Chapter 596

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Bai Erlang said he didn't know.

If you're bullied, call back. That's what he did in Qili Village. No one dares to complain at his house, let alone go to the Yamen.

But he also knew that it was different from Qili Village. He just wondered, "will they really sue the Yamen for being beaten so humiliating?"

Man Bao: "I'll go anyway."

Bai Erlang then skimmed his lips, "villain."

Man Bao slapped and stared, "say it again!"

Bai Erlang was angry. "You hit people now, and I'm going to sue the Yamen."

Man Bao: "villain!"

Man Bao decided not to read with the villain, so he accepted the Shangshu and took a medical book to the yard.

After the government left school, Bai Shanbao came back directly and didn't stay in the school for a long time.

When he got home, he took out his textbook and complained: "gentlemen, we only allowed ourselves to endorse first and didn't give lectures. The book of history is very difficult. After reading it for a long time, I only broke two articles. I don't know whether it's right or wrong. Instead, I looked at the spring and autumn again and got a little gain."

Man Bao also took out his textbook and said, "the remaining 19 students in class C 1 of the book of history turned their heads and looked back, with uncontrollable sympathy and schadenfreude on their faces.

In fact, many students were called up, but Bai Shan is the only one who can be called up four times.

After all, every student's name can't be the same every time, right?

Bai Shan stood up expressionless, closed the textbook in his hand, and then looked at the student officer and began to recite. He recited less than half of it. He and the student officer suddenly interrupted him and said, "explain the sentence you recited."

Bai Shan paused and recited the interpretation.

He frowned tightly with the student officer, without questioning, slightly nodded his chin and asked him to carry on his back.

Bai Shan was interrupted. After a moment of silence, he continued to recite.

He was interrupted by and the student officer twice before he could recite the text completely.

He said with an expressionless face: "one day and one night, your back is stumbling. If you don't want to study hard, you should leave as soon as possible and don't waste the rice grain of the imperial court here."

In addition to Bai Shan, the other students lowered their heads and felt empty in their hearts. They were scolded in this way. It's their turn to be scolded to death?

They really didn't get scolded when it was their turn, because he and the student officer didn't interrupt the next students' recitation, that is, the students stuttered when reciting. He just frowned and didn't say anything.

Everyone finished Shangshu with their hearts. When they left with the academic officer, they breathed a sigh and immediately collected things to go to school.

"I'd better find a place to memorize the text. I think I have to spot check tomorrow."

Bai Shanbao collected his things with a calm face, put them in the book basket, slapped the book basket, picked it up and left.

Wei Chen hurriedly picked up his book basket and asked, "wait a minute, Bai Da, have you offended the gentlemen?"

Bai Shanbao snorted coldly and quickened his pace.

"Hey, you slow down. It's terrible to offend Mr. Zhai. You have to find a way to solve it, or Mr. Zhai will target you every day. How... Mr. Zhai!" Wei Chen urgently stopped his steps and looked at Zhai Yong with a flattering smile.

Mr. Zhai touched his gray beard, nodded to him and asked, "Wei Chen, it seems that he didn't ask you to get up and recite today. How is your spring and autumn recitation?"

Wei Chen immediately turned and slipped away with the book basket in his arms. "Mr. Zhai, I've memorized it, but I think I should memorize it more. I'll endorse it."

He gave Bai Shan a comforting look and whispered, "you're doing it yourself."