Chapter 878

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Bai Erlang was still a little confused until he got out of the city gate in a carriage.

He opened the curtain and looked back. He saw that the gate of Yizhou city was still shrouded in fog. He couldn't see the three big characters on the gate very clearly.

Man Bao and Bai Shan also crowded into the other side of the window to see. They were also disappointed.

Bai Erlang asked, "will we come back?"

Bai Shan affirmed, "yes."

Bai Erlang sighed, "I have to go back in a hurry. I haven't had time to say goodbye to Qi Jue. I don't know if they will blame me when I come back."

Bai Shan also sighed, "I didn't have time to say goodbye to my students."

Man Bao was also sad. "Dr. Ji doesn't know if he will worry about me."

Then they looked at Bai Erlang and sighed heavily. Their faces were full of guilt.

Bai Erlang was worried and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that? Have you done bad things again? "

Bai Shan said, "you should have taken the imperial examination this year. Now you go back with us. I'm afraid you can't take the imperial examination this year."

Man Bao: "yes, sir, I have given you a volume of topics. Alas, I haven't had time to copy them all for you."

Bai Erlang was very happy when he heard the speech, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He was afraid that they would complain to his husband. He had to make a question in the end.

He scowled and comforted them. "It's all right. I think Dazhi academy is also very good. Don't Qi Jue and them study in the academy?"

In this way, it seems that being forced to flee home for the time being is not a particularly bad thing.

Bai Erlang secretly rejoiced. Seeing that there was gradually sunshine outside, he simply climbed to the shaft and sat with Zhou LIULANG in the sun.

Man Bao and Bai Shan also tied up the curtains, put their little face out of the window and looked at the scenery outside facing the rising sun.

The two carriages were followed by five horses, all of whom were yamen servants in Luojiang county.

The letter sent to Luojiang County in the afternoon of the day before Tang County order, Mr. Zhuang naturally went back. Their things were packed out on the same day, got the documents, and left early the next morning. It was so fast that Mr. Zhuang only had time to leave a letter to LAN Cheng and others that he couldn't say goodbye to them in person.

Yang county magistrate specially sent five yamen guards to protect them, so Tang county magistrate doesn't have to send anyone any more.

A group of people rode fast. Before the sunset, they went into the village. The Yamen soldiers took people to Qili Village and left to go back to the county yamen.

The servants of the Bai family waited at the entrance of the village early. As soon as the car arrived, the servants greeted it and directly pulled the car back home. Mother Liu whispered to Bai shanman Bao who jumped out of the car: "young master, Miss man, county magistrate Yang is waiting for you next door."

Bai Erlang heard it and couldn't help but be surprised, "why is Lord Yang in my house? No, why is he here? Isn't he in the county? "

Seeing Bai Erlang, Mammy Liu bowed back and said, "Lord Yang visited the village in the afternoon and had a good talk with the villagers. She forgot the time. Now it's dark, so she decided to stay overnight."

Bai Erlang turned to look at the sunset that had not completely fallen in the West and said, "I knew that the five yamen service brothers should have waited just now. If they followed, they were not afraid to walk at night, not to mention the fast horse from our village to the county."


Mr. Zhuang had a headache. He simply waved and said, "Erlang, come and serve me. Go back and have a rest."

Bai Erlang's voice dropped eight degrees. "Oh" came forward to hold Mr. Zhuang. As soon as he turned his head and saw that they didn't move, he killed the chicken and wiped his neck. "Elder martial sister, elder martial brother, you keep up."

Man Bao couldn't help muttering, "now you know to call me elder martial sister, hum."

That said, she still found a big burden for her husband from the car and hugged him to keep up.

Bai Shan carried a big basket.

The servants of the white family are no longer surprised. While it is still light, they quickly separate the things of the four families. Mr. Zhuang's should immediately send them to the young master. They should put a pile of their own young master, a pile of the hall young master, and a pile of Miss man's.

Zhou LIULANG made an overall plan to recognize things and didn't let them divide things wrong.

When the whole part is ready, Zhou LIULANG first holds a big box full of treasure. It looks very valuable.

He said to mother Liu, "then I'll go home and ask someone to come and get something."

Mother Liu quickly smiled and said, "go, go, and please tell master Zhou and Mrs. Zhou that county magistrate Yang has a strong conversation. I'm afraid we'll leave young master and miss man to talk to them. After they have eaten, we'll send Miss man back."

Zhou LIULANG knew that they must say confidential things and nodded.

Zhou LIULANG went home with the box.

It was busy farming at the moment. In the village, except for the people who went home to cook and cook, only the children who would run cried. Therefore, Zhou LIULANG didn't meet anyone all the way home.

There was no one in their family. Only the fifth sister-in-law, who was on her turn to cook, was at home with Sanya and several young people. When she saw Zhou LIULANG coming back, Lu was obviously shocked and asked, "Liu Lang? Why are you back? "

On Saturday Lang said, "not only I'm back, but also manbao. They're back at Bai's house. Their parents have gone to the field?"

Lu quickly asked, "why did you come back at this time, but something happened?"

After a pause, Zhou LIULANG said, "no, sister-in-law Wu, I'll first send the box to man Bao's room, Sanya, go to the ground and call back your grandparents. Later, let your eldest brother and them go to Bai's house to move things. Man Bao brought back a lot of things this time."

Many things were tied in the belly and on the top of the carriage, and the five yamen servants on the horse also helped tie a lot of things.

I'm afraid they will stay at home for a long time this time, so they brought back all the important things, especially Mr. Zhuang's two pots of orchids and peonies. They enjoyed their position.

At this time, the three are circling around Mr. Zhuang.

The Bai family has a small yard dedicated to Mr. Zhuang, and the things are directly sent to the yard. Knowing that Mr. Zhuang is too old to stand turbulence, as soon as he gets to the place, man Bao goes to make tea, Bai Shan goes to bring hot water for Mr. Zhuang to wash, Bai Erlang looses his hand, and Mr. Bai jumps to the kitchen to get some soup.

When Yang county magistrate came over, he saw the three people waiting around Mr. Zhuang. He couldn't help but step down, and then smiled with the white master next to him: "your son is really filial."

Master Bai said in a very complicated way: "Mr. Zhuang taught them well."