Chapter 506

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Now man Bao is not short of money. Eggs in Chuang Tzu can sell money, chickens in Chuang Tzu can also sell money, as well as winter wheat and the harvest in spring and autumn.

Not to mention the income from those rice beans, only the wheat seeds sold to county magistrate Yang and master Bai this year, their small farm has made a lot of money.

All the money was divided equally among the three, and only the part that could not be divided was thrown into the funds for shopping in Gongzhong Zhuangzi.

Now the money is piled up in the system. Unfortunately, 120 liang of silver is too heavy, and the money is even heavier. She can't find a reason to carry it with her, or she can buy it on the spot.

However, man Bao also asked him carefully, "now the county yamen is no longer in the Yamen. You have to give me the land deed and write the deed."

Shi Xiaoen didn't expect that she knew this. She was stunned and said with a smile: "don't worry, I won't pit you."

He leaned slightly against the door frame and asked, "would you like to go in and have a look?"

This shop is not the one man Bao saw last time. She looked in and answered happily.

Zhou LIULANG and others naturally followed in high spirits.

The former buyer, who was still standing at the door frame, was very angry. After half a ring, he caught up with Shi Xiaoen and said, "one hundred and fifty Liang, I'll buy it!"

Shi Xiaoen paused for a moment, frowned, remained silent for a while and said, "don't sell it. I've already given it to others. I, Shi Xiaoen, won't be a betrayer."

Man Bao looks back at him curiously.

Seeing that the buyer left with his sleeves, he continued to look back at the shop.

This shop is quite spacious. There are only sporadic tables and chairs in it. There is a big wooden frame next to it. I don't know what it is for.

Man Bao looked carefully in his memory and asked, "I remember selling cloth before?"

Shi Xiaoen led them to the second floor and said, "they make ready-made clothes. Only this shop has six embroidering mothers. My silk and satin is also famous in the city."

He pointed to several small separate rooms on the second floor and said, "this is for entertaining distinguished guests. Women who choose styles can have a rest here. What are you going to do when you buy a shop?"

Shi Xiaoen said, "if I don't have to dismantle it myself, I'm not responsible for it."

Zhou LIULANG reached out and touched the wooden partition. He said, "why did you tear down such a good small room? You can clean it up for us."

Shi Xiaoen looked at him contemptuously and pointed to the backyard: "generally, people who look at the store live in the back, but the back is narrow. If you live by yourself, you probably can't. You have to buy another house by yourself."

Then they went to see the narrow backyard.

Man Bao saw the bamboo in the backyard and asked, "it's still small?"

Although the yard is not as big as their house, it is no problem to jump in it. There are two bundles of firewood in one corner, a kitchen next to it, and three rooms lined up with the kitchen.

One is very small. There is only one bed in it, while the other is quite large, but very empty. There is nothing.

Shi Xiaoen said, "this used to be a warehouse. The shelves in the warehouse and the cloth were removed."

Not to mention man Bao, Zhou LIULANG, who was reluctant at the beginning, liked it very much. He touched the wooden ladder in the shop and asked, "brother Shi, you sell such a good shop?"

Bai Shanbao also said, "good shops are hard to find. Few people will sell their ancestral property. This section is good. Even if you don't do business, you can make money by keeping it for rent. Why sell it?"

Shi Xiaoen sat down on the steps of the stairs, only raised his chin and asked man Bao, "do you still buy it?"

"Buy," man Bao sat beside him and asked him with his head askew, "brother Shi, you won't lose the bet again?"

Shi Xiaoen didn't speak at the meeting.

Man Bao sighed faintly and didn't say any more.

Zhou LIULANG also frowned and said, "man Bao, let's go home. We have to tell our parents about it?"

Man Bao nodded and agreed to trade here early tomorrow morning with Shi Xiaoen.

After such a round, everyone felt that they were not so supportive, so they stopped by the snack shop next to them to buy some snacks. While eating, they walked home.

Daji followed silently and went out of the city gate. Daji pulled an ox cart.

Yes, they went to the city today and took the ox cart of their small farm.

Liu didn't agree with them to go to the city to eat, so he was unwilling to arrange carriages for them. Several children also disliked that there were too many carriages, and simply changed the ox cart of their own farm.

When Daji was driving the carriage, he didn't wave his whip very much and let the horse walk slowly. When it was the ox cart's turn, he didn't wave his whip. He simply sat on the shaft and began to half close his eyes. He looked like he was asleep.

The ox cart walked back slowly. Bai Shanbao asked man Bao, "how do you do business with gamblers? The book says, "gamblers can't be trusted."

Man Bao nodded, "gamblers are not credible, but Shi Xiaoen is still credible now."

Zhou LIULANG also nodded, "Uncle Shi is famous in the square city. He is still very moral. Since he said to sell us, he won't pit us."

"But people have to guard against it," Bai Shanbao said, not believing in a gambler. "Why don't we go back and ask our cousin first, understand the procedures required for the trading shop, and then report to Lord Yang later, so as not to suffer losses in case of disputes in the future."

Man Bao nodded. "It's strange that uncle Shi sold the shop this time. Why didn't anyone come out to stop him? There are so many servants in his family? "

"I seldom go to the city recently. I may know this from my fourth brother."

As soon as the problem arose, they had not heard from Zhou Silang. Zhou Silang first learned from them that they were going to buy a shop. He was so surprised that he quickly asked, "he only sells one? Or sell many rooms? "

Man Bao: "we'll sell one."

"Oh, it doesn't mean he doesn't sell. You should ask more."

Man Bao said, "I'll just buy one. Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Are you stupid? If his shop is good and inexpensive, you can buy it at home."

"Dad is in charge of the money, not you," man Bao said. "Do you say it or not?"

Zhou Silang thought and said, "I'll talk to my father."

"What?" Old Zhou tou was so surprised that he almost knocked his cigarette gun on thurlong's head and asked, "manbao wants to buy a shop, and then you want to buy it?"

"Dad, I don't want to buy it, but our family." He said, "you forgot what I told you last year. It's no use keeping so much money at home. It's better to buy a shop..."

"But pull it down," old Zhou tou interrupted him and said, "who says it's useless. Do you know how much money they've spent just for big heads this year?"