Chapter 783

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Man Bao took out the long-life lock hanging around his neck and argued: "see, this long-life lock is so big. Even if it is taken out, my family will be ruined. My fourth brother didn't gamble. My family was still very rich."

She sighed deeply: "before that, I never had to worry about food and clothing, but after my fourth brother gambled, even I had to worry about my livelihood."

County Magistrate Yang couldn't help laughing and asked happily, "how old were you then?"

Bai Shan said, "four years old!"

He remembered it very clearly, because he had a fight with her soon!

When I was a child, many memories were blurred, but this one was particularly profound.

Bai Shan glances at man Bao.

Man Bao continued, "I'm almost five years old, so you see, even my child has to worry about making a living. It can be seen how poor my family was at that time. So don't gamble like my fourth brother. "

County Magistrate Yang finally believed now that they would not participate in gambling, smiled and nodded. Glancing at the long-life lock on man Bao's neck, he couldn't help but "eh", leaned forward, took a careful look, smiled and asked, "where did you get the long-life lock?"

"My parents beat me!"

County Magistrate Yang looked at the longevity lock again and asked with a smile, "did your parents fight? Where did you take the taxi? "

"Where else can I take a taxi? I'll take a taxi in the Silver Tower," man Bao repeated her father's words. "It's expensive at home. As soon as I was born, I'm not in good health. I always have to take medicine. I heard that wearing a long-life lock can live a long life, so my father gave me a piece of silver. After I put it on, I really feel much better, so I can't take the long-life lock down."

"That's not what you said before," Bai Shan said. "You said before that it's bad for you to be small, and then your mother took you to the Taoist temple to worship Lord Tianzun. Lord Tianzun likes you, and then you'll be well."

Bai Erlang said vaguely, "don't you say it's good to eat eggs and water?"

Man Bao: "... How do I know? My parents said it all. Judge for yourself."

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang: "... Your family has a lot of words."

County Magistrate Yang stared thoughtfully at the long life lock on man Bao's neck. He was silent for a long time before laughing: "this long life lock looks very chic. Can you take it off and show it to me?"

"Aren't all long-lived locks the same?" Bai Shan frowned slightly. "I have one too. Let me show you mine."

Yang county magistrate knocked him on the head with a fan and said with a smile, "I just want to see man Bao."

Man Bao didn't mind. He took it down and showed it to him. Although her parents wouldn't let her take it down, he was afraid of losing it. County magistrate Yang would never rob her long-life lock.

County Magistrate Yang took the longevity lock and went to a lantern to have a careful look. The three small heads also curiously looked up and found that it was still a longevity lock and could not grow a flower.

Yang county magistrate smiled and returned the longevity lock to man Bao. He smiled and asked, "is it really your parents who went to the silver building to beat you?"

When he asked, man Bao hesitated. She knew that Dad would boast occasionally. Naturally, there was no truth in his mouth when boasting.

She nodded slowly. She was not sure, "right?"

Yang Heshu touched her head and said with a smile, "OK, the style of this long-life lock is very unique. I think I'll call him when I have a child."

Man Bao was inspired and asked, "adult Yang, are you going to get married?"

Yang Heshu nodded sadly and said, "yes, my family has already told me to get married. I will go back to get married soon."

Bai Shan asked, "what about spring planting?"

Don't the county magistrate want to persuade class Nongsang?

"Fortunately, I got married and came back just in time for spring planting. I can catch up."

The three opened their mouths. "Is it so urgent?"

Man Bao hesitated and said, "my mother said that people who marry their daughter-in-law before spring planting are not good people."

Yang Heshu: "... Although my family also has land, my daughter-in-law doesn't have to go down to the ground in person, so this rule is not suitable to judge whether my family is good or bad."

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief. She thought the Yang family was such a harsh family.

Yang Heshu's face was a little black, and Bai Shan was still adding fuel to the fire. "But Lord Yang, it's too urgent. Why didn't you marry your daughter-in-law years ago?"

Yang Heshu glanced at him and didn't speak because he didn't want to get married at that time.

As for why he wants to marry again now, it is naturally because he lost the struggle and failed to bear the pressure of his parents.

Yang Heshu sighed deeply and said, "I wanted to take my daughter-in-law when I was successful."

Man Bao calculated the age of Yang Heshu and said, "it will take many more years. Adult Yang, do you have to pay the single tax silver?"

Bai Shan said, "you didn't set a good example. No wonder you didn't want to get married on Saturday after you became a county magistrate."

Bai Erlang said, "my eldest brother also said he wanted to marry, but he didn't want to marry his daughter-in-law. He said he didn't want to marry until he was admitted to the Imperial College."

The three looked at Yang Heshu together.

Seeing that they could blame him for such a thing, Yang Heshu was very angry. He turned and left, "go back, pack up and go home. No one should make trouble for his son."

As soon as I said that, a yamen runner came to report, "Sir, there are two groups of people fighting in the south of the city, involving as many as 18 people. The county captain has taken people there."

Yang Heshu immediately walked quickly and asked, "is there a light? Pay attention to fire prevention... "

Man Bao thought for a while and thought that fighting, especially group fighting, was too dangerous. They didn't go to join the fun when they were young, so they stood behind and waved goodbye to Yang Heshu, "Lord Yang, let's go back first and see you later."

Yang Heshu didn't even look back, so he waved back and left.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbai Erlang looked at each other and took out the thirty Liang silver. They laughed and ran to the street to buy things.

Daji followed, glancing at manbao's neck and quietly followed.

The prices in the county are not high and there are few good things, so although they are open to buy, they still spend less than three liang of silver. They don't share the rest, so they put it in manbao and decided to use it when they go out next time.

The night was getting darker and colder. The people holding lanterns were getting sleepy, and everyone began to disperse to go home.

Those who live in the city can go home after a long walk, but those who live in villages outside the city meet in various places, and then pull partners out of the city to go home.

So the lights in the city slowly decreased, but lights were lit on the roads and paths outside the city.

A watchman looked at Bangzi and shouted faintly all the way, "the sky is dry and the things are dry. There are many lantern lanterns. Be careful of fire and candles -"