Chapter 1469

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Mr. Zhuang has also been paying attention. He found that the people of the old Zhou family adapt very well. Every day when they are free, they move things there and talk about getting along with their neighbors. On Friday, Lang said, "it's almost enough to send them some pickles later."

Zhou Lijun also said, "the fourth uncle is coming soon. He will certainly bring the pickles brought by his aunt. At that time, it will be divided into small jars. Each family can divide one jar. Don't worry, sir. We must prepare the gifts."

Mr. Zhuang:

As for man Bao and Bai Shanbai Erlang, they simply don't worry about it. In addition to learning and paying attention to the things in the court, why do they worry about such things?

They say they are neighbors, but their neighbors are far away. In other words, who are their neighbors?

Bai Dalang was more nervous. Before he moved there, he was a little uneasy. "Sir, if our neighbors come to visit, how should we entertain them?"

It's mainly a house with three families. How can I say that?

Mr. Zhuang shook his head and said, "learn from your younger martial brothers and sisters. You see, they never worry about this."

Bai Dalang:... Isn't that because they didn't expect it?

Anyway, whether they were worried or not, they spent a few days sorting out the house, so they chose a good day and moved their things in after asking for leave.

These days, most of the things have been moved here. What remains in Changqing lane are the daily necessities they are used to. Once these things are moved, they can gather them together.

Man Bao lives in the main room. The room is bigger and even the bed is bigger.

She happily rolled on it, and then ran to the other side to see the small study arranged by old lady Liu for her.

Yes, this time her little study is in her room. There is a wooden couch by the window with a small low table on it. If she doesn't like sitting in front of the desk, it's good to write on the wooden couch.

The main reason is that the window is the rear window. When you open the window, there is a cluster of roses behind. At this time, several rose trees have flower buds, which will open in a period of time. It's very beautiful.

In the distance, there is the big garden.

In order to prevent mosquitoes from coming in, Mrs. Liu also made a gauze curtain for her. It can be put down in summer, which can not only prevent mosquitoes, but also blow the hair. It's very comfortable.

Bai Shan, their rooms are not so exquisite.

When all the others lived in, Mrs. Liu began to arrange servants everywhere.

Not only the old Zhou family, but also Bai Shan, they are not used to being served by servants. Therefore, she only put two gatekeepers at the gate, while others are on duty everywhere, mainly cleaning and taking care of cars and horses.

Because the house is too big, each small yard is a little far from the big kitchen. When you need hot water, you need to carry it in the big kitchen.

They didn't like to use servants, so they prepared a pot in the small kitchen and planned to burn hot water by themselves.

The most convenient is man Bao, because they live in the main courtyard, not far from the kitchen. In the morning, they still go to the kitchen with a wooden basin to wash their faces with warm water.

This was the first day they lived in the mansion. After washing his face, man Bao couldn't help choking his waist and yelling, and then invited Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru, "let's fight in the garden later?"

Zhou Lijun refused, "I'm going to the restaurant after dinner. Fourth uncle should arrive these two days. We all moved here. Brother has to go to the city gate to have a look. Don't let him go astray."

Zhou Liru also refused, "today, the shopkeeper wants to spot check the books I carry. I memorized them last night, but I'm not very familiar. I have to recite them again while my mind is clear in the morning."

Man Bao groomed herself and went to the garden. She found an open space and jumped up by herself.

Bai Shan saw her playing a strange five birds play and said, "do you want to learn sword with me and Daji?"

Man Bao shook his head. "No, I have to take a horse step. I'm so tired."

After the exercise, everyone gathered in the hall for breakfast. Mr. Zhuang took out the first base invitation to them and said, "according to the list you gave, the posts of the greenhouse have been written. It's scheduled for April 19. You're just taking a rest."

Post such a thing naturally to them, who let all their friends please?

Mr. Zhuang also invited some friends. He sent his post himself. It happened that he was going out to play today. He brought it to them by the way.

Man Bao finds out the post for the prince and hesitates: "do you really want to give this?"

Bai Shan said, "here, whether he comes to see himself or not, he sent the house, but we can't help moving."

Man Bao tucked it into his sleeve and planned to ask doctor Liu to take it to the palace for Duke Wu.

Since he didn't have to go to the palace, man Bao had more time to teach them. Now Zheng Gu and Liu Yinv can sit in court with her to prescribe prescriptions, although their prescriptions are rarely used.

Man Bao didn't invite many people. Except for her three disciples, there were only the doctor and Fu Wenyun in the Jishi hall.

Lord Yang and Lord Tang are all posts sent by Bai Shan.

The most invited students are the students in the Imperial College.

Zhou Lixue also invited his classmates, so they also took a lot of posts, and everyone dispersed after breakfast.

Shopkeeper Zheng Da couldn't help sighing when he received man Bao's invitation, "you've lived in Chongyuan square for only one year."

Man Bao looked up at him suspiciously. Shopkeeper Zheng Da smiled and said, "it's all right. I just feel a little sour, but I'm used to it."

Doctor Ding, who was drinking tea, almost sprayed the tea.

In fact, few people thought that the crown prince would give the house of chongyuanfang to Zhou man, where many aristocratic families lived.

A commoner suddenly lived in the place where everyone lived. Although he was a miracle doctor, he felt very strange.

However, no one can express their opinions, because this is given by the prince, not the treasury or internal Treasury gift list given by the emperor. Even if they have opinions, they can only hold back.

Moreover, when the Zhou family began to move things in, Wang Guangping also came to Beijing.

So the case that had been shelved was restarted. During that time, Chaozhong fought and quarreled every day, and everyone was not in the mood to pay attention to the Zhou family's move.

When waiting for attention, I heard that the Bai family moved in with them.

Everyone felt better at once.

Although the two families live together before formal marriage, it is common for relatives to borrow, and it is not strange in aristocratic families.

At least the Bai family came from an aristocratic family. With their eyes, the Zhou family shouldn't be rude, right?

Zhang Jia and Du Jia, who are neighbors with the Zhou family, thought silently.

As a result, the Zhou family didn't pay attention to the ideas of their neighbors. On Friday, they moved in the day before and had to hurry back to the restaurant to welcome the guests the next day.

If the shop is closed for one day, they will lose one day's turnover?