Chapter 1417

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
When man Bao looked at the probe, it was a green jade hairpin. It was bright and moist all over. There was a thicker one, which was obviously the style used by men.

She was a little stunned and quickly thanked her.

The princess closed the box and put it aside. She planned to put it on when man Bao left.

The crown princess did just know that Zhou man and Bai Shan were engaged, but the crown prince had known for a long time, just pretending not to know.

He was deliberately alleviating his involvement with Zhou man. Years ago, he wanted to tell the whole world that Zhou man was from the east palace.

Let the people in and out of the East Palace pick her up. Not only will they be rewarded every time they enter the palace, but occasionally when they don't enter the palace, the crown princess will ask someone to send her a pot of beautiful flowers and plants.

Its glory and favor can be seen in general.

But this time, the pair of green jade hairpins were sent privately. In fact, if the Crown Princess hadn't mentioned it, the crown prince wouldn't be happy to send them.

People outside looked at it and guessed in their hearts. They thought that the crown prince was angry because he was drunk and broke his foundation.

Especially now Zhou man enters the palace every other day. You know, years ago, she had treated the prince for half a month before she entered the palace for a needle.

It can be seen that the situation of the prince is really not very good.

Therefore, the dignitaries who originally wanted to take advantage of Zhou man's return to Beijing to invite her to visit the doctor stopped their actions and invited other doctors instead.

Forget it. Anyway, it's not a fatal illness. It's the same to ask other doctors. Don't talk too deeply with Zhou man.

Therefore, after man Bao's distance from the sitting room was reduced, he was directly cut off.

Oh, there are still some. She also has two fixed patients, one is Xiang Mingxue and the other is yin or.

Unfortunately, neither of them paid her.

After Zhou Lixue and Zhou Ligu passed the exam and officially enrolled in class D of Songhe academy, man Bao became more relaxed and began to devote himself to treating the prince and teaching several students.

In the last ten days, Mr. Zhuang systematically reviewed the two people, while Bai Shan found the previous papers of Songhe academy to ponder and bet some questions for them, but even so, they also entered class D with their tails hanging.

Zhou Lixue and Zhou Ligu were stunned. Their faces were unbelievable. They were so smart and powerful that they just entered class D?

Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief and privately said to man Bao, "they finally got into the exam. Now they know that there are days outside the sky and there are people outside the people?"

Man Bao was lying on the table and said, "I must know."

Bai Shan looked up and saw that she remembered a lot of names. He asked, "these names... What did you remember to do?"

Man Bao looked left and right. Seeing that they were all in the yard, he whispered, "they are all the people the prince has seen these days."

Man Bao has been paying points for Keke to stare at the prince. During this time, the prince has met many people one after another.

Although he didn't talk about anything secret, man Bao always felt a little uneasy, so he wrote down the names of these people and showed them to Bai Shan.

Bai Shan looked. Some names looked familiar. He heard people mention them in school, but some names were strange.

For a moment, he was not sure whether these people were simply loyal to the prince or had any other premeditation with the prince.

He asked quietly, "did Uncle Zhou say that the prince has changed recently?"

Man Bao shakes her head. Now she doesn't go to class in the teaching room before going to bed. She is staring at the prince's video. Although fast forward, it can ensure that the prince does not change.

Bai Shan said, "it's a good thing. Even if it's something, it can't be arranged overnight. Take advantage of this Kung Fu to cure him, as long as he has children."

At that time, no matter whether he has a different heart or not, they can find an excuse to leave the palace or even the capital.

Man Bao nods.

As usual, man Bao goes to Jishi hall every morning, but he has less time to sit in the hall and more time to teach his four disciples.

Especially Zheng Gu, she finally knows what's wrong with Zheng Gu.

Zheng Gu's fault is that he remembers his medical books very well.

Of course, shopkeeper Zheng Da didn't think so. They thought Zheng Gu was pedantic in reading and lost two points of aura when prescribing prescriptions.

At that time, man Bao took him in the consulting room and watched him take his pulse and prescribe.

There is nothing wrong with the pulse record. Most of the symptoms are identified correctly. Even if there are differences, they are also some details. It is always right in the general direction.

The prescription is OK. It's basically symptomatic, but man Bao didn't use his prescription, but reopened one for the patient. Man Bao hasn't found his problem yet, so he praises him a lot.

Because his foundation is really good, far better than Doctor Liu, she thinks he can sit in court and prescribe prescriptions.

When she praised him, the curtain of their consulting room was hung. Doctor Gu stood at the door laughing with a cup of tea. Not only doctor Gu, doctor Ding and doctor Tao also came to see the excitement and watched them happy together.

Not to mention the party Zheng Gu, man Bao was carrying a heart. For fear of what he had done wrong, he pulled the patient back and looked at it again. After confirming that it was right, he let the person go.

Zheng Gu was a little nervous. His forehead was sweating in a cold day, but after seeing three patients in a row, man Bao said he saw well. He slowly ignited his confidence.

Man Bao also slowly forgot what Dr. Ding said.

It was found that it was wrong. Man Bao didn't have to go into the palace that day when he was eating lunch, so he took out all the cases in the morning and taught Doctor Liu, who had begun to learn pulse diagnosis.

As a result, she found it wrong.

Mingming Zheng Gu didn't distinguish the disease and the prescription was right, but when she sorted out the prescriptions, she found that none of the prescriptions they prescribed were the same. The most important thing is that she prescribed all the prescriptions for the patient.

Zheng Gu's prescription was right, but it was always almost something, so she prescribed it again.

Man Bao arranges all the prescriptions in rows. When he compares them, he is stupid.

Dr. Ding, who was drinking tea to rest, couldn't help laughing and asked her with tears, "see the problem?"

Man Bao was very depressed. He took the prescription. Unwilling to see her teach her disciples, he took Zheng Gu to the front lobby consulting room to teach her.

Man Bao spread out the prescription on the table, looked at Zheng Gu and asked, "do you see the problem?"

Zheng Gu shook his head after looking at it. "Master, didn't you say that my prescription was right?"

"Yes, where did you get this prescription?" Man Bao asked with a prescription.

"The prescription left by our ancestors."

Man Bao pointed to another prescription. He said, "don't you know the prescription derived from the theory of typhoid fever?"

Man Bao sighed and asked, "do you remember what the patients of these two prescriptions are like?"

"Of course I remember. Can I forget it in such a short time?"

Man Bao sighed, "all your prescriptions are right, but they are not perfect. This one, the doctor is a poor man. Ginseng is valuable and Qi deficiency, but you can replace it with yam, but you still use ginseng."