Chapter 621

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Dr. Ji glanced at her and asked, "have you recognized all the acupoints?"

Man Bao looked up and down at Dr. Ji and said, "Dr. Ji, you are not young. You must have backache. Otherwise, I'll give you two injections later?"

"Don't," said Dr. Ji, shaking, "I think my bones are very good, so I don't need a needle."

Speaking, another patient came.

Recently, perhaps because of the uncertain temperature, there are a lot of people who are ill, especially children. Of course, there are many adults.

When Dr. Ji looked at the prescription slowly, man Bao found that most pulse cases were the same, so that the prescriptions she could think of were the same, but according to Dr. Ji, they should be increased, decreased and changed according to the different systems of each human body.

After lunch, Dr. Ji took a short rest and took man Bao to identify the medicinal materials. First, he began with the medicinal materials dried in the yard.

Manbao has memorized all these herbs, but most of the real ones are for the first time.

But it's much easier to recognize the herbs that have been memorized. Man Bao soon wrote down all the herbs in the yard.

Dr. Ji asked someone to take many kinds of herbs from the front hall to continue to teach her.

Manbao confidently recognized it, and then recited it.

After teaching for an hour, Dr. Ji stopped and said with a smile, "go back today and I'll test you tomorrow. If you can recognize these herbs, I'll teach you others."


She doesn't think it's difficult. She wrote down a lot of herbs today. She should be able to put all the herbs in place in a few days.

However, unfortunately, she can recite many herbs, and there are no herbs in Jishi hall. It seems that she hasn't had a chance to see them yet.

Man Bao went back confidently and came confidently the next day, but when Dr. Ji brought up the two almost the same, no, it should be said that in her opinion, they were the same herbs, she was a little confused.

Man Bao blinked, picked up two kinds of herbs and smelled them. The taste was somewhat different, but was it cooked land here or next door?

Man Bao meditates.

Dr. Ji looked at her with a smile and saw that she was baffled. With a wave of his hand, the waiter took out trays. There were four kinds of medicinal materials on each tray. They had only one thing in common, that is, they looked special.

Not only does it look fragrant, it may be because it is placed in one place and falls in the half bucket of water eye of man Bao, a new medicinal material. It even smells the same.

Man Bao looked at it silently.

Dr. Ji smiled and said, "today, you can recognize the medicinal materials you recognized yesterday again. When will you recognize these medicinal materials skillfully and learn the next group of medicinal materials."

Man Bao converges his mind. He should be obedient.

Dr. Ji taught her some herbs that she could understand at a glance. Dr. Ji asked her directly. She asked her to recognize those herbs that would often be mistaken or mixed.

Moreover, the medicinal materials will have different effects due to different processing methods, but they all look the same. Therefore, for a doctor, he must learn not to look at the shape, but to identify the medicinal materials by taste and Qi.

Man Bao went home after learning for an hour as usual.

As soon as she got home, she couldn't help saying to Mr. Zhuang, "Sir, I went to the medicine shop and learned too much."

Mr. Zhuang smiled, "since you can learn something, you should learn it well."

Man Bao replied, "by the way, sir, the shopkeeper of the medicine shop and Dr. Ji also want to invite you to dinner."

Mr. Zhuang smiled: "thank them for teaching you that I should invite them to dinner."

Man Bao thought and said, "but we haven't had time recently. We'd better wait until Shanbao finishes the mid-term exam."

Recently, they are very busy. Mr. Zhuang has to prepare for the big class of Dazhi Academy. He went to Dazhi Academy for a big class the day before yesterday. Both students and students accept it well. Both sides feel that this fine tradition can be maintained.

Of course, he will take man Bao and Bai er with him when he has a big class. First, he will let them learn, and second, he will let them make more friends.

Mr. Zhuang nodded inevitably.

Jishitang will agree that man Bao goes to the medicine shop to study. It must be because man Bao has what they want here. Mr. Zhuang vaguely guesses that it is the medical book in man Bao's hand.

Since it is fair to ask for something, you have to pay something, so Mr. Zhuang is not in a hurry.

In this way, man Bao gets up early every day to study and practice calligraphy, and then goes to the medicine shop for practice. In the afternoon, he either comes back to class or turns to the bookstore to find information. His life is very abundant.

Occasionally, Mr. Mo will send her some information, which is the prescription he wrote according to her pulse. Man Bao will print out and copy the prescription he wrote, and then take it to Dr. Ji.

The two people, including old shopkeeper Zheng, discussed around the prescription.

Sometimes they appreciate the prescription prescribed by Mr. Mo, and sometimes refute it. Man Bao writes down their reasons and gives it back to Mr. Mo in the evening. The next day, or the next day, he tells them Mr. Mo's reply.

In this way, man Bao, as a microphone and topic participant, has also grown rapidly in your discussions.

Of course, what she is most proud of is that with the deepening of her study, man Bao has remembered all the herbs available in the Jishi hall.

Even if it was a very similar medicine, she could recognize it.

Old shopkeeper Zheng even mixed several herbs on a whim and asked her to divide them again.

Although man Bao divided slowly and hesitated a little, Dr. Ji checked one by one and she was all right.

So not only old shopkeeper Zheng and Dr. Ji, but also Dr. Ji, who hasn't been communicating with man Bao, couldn't help running to the backyard to watch her and looked at her again and again.

When Dr. Ji sent people away, the cool and hot air in his heart was still alternating.

The cool air was hissing out from his mouth, but the heat was straight on his face. He was excited and sorry. As soon as they left, they couldn't help sighing, "it's a step too late. It's already someone else's disciple."

Old shopkeeper Zheng said, "no wonder, no wonder she said she knew so much. I said the child was too complacent. After all, she was only this age, but now it seems that she learns things so fast... No wonder the gentleman cherishes talents so much."

Doctor Ji sighed, "if I had such a disciple..."

Doctor Xiaoji couldn't help saying, "Dad, she's a girl."

Dr. Ji couldn't help glancing at him and said, "what's the matter with the girl? There are medical women in the hospital."

"The highest is only seven grades, which is still not comparable to men."

Old shopkeeper Zheng couldn't help shaking his head.

Dr. Ji patted him on the head and shouted, "we learn medicine by medical skills, not official residence, and do you have a product?"