Chapter 530

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
When the party settled down, Mr. Zhuang was not in a hurry to take them out. Instead, he restrained the three people in their residence, rested and stared at them reading.

Dajiliu took care of them at home, while Zhou sirang took some dried ginger and privet seeds out. When he came back, he bought a lot of rice noodles and vegetables.

With the money everyone gave him.

Zhou Silang also keeps accounts, but his memory is not as good as man Bao, so as soon as he returned to his residence, he put down his things and went to find man Bao. After taking the pen with her, he wrote down the account, and then said, "OK, it's too expensive to eat outside. I bought rice noodles, oil and salt, and I bought today's dishes. Go and cook."

Everyone in the study looked up at him.

Zhou Silang looked at them, directly bypassed Mr. Zhuang, looked at each of the three small, and then resolutely looked away at Daji.

They stared at each other, but Daji couldn't hide. Then they said, "I won't."

Zhou Silang did not expect that he would not only buy rice and vegetables, but also cook and cook. He widened his eyes, sighed half a sound, and got up and said, "OK, I'll go."

Man Bao was worried, "fourth brother, can you do it?"

"At least I did. Have you done it?"

Man Bao shakes her head and she will burn a fire. There are parents, siblings and sisters at home and nephews and nieces at home. Where can I use her?

So she can't even wash rice and cook, but she can burn a fire!

So man Bao put down his pen and said, "fourth brother, let me help you burn a fire."

"Come on, do your knowledge. Anyway, it's not fried like my sister-in-law. I can do it alone."

I don't know why. Everyone mentioned it in their hearts when they heard his words.

Zhou sirang rolled up his sleeves and went to cook. Soon, cooking smoke floated out of the kitchen.

Zhou sirang can cook. All the children of the old Zhou family can cook, except man Bao.

Because the housework is passed from big to small, the first housework Lang does on Thursday is to burn a fire. When the fire is well burned, all the cooking work will be his.

When Lang grew up on Friday, he gave him the glorious job, and then washed the dishes, swept the yard and fed the chickens

These jobs were not handed over until their brothers took turns and they were six or seven years old.

As for cooking, occasionally he cooked it.

This thing, boil the water, boil the meat, then pour in the vegetables and put some oil and salt. Won't it become when it's cooked?

Anyway, my sister-in-law has always done this.

Zhou Silang cooked two dishes, wild vegetable stew and cabbage stew.

He put two pots of vegetables in the middle of the table, took out the steamed rice and greeted everyone, "come and have lunch."

Bai Shanbao looked at the two dishes in the middle and couldn't handle some.

Man Bao was not picky about food. He filled everyone with rice, picked up his chopsticks, looked at Mr. and waited for him to start.

Mr. Zhuang took a dish with chopsticks and everyone started quietly.

Although Zhou Silang's food is not bad, it is not delicious, so everyone's appetite is very reserved at noon today.

After the meal, Bai Shanbao suggested, "let's hire a cook."

Zhou Silang asked, "how much does it cost to ask the cook?"

Let's look at Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Zhuang said, "I don't know."

Everyone looked at Daji.

Daji thought for a moment and said, "Yizhou city here may be more expensive. Five hundred yuan a month should be ok?"

Zhou Silang calculated the expenses and immediately refused, "that's no good. We invited a cook. We also bought rice noodles, oil and salt. In this way, we might as well go out and eat."

He broke his fingers and said, "the most expensive dish with sliced meat is only twelve Wen. One hundred Wen a day is enough. You have to buy her food and drink."

"All right, then we'll eat outside. There are many restaurants nearby. Ask someone to bring it to the door or buy it back." Mr. Zhuang doesn't want to hurt his stomach.

Zhou Silang was very sorry and quietly asked man Bao behind his back, "is my cooking really bad? I think it's delicious. "

"Everyone has this feeling when they eat their own dishes, and the second sister-in-law doesn't think how bad their own dishes are."

Zhou Silang: "... Do you think I made it bad, or did my second sister-in-law make it bad?"

Man Bao thought and said, "almost. The second sister-in-law's is a little worse."

Zhou sirang breathed a sigh of relief. "Then you can eat. Really, you have more money to burn."

However, five of the six people in the party agreed, and he could only agree.

After lunch, everyone went back to their houses to have a rest. Zhou Silang followed man Bao to her room.

Including the main room, there are seven rooms in total. In the middle is the main room. Mr. Zhuang lives in the one to the South and the one to the north is reserved as a study. The light is particularly good and spacious. Mr. Zhuang moved four tables in from other rooms so that everyone can read and study together.

The remaining things are four rooms in two compartments, one for each of the three small ones, and one for Zhou Silang and Daji.

Zhou Silang carried a cloth bag into man Bao's room, shook it and said happily, "guess what's the head here?"

"Copper money, I heard the noise," man Bao reached out to take it, opened the bag and asked in surprise, "is it from selling medicine?"

"Yes, the privet seeds and dried ginger I brought out have been sold, but the medicine shop doesn't like to pay with silver. They give all copper money." On Thursday, Lang said, "I think we'll buy small things when we go out. If we use more copper money, we'll take it all."

"Do they charge a high price?"

"Ligustrum lucidum is three Wen higher than what shopkeeper Zheng gives now, and dried ginger is two Wen higher." On Thursday, Lang said, "don't look at that. There are so many two or three things in our family. Especially last spring, more than 40 privet trees were planted. By next autumn and winter, these trees can also bear privet seeds.

At the beginning of spring this year, they cut more than 30 branches from the privet tree and planted them. It is estimated that there are more than 20 trees that can work

Therefore, there will only be more and more privet seeds in their family. A kilogram in Yizhou is three Wen more expensive than that in Luojiang county. How much more can that car cost?

That makes a lot, doesn't it?

Not to mention the dried ginger, this year they persuaded dad to take out both plots of land on the other side of Xiaoling to grow ginger.

In fact, the harvest of the two fields is limited, and they harvest very little beans. However, seeing that the soil is sandy, it's good to plant ginger.

Therefore, there are new ginger. Old ginger can be planted in the existing ginger fields at home. When the time comes, it will be dried and sold to the medicine shop. The price is higher than that of chastity.

Zhou Silang took out all the copper money in the cloth bag and gave it to man Bao. He said, "write it down. Take the money and settle with your parents when you get home."

Man Bao accepted the money. Who is the best and safest in hiding money?

That's her.