Chapter 627

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Finally, on Thursday, Lang stuffed everything into the car and tried to make them comfortable.

The party set out early in the morning.

Aunt Rong didn't go back, but stayed to see the house.

When the two carriages arrived at the gate of the city, the sky appeared and the gate opened slowly under the gaze of the people.

There was an instant noise on the quiet street, and everyone carried or pulled, or drove out of the city.

The gate is divided into two parts, half of which go out and the other half come in.

Yizhou city is a big city. There are many people entering and leaving the city. They lined up in a long line. Man Bao slipped out of the carriage while they were waiting in line, ran to the next street and bought some breakfast.

For example, steamed stuffed buns and cakes that look delicious.

Zhou Silang couldn't stop them. He had to scold them and stare at them with his neck up. He was afraid that if there were more people, they would be crowded out.

Daji, who was driving ahead, couldn't help looking at it for a while. Mr. Zhuang also opened the curtain and took a look.

He shook his head and said, "aunt Rong has prepared a lot of food for me. How can I buy it?"

Daji saw that they had bought something and turned back. Relieved, he smiled and said, "it's just a fresh meal. They are young and always feel that the food outside is better than that at home."

Man Bao and Bai Shan climbed into the car after they bought something. Zhou Silang despised them for being naughty, ordered man Bao and Bai Shan and said, "you two go to the carriage ahead. Don't you see that our car also pulls a lot of things? After a while, the horse is tired. You get off and carry things. "

Man Bao took the food and said, "fourth brother, you are not the fourth brother I know."

On Thursday, Lang turned his eyes and said, "yes, do you want me to leave the carriage and run with you to buy food? If you could have someone in charge, I wouldn't worry. "

He nagged: "aunt Rong is a servant. She doesn't care about anything except the kitchen. Daji is even more single. He doesn't ask anything except safety. You fight in front of him and won't bleed. He doesn't even lift his eyelids."

"Mr. Zhuang is tired of teaching you to study. It's always hard for him to worry about the common affairs at home. You are so old. You don't care about everything one by one. You don't even know where to buy horse materials. If I don't care about everything like you again, what will my family look like..."

Man Bao couldn't read well. Finally, he had to choose some of his favorite foods and climb down the carriage and head forward.

Bai Shan looked around. He didn't know where to find a bag of things and climbed out of the carriage.

The space in the car grew up at once. Zhou Lijun and Bai Erlang were immediately happy. They occupied the position by the window and spread out their hands and feet to sit.

Bai Erlang invited Zhou Lijun, "let's play the game of losing sandbags later."

"The car is too shaky."

Bai Erlang: "this shows your ability. Dare you come?"

"What are you afraid of?" Zhou Lijun said, "I throw sandbags worse than you."

Man Bao and Bai Shan went to the carriage in front of them. Daji couldn't help laughing and relieved when he saw them. He stretched out his hand and pulled them.

Bai Shan climbed into the carriage and looked at his face. "Laugh if you want, don't stretch."

Daji bent his eyebrows and pointed to the carriage and said, "young master, sit in. It's coming to us. After a while, when we get out of the city gate, the dust may be a little big."

Bai Shan immediately climbed back into the car and began to eat the delicious food they touched with man Bao.

Of course, they solemnly invited Mr. Zhuang before eating.

But Mr. Zhuang shook his head and refused. It wasn't long before he ate breakfast. He was old and didn't dare to eat haisai like this.

He looked at them admiringly, holding the white fat steamed stuffed bun in their hands, and ate it one by one. I can't help lamenting their good appetite.

But it's time for them to grow up. It's good to eat. Therefore, Mr. Zhuang never stopped aunt Rong from feeding them four or five meals a day.

It seems that children at this age can't eat enough.

It was their turn. Mr. Zhuang closed the window and said to them, "eat quickly. Put away what you can't eat. It's dirty and smelly for a while. Be careful to pollute your mouth and nose."

It's really dirty and smelly. There's a smell in the air because there are many people and cars outside the city gate, and there's a lot of dust outside. It's also because there are many livestock and they stay for a long time.

Man Bao, they don't eat anymore. Along the traffic flow, Daji patted the horse gently to make it speed up slowly.

After two or three miles, the smell faded, but there was still a lot of dust on the road. They didn't open the window.

Bai Shanbao took out the package he had brought. As soon as he opened it, he found that it was a cloth with a chessboard covered with stones.

Many of the stones were marked with an ink line to distinguish them. Bai Shan greeted man Bao: "come on, let's play chess."

Mr. Zhuang: "... Are you short of money?"

Can't even afford a pair of chess?

"No shortage," said Bai Shanbao, "but Sir, we just learned chess and can't play it yet. We'd better not spend money on chess first."

Man Bao nodded again and again, "we don't necessarily like it all the time."

The main reason is that their recent schoolwork is too tight. The two who have just learned chess have no mandatory requirements, so they intend to muddle along.

Mr. Zhuang, don't you know what the two disciples think?

He glanced at them and didn't say what he wanted to say. It's easy to have a holiday. He planned to make them happy for a period of time before taking the holiday.

Chess, as one of the important means of literati communication, how can they not?

Not only them, but also the most naughty Bai Erlang.

Of course, Mr. Zhuang was very considerate at this time and didn't tell them.

It's also fun to play with stones. Man Bao and Bai Shan can play for most of the day when you come and go in the carriage.

Now is the hottest time in the summer. At noon, they will rest for a period of time, use lunch, and leave after the hottest period of time.

So when they returned to Qili Village, it was very late.

But in the same way, it's late now. It's still dark.

But it was late. The people in the village had eaten late food long ago. Some people were ready to go to bed after washing. Only some people were sitting under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village because it was too hot to sleep.

When the carriage drove far into the village, the villagers under the banyan tree narrowed their eyes for a long time before they saw man Bao sitting on the shaft.

An old man recognized it first because he saw far away. He patted his thigh and said, "isn't that the old daughter of the Zhou Jin family? Oh, man Bao is back! "

As soon as this remark came out, the older children around the banyan tree who didn't want to sleep immediately jumped up, shouted and ran over. Another shouted in the direction of the village, "Zhou Lixue, Zhou Ligu, your sister-in-law is back --"

Just after taking a bath, he sat in the yard and patted the three heads of mosquitoes. His ears stood up and said, "Dad, I seem to hear someone calling me that my sister-in-law is back."

"Nonsense, why didn't I hear it? Don't run outside. If you're free, you can mend your broken pants. Your mother and your sister are not at home. You can do this by yourself."