Chapter 1096

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The Duke of Yu County specially came to get the blessing bag from the east palace. After taking the blessing bag, the party would go into the teahouse to talk, but a group of teenagers were stiff in front of the adults. Everyone winked at Bai Shan, quietly saluted several gentlemen and ran away.

Liu Huan pulled yin or, "can you go?"

Yin or shook his head: "you go, I won't go."

Liu Huan looked around and saw that his partners were almost running. He hesitated and decided to stay.

Mr. Jiang, Mr. Chen and others obviously respect Mr. Yu. When Mr. Yu went to get the blessing bag, they waited honestly. When he received the blessing bag, they respectfully invited people to the second floor of the teahouse. When he sat down, they saluted and sat down.

He sat on only one-third of the stool and put his hands in front of his stomach like man Bao when they were children.

Not to mention man Bao and Bai Shan, yin or Liu Huan were stunned.

Mr. Jiang turned to see them so foolish and said, "don't you come to see Mr. Yu soon?"

When the four people came forward, the Duke of Yu County smiled and waved and said, "don't let the children be so stiff. We've all met before. Come and sit down."

He smiled at Mr. Zhuang, "are these two children your disciples?"

Mr. Zhuang bowed and replied, "yes."

The Duke of Yu County smiled, nodded and asked, "when did you teach them?"

Mr. Zhuang replied, "from enlightenment."

The Duke of Yu County suddenly looked more gentle. "Did they follow you to enlighten? OK, OK, OK, I see you look familiar. Have we met before? "

After a pause, Mr. Zhuang bowed and said, "when I was young, I came to the capital once. I once wrote poems to Lord hang, the Minister of household. At that time, Duke Yu was also there, so I met him."

The Duke of Yu County thought about it before he remembered, "hang? Is it hang Liping? "

Mr. Zhuang bowed and said "yes".

The Duke of Yu County sighed, "he died early. He has been dead for eleven or two years. You wrote to him. Was that more than twenty years ago?"

At that time, he became the Minister of household.

Mr. Zhuang answered "yes" again.

But the Duke of Yu County didn't think it was right.

Although his memory is good, so many people write to them every year that he can't even remember the people who write to himself, let alone his friends.

Why does he think Mr. Zhuang looks familiar?

The Duke of Yu County looked at Mr. Zhuang touching his beard. After half a ring, he smiled and asked, "I don't know which poem you voted for. Looking at your white clothes, the old boy didn't take your article and went back to his hometown?"

Mr. Jiang and others didn't speak, but they felt the atmosphere stagnant.

Man Bao opens his mouth to speak. Bai Shan pulls her sleeve. She looks back at him. Bai Shan shakes her head slightly.

Mr. Zhuang had read the poems he had written with a smile, without changing a word.

Mr. Jiang and others couldn't help praising a good poem in their hearts, but the smile on Mr. Yu's face gradually faded.

He has always had a good memory. Besides, he likes this poem written by Mr. Zhuang very much. He also had the feeling that he can expect his ambition, so he liked it when he heard it.

So I naturally know what happens later.

The Duke of Yu County looked up and down at Mr. Zhuang. He straightened his back and slightly lowered his head for him to see.

The Duke of Yu County turned his eyes to Bai Shan and man Bao. When he saw that they were looking at him with round eyes and concern, he took back his eyes and looked at Mr. Zhuang, "have you been white for so many years?"

"Yes," Mr. Zhuang bowed and said after a pause, "the boy has been a teacher, but he has been a teacher since he did it for two years. Until now."

The Duke of Yu County nodded slightly and asked, "how many disciples have you received?"


Yu County Duke's eyes swept around Liu Huan and yin or.

Mr. Zhuang bowed his head and didn't see his eyes, but man Bao and Bai Shan saw it. They quickly explained, "Mr. Yu, our younger martial brother is not here today. He went to play with his classmates."

"Younger martial brother?" The Duke of Yu County looked at man Bao and said with a smile, "in this way, are you the eldest martial sister?"

Man Bao nods.

"But I think you are younger than your younger martial brother."

Why should everyone pay attention to this?

Man Bao said, "but I started early."

The Duke of Yu County asked Mr. Zhuang, "is this little girl from your family?"

Mr. Zhuang quickly explained, "no, the child studied with me since childhood. She was very intelligent, so she was accepted as a disciple."

Man Bao explained: "Mr. opened a school in our village. My sister-in-law cooked in the school. I went with my children. I sat on the threshold to listen to Mr. class. Because I learned quickly, Mr. accepted me as a disciple."

"No bundle repair. Even my first books, pen, ink, paper and inkstone were given by my husband."

The Duke of Yu County understood and asked with a smile, "why don't you give a bundle repair?"

"My family is poor. I didn't have money at first."

"Poor family..." the Duke of Yu County glanced at Mr. Zhuang, smiled and asked man Bao, "how many years have you been studying with your husband?"

Man Bao: "eleven or twelve years."

Bai Shan was almost choked by his saliva. Did you go to school as soon as you were born?

He couldn't help glancing at her.

Mr. Zhuang also glanced at man Bao and warned her to be honest.

Man Bao thought, it's really eleven or twelve years. Although she doesn't remember, Keke remembers.

It said a long time ago that she was very young. When she walked with the wall, she sat on the threshold of the school. The first sentence she learned was to call "Sir" together with the students in the school.

The Duke of Yu County smiled, nodded slightly, touched his beard and asked, "I remember that one of your classmates also made a good poem. What's his name?"

Mr. Zhuang said with a smile, "the time is too long, and the boy has forgotten."

At this moment, even Bai Shan couldn't help but want to speak, but Mr. Zhuang glanced up. The two disciples had to bow their heads and don't speak.

The Duke of Yu County nodded. Instead of continuing the topic, he drank some tea, talked to Mr. Jiang and others, and left.

Mr. Jiang and others sent out the Duke of Yu County, and then straightened up, "strange, when did Duke Yu return to Beijing? Didn't he return home? "

Mr. Chen stared at Mr. Zhuang and thought about it. The classmate of Mr. Zhuang said by the Duke of Yu County wouldn't be Chen Fulin?

As soon as the worshippers left, they looked at the sunset in the sky and had no time to play, so they said goodbye and went back to their homes.

Mr. Chen took Mr. Jiang to the bus.

Yan or also looked at the time and said, "I have to go home, too. If you have something to send a message to me, just say if you need my help."

Man Bao and Bai Shan knew what he had guessed sensitively, nodded and watched him get on the bus.

Liu Huan pushed up after him and shouted, "I'm with you. Anyway, our two families are on the way."

When they all left, the three teachers and students got on Daji's carriage.

Bai Shan and man Bao were puzzled and asked, "Sir, why didn't you tell the Duke of Yu county?"