Chapter 721

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Zhou Erlang and Zhou LIULANG looked around Zhou Silang and dragged man Bao for a long time. They were relieved when they were sure that Zhou Silang would not be disabled on Thursday. They immediately took their bags, thanked their neighbors and went home with them.

"The old four only told us that you lived in the second alley in kangxue street, but didn't say which one it was. We had to ask all the way."

After entering the yard, Zhou Lijun immediately poured water for them. Man Bao asked, "second brother, why are you here?"

After drinking water, Zhou Erlang said, "can we not come? The family was scared to death when we received your letter. We packed up our things the next day and took a small and half ride. The caravan had to take another road, so we had to walk by ourselves and hurry up. We didn't enter the city until today. "

Zhou Erlang said, "we were very worried all the way. What you said in your letter was unclear. You only said that the fourth was robbed, everything was robbed, and people were beaten, but you didn't say how people were. My parents didn't sleep all night. The next day before dawn, they asked me to go to the county town and call the sixth to have a look."

In fact, his father's original words were, "if something happens to a person, at least he will fall to his roots. Don't let him fall outside. Man Bao and Erya are still young. Don't be wronged, old four. "

At that time, the hearts of the Zhou family were very heavy. The Zhou brothers were more optimistic than the old Zhou tou. They felt that the old fourth was really going to die, and it was impossible not to write it in the letter.

But I'm still worried about Thursday Lang's situation. After all, it's robbery. Who knows what the injury is like?

Now they got manbao's repeated assurance that thurlang's arm would not be damaged, so they began to teach thurlang a lesson.

Zhou Erlang: "I told you to keep a low profile, especially when it comes to making money. If you don't shout out, who knows you're transporting wheat seed? Can others rob you? "

Zhou Silang was angry. "I didn't shout. How do I know that those people know that my car is wheat seed?"

Zhou LIULANG said, "you are so stupid, fourth brother. If they rob you, just let them carry it away. Do you want to fight with more than a dozen of them alone? You're not lucky. "

He said, "you taught me to fight with my fifth brother when we were young. If we can't fight, we'll run. You run."

"Yes," Zhou Erlang found another reason to scold Zhou Erlang, and scolded more righteously. "It's still the overlord of Qili Village. White and people become gangsters. You don't understand the truth of running if you can't fight. I think you've made money for half a year?"

"Who said I didn't want to run? I want to be able to run away! " Zhou Silang shouted, "as soon as they rushed up, they dragged me out of the carriage, threw me on the ground and punched and kicked me. What can I do? I was about to shrink as a shrinking turtle. They had to kill me."

"Besides, can I really run? Don't forget the wheat seed. Can I lose the horse? Do you know how much a horse costs? That's not our horse yet. " That's why he wanted to keep the carriage so much when he met Chen Erlang who was prone to robbery in the back on Thursday.

Seeing that the fourth brother was so excited that his face turned red. Thinking that his brain was not good enough, man Bao quickly helped Zhou Silang speak, "second brother, sixth brother, don't talk about the fourth brother. Who wants to meet such a thing as robbery, regardless of how those people know, they are bad people anyway."

"Yes, yes," Lang said wrongfully on Thursday, "why don't you scold the man who robbed me?"

"Who said not to scold?" Zhou Erlang said, "we've all scolded all the way. Isn't it enough to scold you?"

Zhou LIULANG: "not only do we scold, but also my father and mother scold at home. They scold badly. My father and mother also begged the Heavenly Master to lower the thunder to kill those villains."

Man Bao: "there has been no thunder in Yizhou City in recent days."

Zhou sirang:

After chatting, Zhou LIULANG finally talked about business. Zhou LIULANG asked, "has the family started collecting grain?"

"The fart grain you collected, I know you were robbed. We can't even eat. Where can we think about the grain collection?" Zhou Erlang said, "if it weren't for the yams, privet seeds and ginger at home, it would be a critical time to harvest. Even the eldest brother and the third brother would come."

Zhou Silang immediately said, "second brother, I've found a good seller of the medicinal materials. Don't sell fresh at a low price."

"I know that my fifth daughter-in-law knows how to process medicinal materials. She does better than us. We took it to the medicine shop in the county and asked. Shopkeeper Zheng said that we do better than before. Therefore, we have collected the rest except what shopkeeper Zheng wants, and will transport it to Yizhou city later."

Zhou Silang was relieved. He looked at man Bao and motioned her to mention hiring someone to transport grain.

Before, man Bao wrote back to let his family prepare a large number of wheat seeds. Zhou Erlang and others didn't pay much attention. After all, Thursday Lang's life and death is more important than business.

But now Thursday Lang is alive, the business is much more important than Thursday Lang.

Zhou Erlang thought for a moment and said, "you can't buy so many wheat seeds on credit. Do we have to empty our house? Not to mention that you still rent cars and hire people in Yizhou city. How much does it cost? "

Man Bao asked Zhou Lijun to bring the abacus and calculated an account for Zhou Erlang, "second brother, it will be winter in a few days. Tang County ordered to send all the wheat seeds before the new year, so we have to hand over all the wheat seeds to him before the winter solstice. I calculated..."

Man Bao and Zhou Lijun have calculated how many kilograms of wheat can be pulled by a car, and how much money can they earn, including the price of wheat, transportation and labor costs.

And they plan to transport 15 carts of wheat seeds at one time

Zhou Erlang was stunned and asked, "can you make so much?"

Man Bao nodded, "you ask fourth brother, how much money can he make if he goes back and forth?"

Zhou Erlang doesn't have to ask him at all, because their brothers have settled accounts in the past six months. Of course, he knows how much money he can make on Thursday.

"Although the fourth brother earns more money for a car than we rent a car and hire people for a car, his car is a trip. How much can we earn for a trip?"

Zhou Erlang fought fiercely in his heart, then patted his thigh and said, "OK, tomorrow I'll go to the car store and take a car back to tell my parents that my eldest brother and I have searched in several nearby villages. It's not difficult to find wheat seeds in 15 lanes. I'll fix them for you in three days at most."

Zhou Erlang said, "so, three days after I leave, how about renting a car and hiring someone to let Lao Liu take them home to transport grain?"

Zhou LIULANG nodded, "that's it, but my second brother, I don't have much money. It's OK to hire people. Those people I'm looking for can be on credit first, and then send them after they settle the account from the county magistrate of Tang. But the car rental shop not only needs the rent, but also needs a deposit, which can't be on credit."