Chapter 1445

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The crown princess looked down at her flowers and finally understood why Zhou man was so confident yesterday.

Manbao generously puts the flowers on the table and chooses them for the former crown princess.

The Crown Princess picked a multicolored flower, cut it off by her maid in charge and put it on her head.

Man Bao said with a smile, "I'll take the rest to the princesses."

The crown princess smiled and nodded, "they must like your gift."

The party then turned to the imperial garden.

The Crown Princess sat on the chariot, and man Bao rubbed her chariot and passed together.

At the imperial garden, it was still quiet, but the princesses had come. Their friends were outside the palace. It would take some time to come.

Seeing the flowers held by man Bao, the little princesses of Changyu and Mingda were shocked and gathered around to have a look.

Chang Yu gave up the flowers he had chosen early in the morning and chose a purple flower hairpin again. She tilted her head, took the maid's hand to the bronze mirror and said with a smile, "it's really beautiful. You're willing to cut such beautiful flowers?"

Man Bao smiled and said, "the crown princess said, just be happy."

Changyu prefers to leave the flowers in the flowerpot and enjoy them slowly. Even if she likes it very much, she is reluctant to wear it on her head.

Generally, she chose the one on the hairpin head, which she liked to rank next in her heart.

Mingda and the other two little princesses also chose what they liked to cut, but the two little princesses were too small to hold the flowers, so they planned to take them back and insert bottles.

They didn't know Zhou man well, so after saying a few words, they shyly turned and ran to the crown princess to talk to her.

Changyu and Mingda stood together and talked.

Chang Yu looked at the princess not far away and asked man Bao with a smile, "doctor Zhou, is the prince's brother well? I think the prince's brother and sister-in-law are in a good mood these two days."

Man Bao said with a smile, "I'm still getting a needle, but it's getting better."

She has been saying this since receiving the prince. She hasn't changed her words, and people outside can't judge whether it's true or false.

Mingda took man Bao to turn the topic, "I heard that you love flowers and plants. My sister-in-law sent you a lot of valuable flowers and plants. I thought it was an error. Now it seems that you are really good at raising flowers and plants. I remember last year you said you wanted some flowers and plants in the palace?"

Man Bao was excited and said happily, "I just like to collect flowers and plants I haven't seen. It's a group to raise and study in this way."

Man Bao thought for a while and then said, "everything in the world can be used as medicine, but the medicine is strong or weak, whether it is suitable or not. I think raising flowers and plants is the same as learning medicine."

Mingda nodded, took her hand and said, "I'll show you what you want?"

Man Bao didn't expect Mingda to be so happy. He turned and ran with her hand in hand.


When she was hesitating whether to go with her or to talk to the crown princess, the palace man came to report: "Your Highness, the girls of the Liu and Li families are coming."

Chang Yu immediately said, "please invite them over."

She turned to greet her little friends.

The queen asked the princesses to hold a flower banquet, but she didn't want to appear. After all, if she appeared, other concubines in the palace would follow.

At that time, the children will be uncomfortable and waste their time on saluting.

So she not only didn't come by herself, but also ordered the concubines in the harem not to appear.

As the princess's sister-in-law, the crown princess came to town.

As usual, the princesses in the palace are in the charge of the crown princess. They don't need her to do anything. They just sit as a sea god needle and don't let the children make trouble.

Man Bao has run away from Mingda. Keke points the way. Man Bao takes her straight to the flowers and plants he wants to collect.

Behind hula, followed by a group of waiting maids and waiters, some smart, have brought flower pots and small flower hoes.

Mingda wouldn't let them wait near, waved them away, picked up a small flower hoe and dug flowers and plants with man Bao.

Man Bao planted the dug plants in the flowerpot, gave them to the palace man behind, and then took Mingda to the next plant.

After a while, she stood under a tree full of flowers, looked up at the lush and beautiful flowers, and couldn't help exclaiming, "this magnolia flower is better than peony."

Mingda looked at the pale yellow peony on her head and said with a smile, "do you like flowers?"

Man Bao nodded, "the flowers are too many. You can enjoy them in the basin. The hairpin head is not good-looking."

Mingda pointed to the magnolia flowers full of branches and asked, "do you want to?"


The flower center of Magnolia is pink purple, but the flowers are light pink, with clear layers. There are more than 20 flowers in one branch, scattered and beautiful.

Man Bao likes this kind of flower best.

Both of them cut the flower branches without the help of the palace man.

Mingda chose the best one for her. Neither of them was tall, so she weighed her toes and pulled it and cut it.

Barely cut it off, man Bao sniffed and was very happy, "the smell of flowers is also good."

They took the flowers and continued to walk down. The palace people fell far behind. Mingda asked man Bao, "how is my mother's recent health?"“

Man Bao nodded. "My mother's condition has been controlled. She'll be fine as long as she doesn't get sick."

Mingda also took a flower in his hand and sighed, "my mother is always thinking too much. I'm afraid she can't be peaceful."

Man Bao turned and smiled at her, "you're not in good health. You're so small. You love to worry."

She said, "since you know it's bad for your health to think more, why think more?"

Mingda didn't think of herself. She explained, "this is a physical problem. I'm not thinking. I'm one or two years younger than you. Don't you think more than me when you study medicine?"

Man Bao shook his head. "I study, but I seldom worry."

She said, "worry, don't worry too much."

Mingda nodded after thinking for a while, "well, we don't want anything today, just play?"

Man Bao nodded happily, "OK."

They simply let go of the game, touched the imperial garden, and dug some flowers and plants she had never seen under the guidance of Koko.

After digging the imperial garden, Mingda took a look at the busy garden center and pulled man Bao out. "Suddenly, it's strange and boring. Why don't we go to other places to see if there are any flowers and plants you want?"


They just ran away.

The maid in waiting in the back followed, and the flowers and plants dug up by them were either buried in flower pots or wrapped with leaves and collected by the palace people.

When the queen finished handling the palace affairs and thought of several children asking, she knew that Mingda and Zhou man were not in the imperial garden, but were digging in the palace. Now I heard that they had dug into the front hall of the Tai Chi hall.


She rubbed her forehead and said to Aunt Shang, "go and bring the two children back. In front is the place where the great ministers go in and out. It's bad if they collide."

Aunt Shang quickly responded and turned to find the princess and Zhou man.