Chapter 1524

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The emperor knew nothing about this. He took the queen and said something for a while. He felt that since Zhou man came, he might as well show it to the queen.

"The queen has a bad appetite recently."

Man Bao touched his pulse and said, "it's a bitter summer. There's no good way, but your body is weak. Don't use too many ice basins in the house. You'd better use a fan to fan the wind, or it's good to sit in a ventilated place. Be careful not to catch cold at night..."

Man Bao gave a lot of nagging advice. Even the emperor who listened thought she was too wordy, but the empress listened with interest.

When she was finally sent away, the emperor took a long breath and said, "I'm not old. Why are you so talkative?"

The queen asked with a smile, "does your majesty still have a stomachache?"

The emperor felt it, shook his head and said, "don't say, her acupuncture is still very useful. I heard from the crown prince that their imperial medical department should teach in different subjects, one of which is acupuncture."

The queen also felt good. Although this summer was still a bitter summer, it was actually better than in previous years. At this time last year, she was very uncomfortable, especially when catkins were flying. She once felt that she could not live that summer.

The emperor, Gu Zhong, bowed down and asked people to announce the prince.

He just ordered him to turn around and go back. He saw Zhou man sitting happily with the two workers in the side hall. He didn't know what to say. Zhou man and Princess Changyu were looking up and laughing, even Princess Mingda bent their eyes.

Gu Zhong shook his head slightly and turned back.

The empress also vaguely heard laughter and asked, "what are they laughing at?"

Immediately someone in the palace went out to ask, and soon asked, "Lord Zhou is telling the princesses about the fun she played by the river in the village when she was a child. Both princesses like it very much."

It's not just like it. If man Bao didn't say that the sun was too big and didn't want to bask in the sun, they almost took her to dig mud by the river.

River, Daming Palace also has.

Moreover, because the Daming Palace has not been completed and covers a wide area, it is quite wild. The riverside has never been managed at all. There are water plants where water plants should be, mud where mud should be, and even wild ducks in some beaches where water plants are lush.

I can't see the palace at all.

Finally, when the sun went down and was not so poisonous, he pulled man Bao and Ming to Changyu by the river. When he saw the frightened wild ducks flying, he couldn't help shouting happily.

Man Bao was not surprised, but he wanted to know whether there were wild duck eggs in the water and grass, so he lifted his skirt, tied it, rolled his sleeves and walked deep into the grass.

Changyu immediately followed up. Mingda wanted to go, but was quickly held by the palace man, "princess, you can't catch cold."

Mingda was a little sorry, so he stood on the bank waiting for them and gave them directions. "Come up again, the wild duck flew away from above just now..."

Man Bao pulled the lush water and grass on the beach. Finally, he and Princess Changyu found a hay nest. When he opened it, he saw five blue and white duck eggs.

Both of them couldn't help it. They reached out and took it.

Man Bao also shook and said happily, "the days are not long, you can eat."

Changyu took three and manbao took two. They happily squeezed out of the grass and showed Mingda the duck eggs.

Mingda is also very novel. "How do you eat this?"

"You can fry it with leeks," man Bao said. "The fried eggs with leeks are delicious, and the fried duck eggs should also be delicious."

It's all eggs anyway.

Chang Yu was reluctant to eat it all, so he took one and said, "I'll wash this one and put it on the table. No one is allowed to eat it."

Mingda also wanted one, so he pinched one in his hand. Man Bao didn't care. He directly handed over both eggs to the palace man. "This egg can last for more than 20 days. It's hot. If you don't eat it, it will be bad."

Mingda regretted, "is there no way to make it not bad?"

"Yes, let's see if it grows eggs. If it grows eggs, find a hen to hatch them, so that the eggs will become ducklings. The ducklings can lay eggs again when they grow up. Won't it be bad? Ha ha ha... "

Man Bao was joking. As a result, Mingda and Changyu took it seriously. They thought it was a good way, so they decided to take it back and let someone find a hen to hatch eggs.

"How do you think it's a kind of egg?"

Man Bao was stunned. He carefully recalled the steps of her mother's egg selection, scratched his head and said, "you have to light an oil lamp, then aim the egg at the oil lamp, and shine it, you can see whether it's an egg."

Ladies in waiting aside:

A palace maid was not young before she entered the palace. She knew what to think, so she stepped forward and said, "princess, maidservants know how to recognize."

So the party ran back to the palace, directly drew the curtains, lit the oil lamp and looked at the selected eggs.

Good luck. Three of the five eggs are seed eggs. Mingda and Changyu choose one that looks good to their eyes, and then look at man Bao, "don't you really choose one?"

Man Bao is not very interested in raising ducks. There are many ducks in her small village. There is no need to raise them in the Imperial Palace all the way.

But she rarely had a common thing to do with her little partner, so after thinking about it, she picked up the remaining one, nodded and said, "OK, but it's inconvenient for me to take it. Can you take it for me? When we find the brooding hens, we will lay eggs together. "

Mingda nodded immediately, took the duck egg from her hand and said with a smile, "I'll keep it for you."

Seeing that they had finally discussed it, the palace man on one side gently reminded: "Lord Zhou, it's getting late."

Man Bao looked out and was surprised that time was flying. It was almost time for dinner.

She immediately got up. "I have to go back, or the ship will stop running soon."

The most important thing is that she has to hand over the medical records to Taiji hospital. Taiji hospital doesn't know who is on duty tonight.