Chapter 523

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Man Bao didn't dare to go too far. Under the guidance of Keke, she dug several plants she hadn't seen before. Each one was quietly collected into the system, and then she went back with a basket on her back.

Because the sun was shining from morning to noon, not only horses but also people were tired, so at this time, everyone was sitting in the chaliao to take a shade and rest.

Because Bai Shanbao was reading, Bai Erlang was forced to take a collection of poems, which Mr. Zhuang was teaching them recently.

Seeing man Bao coming back, he immediately left his book and ran to join the fun. He asked, "what medicine did you dig back?"

Man Bao is very single. "I don't know him yet. Wait for me to check the book later."

"You do this every time. You dig only those you don't know. You also say you dig herbs. You obviously dig weeds."

"Most of the herbs are wild and wild," man Bao took out the dug plants, cleaned them up and hung them directly on the shaft. He planned to put them away when he was on the road.

She plans to deal with the grass dug along the way. No matter whether they are herbs or not, since she doesn't know them, she will stay to recognize them more and know them later.

Mr. Zhuang was holding his arm to sleep. When he heard the movement of man Bao, he opened his eyes and said, "Zhou man, go and ask where this is, how do we go next, and maybe find a place to stay at night."

Man Bao answers and turns to chat with the guy in chaliao.

But after a while, man Bao knew all he wanted to know from the boy.

She ran back and said, "Sir, this is Maozhou. Three miles from here is their village. If you go further, you have to walk fifty miles to get into the city. I'm afraid we can't catch up."

"But the man said, there is a Taoist temple outside the city. The incense is good. Sometimes tourists who can't catch up with the city stop there. I think we can live directly in the Taoist temple."

Mr. Zhuang nodded, got up and said, "let's go."

He got up and nodded with the five people at the table next door. Then he got on the bus and left with three disciples.

The five people watched them leave. The middle-aged man, led by them, said with a smile: "let's have a rest and get on the road, otherwise I'm afraid we'll miss the Taoist temple."


The car shook, and the three didn't like reading in the car. They mostly checked each other and recited textbooks. Bai Shanbao opened the curtain and looked out. "I'm afraid we'll bump into them at night."

"Just hit it. What's the matter?" Bai Erlang was just a little sad. "You said, sir, it's true. Our Luojiang county is only one day away from Yizhou. He has to go north and west to Maozhou. Why?"

"In order to check your homework, hahaha..." man Bao laughed and asked, "Sir must check your homework in the evening. Did you memorize the poem today?"

"I recited it just now. I'm about to remember it. Come on, let's check each other." Bai Erlang focused on man Bao. "Did you write it down?"

"I memorized it."

Bai Erlang didn't believe it. "I've never seen you take a book."

"I haven't taken the book, but I heard you recite it. I read it twice before. After listening to you read it so many times, I can hear it."

Bai Shanbao nodded deeply.

This is also the reason why they like to sit with Bai Erlang. Mr. asked to recite the poem. They only have to read it two or three times in advance, and then listen to Bai Erlang's recitation in the car. Basically, they can recite it, and they will be very familiar.

They were happy not to turn over the book in the shaking car.

Bai Erlang was so popular that he turned around and snorted.

But after a while he had to turn back and ask them to help check the endorsement.

Zhou Silang listened to them Langlang carrying books in the car, shaking his head with a whip, and went all the way to the southwest with the sound of reading in a car.

Sure enough, as man Bao said, they couldn't catch up with entering the city. When they got outside the city, the gate had been closed for two quarters of an hour.

On Thursday, Lang stood on the shaft, looked, pointed in a direction and said, "I see the Taoist temple. There it is."

Mr. Zhuang took only one look and said, "come forward and stay."

The gate of the Taoist temple has been closed, but the small door next to it is open. There is a very spacious quiet room with many farmers carrying burdens or baskets.

Daji stopped the carriage and didn't let Shiro come forward, but knocked on the door of the Taoist temple himself.

The footman in the door looked at them and didn't stop them.

Soon a Taoist boy came to open the door, and Daji said what he meant to stay.

The Taoist boy glanced at the carriage behind them, saluted and said, "forgive me, several residents. Today, the guest rooms in the temple are full, so he can only wronged several residents to stay in the quiet room for the time being."

The Taoist boy pointed to the quiet room next to him and said, "this is the residence of our Taoist temple to protect the passing tourists. If several residents don't dislike it, let's stop here tonight."

Daji asked, "can't you spare another room? My husband is really old and lives in a quiet room. I'm afraid I'll catch a cold. "

The Taoist boy said sadly, "the guest rooms in the temple are really full, and I really can't spare them. I'm really sorry."

The five horses came to the front again in an instant. The five people on the horse also heard this. A white faced middle-aged man was about to speak. The first middle-aged man raised his hand and said with a smile: "it seems that we are late. In that case, we can only take a rest in your quiet room tonight."

Seeing that they were easy to talk, the Taoist boy was relieved and turned sideways and said, "thank you for your understanding. Please help yourself in the quiet room."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, nodded to Mr. Zhuang, and then took the man into the quiet room first.

Zhou Silang and Daji tied the horse outside, and then took all the valuable things in the carriage into the quiet room.

The quiet room is very clean, but it's too clean, not even a futon.

Before going out, the old Zhou family was worried that man Bao would catch cold and get sick outside, so they prepared a lot of things for him, such as a small quilt.

And Bai Shanbao, they are going to have mats.

Let's spread the mat on the ground together before we sit on it.

Zhou Silang took out the Nang cake bought from chaliao at noon and gave it to everyone. He said, "make do with the evening food and eat delicious food when you go to the city tomorrow."

Man Bao said, "I'll have stewed chicken tomorrow."

Five people who forgot to buy evening food:

However, they have dry food, which has only been made for several days. It doesn't taste very good.

Mr. Zhuang could see that they didn't like it very much. He couldn't help laughing. He took three Nang cakes from the bag and gave them to man Bao. He smiled and said, "take them to those gentlemen."

Man Bao put down his Nang cake and took the three to them, "our husband invited you to eat."