Chapter 1276

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Han Wuniang was silent. After a long time, she said, "no, protect the children first."

Mrs. Han shouted disapprovingly, "five niangs!"

Han Wuniang shook her head with red eyes, "elder sister, this child was conceived by me with great difficulty. I know that if I can't have a child this time, I won't have a child in the future."

Han Wuniang hugged her belly and cried, "this is my baby in August. How can I give him up?"

Mrs. Han knew this would happen, so they didn't want to tell her this.

Man Bao quickly comforted her, "don't worry, Mrs. Han, it's just the worst plan, not only one."

Han Wuniang wept silently.

Li Sanlang came back cold. He stamped his feet outside the screen. When the cold disappeared, he entered the inner room. When he saw Han Wu wiping tears, his face became more and more ugly.

Mrs. Han silently gave him a seat. Li Sanlang sat by the bed and said with a black face, "don't worry, there are my eldest sister and me outside."

Then he turned to man Bao and asked politely, "doctor Zhou, how's your wife?"

Man Bao said, "it's all right. The medicine has been boiled. Let her take a dose of tocolysis medicine. I'm going to prepare. I'll start cesarean section around noon tomorrow. By the way, she won't eat from now on."

Li Sanlang looked at Han Da Niang. Han Wu Niang hesitated, "don't you eat anything?"

Li Sanlang didn't hold back his anger and couldn't help saying, "just eat less. What's the matter? If you can be obedient and eat less, why do you have so many things?"

Han Wu, who had just stopped, couldn't help crying, "you blame me, you blame me, but is this what I want to eat? This is what your son eats. If I don't eat it, I'll get dizzy at the moment. I don't even have the strength to talk. You'll know how to let me eat less... "

Both of them had a loud voice. Man Bao was the first time to see a quarrel between the patient and the patient's family. Sheng Sheng was shocked. When he reacted, he quickly persuaded him to quarrel, "Han Wu Niang, Li Langjun is also concerned about you. Li Langjun, in fact, it doesn't blame Han Wu Niang. She is ill and can't help being hungry."

Several people in the room listened and looked at man Bao, "eating too much is also a disease?"

Man Bao said, "yes, isn't this normal? If you eat less, you will feel that you have a bad appetite and are ill. Naturally, if you eat more, you will also be ill. "

Han Wuniang asked, "what disease?"

Man Bao: "this is diabetes."

Empress Han Wu looked at mammy Han.

Mammy Han narrowed her old and dazed eyes for a while, and then asked, "Dr. Zhou, our five wives didn't have such a disease before. I heard that thirst quenching would drink, eat and urinate more and lose weight. We five wives didn't have such a disease before. We ate well."

Mother Li also came in from the outside and nodded her head again and again: "yes, yes, the third wife ate more after she was pregnant, but she would have been addicted to food when she was pregnant. Isn't this normal?"

Mother Li has been taking care of Han Wu since she became pregnant, so she knows the changes of Han Wu most clearly.

Man Bao said, "of course, it's not normal. Other pregnant women will get fat if they eat more. But look at your wife, her face, hands and feet have not changed except her stomach? Just happened to be pregnant, so you didn't find the disease. "

Outside the screen, old doctor Tan and Doctor Liu looked at each other. They all happened to recall the pulse case of Han Wu Niang. Indeed, it was strange for her to eat more.

The Li family didn't do anything.

After discovering that empress Han Wu didn't listen to advice and always ate more, her mother-in-law began to let the kitchen control the supplements she imported. Since May of pregnancy, she ate very few of the supplements that aristocrats often eat during pregnancy.

At that time, they didn't pay much attention to this when they asked mammy Li, but now, under such circumstances, if they hadn't controlled it at that time, I'm afraid

Man Bao comforted the patient. After ensuring that the disease would not endanger the child's life safety, she pulled out the needle on her body and went out.

Man Bao and old doctor Tan and Doctor Liu said, "let's have an autopsy tomorrow."

After all, it was the first time to open the abdomen to take the baby when the pregnant woman was in good condition. Old doctor Tan and Doctor Liu were still a little nervous. They looked at each other and asked, "is it too fast?"

Lao Tan said, "I look at her pulse. Maybe I can keep the child if I try hard."

Man Bao said, "I've just seen it. Although it's few, it's still popular. If she doesn't have an autopsy, she'll have to lie in bed to raise her fetus for the next month. I'm afraid she can't even move. It's also very dangerous."

Doctor Liu didn't speak. Old doctor Tan sighed and asked, "is the child familiar?"

Man Baodun said after a moment: "I just heard that the fetal heart rate is faster than before, but it's still within the normal range, but I'm still worried..."

Doctor Liu calculated the time and said, "there are still eight days to nine months. If the time is short, the survival rate of the child will not be too high."

Old Tan Taiyi said, "the top priority is to keep Han Wu's wife and children. Just take them out alive. There will be a way to deal with them."

"There must always be a choice," he said

Obviously, he prefers to listen to Han Shangshu's requirements.

In this era, even the survival rate of children born naturally is not high. Even doctors Lao Tan and Liu Tai also have premature children.

Before the child is eight years old, he may die prematurely for various reasons. Lao Tan Taiyi does not advocate giving up the life of Han Wuniang for a child.

Unless she's less likely to survive than her children.

So he turned and asked man Bao, "how sure is Dr. Zhou?"

"Mother?" Man Bao said: "at this time, the possibility of laparotomy is really large. Dragging it down is not only bad for the mother, but also bad for the child."

Man Bao thought for a while, but he poked Keke secretly. "Scan her and see how the child is."

Koko impolitely deducted a point, and then fed back the data to the anthropomorphic model in the system, so that man Bao can see it intuitively.

Man Bao sat in the chair, closed his eyes and sank into the system to watch. She asked Koko to operate the anthropomorphic model and let her present the 5D state. She can intuitively see the state of the child in her belly

Man Bao opens his eyes. Old doctor Tan and Doctor Liu just think she's closing her eyes.

Man Bao said, "I'd better cut it tomorrow. It's not good for the child to drag it down."

Lao Tan Taiyi and Liu Taiyi discussed, nodded together, and then went out to discuss with Han Shangshu.

Bai Shanzheng and Han Shangshu sat together drinking tea. Seeing that man Bao and the three of them came in together, they got up to salute old doctor Tan and Doctor Liu, and stepped aside to listen to them.