Chapter 1287

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
"How many can you teach alone?" Bai Shan said, "even if you don't go to Jishi hall for treatment, don't study, and don't go out to see a doctor, can you take 20 students at a time?"

"These twenty students will have to study behind you for ten years before they leave school. At that time," Bai Shan said in a low voice, "it's not certain whether the queen is still there. If she's not, who will remember the women's hospital?"

Man Bao shivered, but he was frightened by another thing. "God, I'll stay in the palace for ten years and only do this one thing? It's terrible. "

Bai Shan nodded and said, "so this official can't take it."

Man Bao was distressed and said, "can this women's hospital be built?"

Man Bao has read history books and stories in recent years. Some so-called miscellaneous histories from the encyclopedia may be ancient records of their world. She knows how important this women's hospital is to women all over the world.

She said, "this step forward, my wish may be half achieved. If I shrink back, I may become a sinner in the world in the future."

Bai Erlang nodded, "if someone writes down this paragraph, don't worry, future generations will scold you."

Man Bao:

Bai Shan pushed Bai Erlang, turned to man Bao and said, "don't pay attention to him. Although you don't answer the official, this Taiji hospital can still be built, but it can't be built like this."

Man Bao: "how to build it?"

Bai Shan thinks that it is not certain whether the queen will live ten years later. This policy is proposed by the queen. If she is gone, man Bao will be in a very embarrassing position in the future.

If you can hang your seal and leave, it's OK. It's a big deal to start over. The students you brought before can also be regarded as making contributions to the people.

But suppose she can't even resign?

Women as officials are different from men. Don't medical women also have grades? It's just not in the stream.

However, I have never heard of a medical woman who goes out of the palace to marry at an old age, or fails to enter the court for a crime and serves for life. I have never heard of a medical woman who is not old enough to resign and go home.

Bai Shan doesn't want man Bao to be trapped in the court all his life.

He said, "if the queen wants to build a women's Hospital, you let her build it. Leave the officials empty first, and then choose a suitable candidate in the future."

"I think the queen must have considered what we considered, so she sent you to learn medicine. It must be a medical woman who had contact with her," Bai Shan said. "They can read, know herbs, know some prescriptions and know some medical theory. You can teach them five or six years and let them do it at that time."

Man Bao's eyes turned, "in this way, the officials of the whole nvtai hospital are under my door."

Bai Shan nodded and said with a smile, "you don't have to bring more, just three or two students. You can let them come out to Jishi hall to study with you. When they have achieved something, let them bring three or two younger martial sisters themselves. You check and solve your doubts occasionally. In this way, you can do more things you want to do without fatigue. They also have disease internships. How good?"

Man Bao nodded.

Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "if you can, you'd better fix the articles of association of the women's hospital with the queen and follow the current Tai hospital. What about the post, promotion and resignation? And salaries and rewards. These articles of association should be set in detail. "

He said, "only the government with the Constitution can last long. If it only depends on your blood, I'm afraid it will be abandoned after a generation."

Man Bao nodded, "also, Taiji hospital is basically only for the royal family and power ministers to see doctors, and there are few actions to benefit the people. The purpose of nvtai hospital is to let the trained female doctors go out to see doctors for the people. If you don't make a constitution, I'm afraid it won't be settled as soon as the queen goes."

Bai Shan nodded. Unfortunately, he said, "Tai hospital has always been independent of the six departments and only obeys the orders of the royal family. If they were also recorded in the court, they would be as good as all officials to reward and punish impeachment."

Man Bao scratched his head and asked, "has the hospital always been like this?"

Bai Shan thought about it and said, "it seems that it's not as good as this. I vaguely remember seeing the medical book compiled by the imperial Medical Department of the former dynasty, in which there are records of teaching students. I'll go to the library of the Imperial College later."

This is because man Bao is studying medicine. When he saw it, he turned it over. Otherwise, no one would read this kind of booklet.

Bai Erlang turned the venison over and sprinkled some salt and seasoning. The venison made a Zizi sound and the smell spread everywhere. He took the time to say, "how nice it is to ask Mr. directly."

Man Bao thought it was reasonable, so he turned and ran to invite Mr.

Bai Shan glanced at Bai Erlang and went out to get a small stool and put it in. He said, "can't you solve this small problem by yourself?"

Bai Erlang looked up at him inexplicably. "There are so many books in the library. It's hard to find a book. Don't I think about it for you?"

Bai Shan said, "I thank you."

Bai Erlang hummed, "you're welcome!"

After fighting, Mr. Zhuang was invited by man Bao. Seeing that they had roasted venison, he smiled and shook his head and said, "fortunately, it's not in the study, otherwise the books in one room will have such a taste."

Man Bao said, "it's so fragrant. You can dye it when you dye it."

Mr. Zhuang reached out and patted her on the head, "naughty."

Bai Shan said, "you are not afraid that you will be hungry when you hold a book and smell the fragrance."

Bai Erlang thought about it and said, "it's good."

Mr. Zhuang also patted him on the head, and the teachers and disciples laughed happily.

After looking around, Mr. Zhuang said, "how can we do it alone? Go and invite Mr. Xiang and them over. "

Daji goes to invite Xiang Chao and carries Xiang Ming to learn from him.

So Daji's room was even more lively. He sighed faintly and thought to himself, forget it, just smell a little.

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang roasted the first batch of venison and gave it to Mr. Zhuang, Xiang Mingxue and man Bao. Then they took the plate and roasted the second batch.

Several people chatted while eating, "Sir, what was the Taiji hospital in the former dynasty?"

Mr. Zhuang wiped the corners of his mouth with a silk and said with a smile: "in the previous dynasty, it was not called Taiyi hospital, but Taiyi department. In fact, it was not called Taiyi hospital in this dynasty, and it was also called Taiyi department in its official name. Just I don't know when someone called it Taiyi hospital. Over time, everyone called it so."

Man Bao blinked, "I remember. The plaque of the Tai hospital really says the Tai medical department. I think there is no difference between the two, so I haven't noticed yet."

"There are still some differences," Mr. Zhuang said with a smile

He said: "in the former dynasty, the imperial medical department was under the control of Taichang temple. In addition to the Royal medicine department, it occasionally had to teach some students. However, the late emperor of the former dynasty was cruel. Not only the imperial medical department, but also places such as the Imperial College were cut off. When this dynasty was established, there were scuffles everywhere and state affairs were complicated. I'm afraid the former Emperor and his majesty could not remember this matter, so there were no students."

"The imperial medical department is still nominally under the name of Taichang temple, but actually it has long been separated from Taichang temple and only listens to your Majesty's orders, so everyone privately changed the Department into a hospital, so they called it."