well."

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang didn't hear the regret in her sentence. They only heard her excitement and couldn't help asking, "is there a lot of salary?"

Man Bao seemed to light up as if the whole person had suddenly picked up an oil lamp at night. The whole person was excited, but restrained, "you must not know how much salary I can have?"

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang really don't know. They haven't understood this.

The main thing is that Mr. Zhuang never lures them with profits. If he is an official for salary, why should he be an official?

Both Bai Shan and Bai Erlang have a lot of money and land. Money is not so attractive to them.

They are just a little frugal every day, not how eager they are for money.

Moreover, Mr. Zhuang doesn't want them to have a desire for money. What they cultivate in that way is corrupt officials, right?

So Mr. Zhuang never told them how much salaries officials at all levels had.

He didn't say anything, let alone old lady Lu and master Bai. They didn't let Bai Shan and Bai Er study for that salary at all?

In order to honor our ancestors and the legacy of our ancestors.

But at this moment, the film was poked open by man Bao. Her eyes brightened and looked at them and said, "my five grade compilation, the monthly salary is 3600 yuan, and the six grade imperial doctor's salary is 2400 yuan."

Bai Shan asked, "that's about the same as what you earn when you sit in the Jishi hall. You still have five liang of silver a month in the Jishi hall, not counting your visit income."

Now manbao people are in the palace, but they have no income from visiting.

Man Bao's eyes brightened and said, "but this is only salary. In addition to salary, there are silk, cloth, cotton and Lumi every season. The five grade compilation is 15 stones per month, and the six grade imperial doctor is 8 stones per month. The most important thing is that I still have a job field. Although it hasn't been distributed yet, I have to wait until the autumn harvest to approve it, but my five grade compilation has a job field of 600 mu, The sixth grade imperial doctor has a job field of 400 mu. "