Chapter 1471

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
She said: "originally, we stayed on the road for a few days to ask for a doctor, but the doctors we asked were not very good. The more we raised, the worse we became. Seeing that we couldn't do it, your fourth brother said that we might as well hurry back to find you, so we accelerated our journey again. The bumps these days made your fourth sister-in-law feel worse."

Man Bao checks the fourth sister-in-law in the car. Outside, Bai Shan and Zhou Silang have commanded the car to cross the car in front. Daji drives out the carriage and gives it to Si Silang, and then leaves it to the third son to guide them. Bai Shan directs Zhou Silang to chongyuanfang.

Zhou Silang had never been to the side of daze Road, so he turned into the wide and quiet street. For a moment, he was a little confused, "why don't you live in evergreen lane?"

Bai Shan said, "man Bao cured the prince. The prince gave her a house, and we moved."

Zhou Silang was in the car behind him, so he nodded and didn't take it too seriously.

He knew that the people in the capital were very generous, especially those in the imperial palace. They sent things to man Bao every once in a while. They were all very valuable.

But when he really got to the mansion and saw the gate, he was still stunned.

Bai Shan didn't let him stop. After pointing out the gate to him, he asked him to drive the car to the side door.

There was just a carriage.

Bai Shan jumped out of the carriage and knocked at the door. The servant quickly removed the threshold and let the car in.

After a bump, the three children in the car woke up. As soon as they saw their sister-in-law, they cried.

Man Bao saw that they had also lost a lot of weight. He was so distressed that he reached out and touched their heads. Then he jumped out of the car and asked Zhou Lang to take his fourth sister-in-law out of the car.

She led them to the yard, "we didn't know you brought your fourth sister-in-law and fifth sister-in-law, so you cleaned up a room next to your fifth brother..."

Bai Shan called the servant and asked him to go to the girl in the backyard to fetch some hot water and get manbao's medicine box by the way.

Zhou Silang put Fang on the bed and man Bao drove him out. Then he untied Fang's clothes and checked. She touched her stomach. When Bai Shan asked the girl to bring hot water and medicine box in, she gave her a needle to wake her up.

Mrs. Liu and Zheng soon came and saw Zhou Silang sitting on the steps with a child in his arms. Two timid people snuggled up beside him. They were so distressed that they quickly asked someone to cook some meat soup in the kitchen.

She reached out to take the child in Lang's arms and whispered, "I'd better freshen up the child first."

She frowned, "how can such a small child be brought to the capital?"

Zhou sirang also regretted.

His mother didn't agree with him to bring Batou and Qitou, but his daughter-in-law and his fifth daughter-in-law were not willing to give up their children. In addition, he had walked the road to the capital three times and was fairly familiar. At the moment, the weather was not cold and not very hot. He felt that there would be no accident. Who knows, there was still an accident.

I knew I'd listen to the fuck.

On Thursday, Lang lowered his head and wiped his tears.

Mrs. Liu turned around and gave the child to Zheng. She asked her to take it down to wash and feed the child.

The three children suddenly recognized the birth and were unwilling, so they began to cry.

Zhou Silang quickly cheered up and took the initiative to hold the child down.

Mrs. Liu hurried into the room and man Bao pricked the needle. Perhaps she felt pain and Fang woke up.

Man Bao was surprised, "sister-in-law, are you awake?"

Fang's voice faintly called "man Bao", closed his eyes and fainted again.

Man Baolian hurriedly asked, "sister-in-law, do you have a stomachache? Or chest pain? "

She touched her, paid attention to her situation, and soon got the answer from the expression on her face.

Man Bao quickly pulled out the needle, changed the needle method again, and then wrote the prescription.

Mrs. Liu stood by and watched. When she had written the medicine, it was convenient to take it. "I asked Shanbao to fill the medicine."

She looked at Lu Shi, who was sitting on the side wiping tears, and whispered, "do you want to freshen up on Friday?"

Lu looked at man Bao.

Man Bao nodded and Lu went out.

Bai Shan got the medicine conveniently and knew that they were available at home, so he turned to get the medicine and soon handed it to the servant to make medicine.

Man Bao and Zheng wiped Fang's hands and face together.

Mrs. Liu asked someone to go to the restaurant to inform Lang and others on Friday. Man Bao took a ginseng out of the system to avoid people.

It was a gift from Zheng Gu. She cut a piece of ginseng into Fang's mouth and waited.

Zhou Silang quickly came in and asked, "man Bao, how's your fourth sister-in-law?"

Man Bao said, "you have to take your time."

Hearing this, Zhou sirang was relieved that he could live.

Bai Shan said outside, "brother Thursday, go and freshen up. We're here."

Man Bao also nodded, "go to the fourth brother. The fifth brother should come back in a moment."

When the medicine was ready, man Bao and Zheng fed her and wiped her. Man Bao looked at the time and carried the needle to her. He felt that her hands and feet were not so cold, so he pulled out the needle and covered her with a quilt.

Mrs. Liu has asked the kitchen to prepare meals for them, and Daji in front also came back with the team.

Liu GUI arranged a room and food for Sanzi and others in the front yard. When Lang ran back on Friday, Lu just cleaned himself and his three children.

No way. Zhou sirang doesn't take care of the children at all. The so-called grooming is to wipe the children's face and then feed them.

On Friday, Lang suddenly saw his daughter-in-law and children and thought they were dreaming. He didn't come back until half a ring. "You, why are you here?"

Lu held him and cried.

What are they doing here?

Now she is confused. Anyway, Lang came back with enough tea on Thursday. Everyone was in high spirits, and the farm work in the field was finished.

Because there are few people and a lot of land at home this year, in order not to miss the farming season, my father-in-law is rare to be generous. He agreed with my mother-in-law's proposal and took out money to ask some day laborers for help.

So when Lang came back on Thursday with several carts of tea, they were moved and wanted to come to Beijing.

Qian did not object to their coming to Beijing, because he thought that Zhou LIULANG had to take care of his marriage in the capital. I'm afraid there are many things that Zhou sirang can't take care of.

But I don't agree with them to take the children, because the children are still young and even five heads are still at home. Why do they take a few small ones?

But both Lu and Fang were reluctant to give up their children, so they had to take them. Because of this, there was some unhappiness at home.

She held Wu Lang in her arms and cried, "everything was fine at the beginning. The road was smooth. As a result, she met a group of people in a place called Chenggu County. They said they wanted to buy tea with fourth uncle. Fourth uncle said tea was to be sent to the capital. They just wanted to buy it. Fourth uncle could only give them a bag of tea. Who knows they want everything..."

Man Bao also came out of the house, frowned and said, "strong buy?"

Lu nodded repeatedly.