Chapter 495

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
In the whole Qili Village, there are only Zhou Hu's daughter-in-law who can give man Bao trouble.

Of course, she has many ideas, but she doesn't dare to do it much.

For example, big head got cold and coughed. Man Bao touched his pulse and wrote a prescription, but instead of using his own prescription, he asked big head to take the prescription to Daji to find the old doctor.

The old doctor looked at manbao's prescription for a while, touched his beard and asked, "are you self-taught?"

Man Bao smiled at him.

The old doctor didn't study deeply. He touched his beard and thought for a while. Finally, he picked up his pen and changed two medicines and said, "you can't say wrong about this prescription, but it's not satisfactory..."

The old doctor looked at her and said more. He slowly told her that it was their family who came to get the medicine, so he would change the two herbs. If master Bai came to get the medicine, he would increase or decrease the flavors

If he were an adult, what kind of medicine would he add or subtract; If it were a younger child, what drugs would he change

Although Mr. Mo looks back from thousands of years of history, as a research scholar, he also has limitations in prescribing prescriptions and drugs.

He can't teach man Bao many details.

Man Bao listened with interest to the old doctor.

Although he only added and modified her prescription, man Bao also learned a lot.

The people of the old Zhou family were stunned. After one or two times, they knew that man Bao had really learned medicine, and even the prescriptions were almost the same as those prescribed by the old doctor.

In this way, every time they have some minor diseases, they are not willing to see the old doctor again. They want man Bao to fill them with medicine by himself.

Man Bao couldn't help but say, "the medicine I prescribed may be more expensive than that prescribed by the old doctor, and it may not be as good as that prescribed by the old doctor. I haven't graduated yet. "

Old Zhou said, "then you should learn quickly and leave school quickly."

But it was different when she arrived at Zhou Hu's daughter-in-law, because her prescription was not written by man Bao alone, but by teacher Mo in cooperation with her.

She provided a pulse and he came up with a prescription. It is said that he consulted many colleagues there and wrote several prescriptions in a row.

Then bring it to negotiate with man Bao.

The two teachers and disciples discussed and changed a prescription for Zhou Hu's daughter-in-law.

In fact, if man Bao hadn't said that Zhou Hu's family was poor, the ginseng that replenishes Qi and nourishes blood as he asked could not afford, otherwise the effect of the first prescription might be good.

Although very sorry, Mr. Mo felt that he had to be considerate of primitive people. After all, at that time, there were not many resources available to mankind, right?

And man Bao is also paying close attention to learning acupuncture. Six months later, on the occasion of three volts, she stuffed the acupuncture bag in a cloth bag and slipped to Zhou Hu's house.

She whispered to Chen for a while, then Chen took off her clothes and received manbao's acupuncture for the first time.

Man Bao is not the first time to put a needle on a living person, because she pierced herself before, although only once

But she stabbed several of her brothers.

However, it was the first time to use acupuncture for the purpose of curing diseases, and she only touched some acupoints, not on living people.

However, at this time, Mr. Mo was waiting in front of the system. Coupled with his confidence in his own technology, when man Bao pulled out the needle from the cloth bag, his little face was full of confidence.

She first reached out and pressed Chen's acupoints. After confirming the acupoints, she quickly decided to drop the needle. Then she stared at Chen's face and asked, "is it swelling or pain?"

Chen felt it carefully and hesitated, "it seems that there is a little pain."

Man Bao:

She moved the needle and asked, "what about now?"

"Oh, it's so bloated and sour..."

Man Bao pondered, stopped, looked at Chen and asked, "what about now?"

"Or inflation."

Man Bao was satisfied and began to prick the next acupoint

After asking and answering, man Bao sat aside with his small chin and waited for time. Of course, Keke helped calculate the time.

After a while, man Bao went to move the needle. Chen suddenly said, "I feel that there is gas under the needle. It's like a spring with water. I'm puffing up and trembling the needle."

Man Bao smiled, moved the needle and asked, "is it here?"

Chen gave a "um" and asked, "man Bao, can your sister-in-law be all right?"

Teacher Mo said that the patient's will is also a very important condition for treatment, so man Bao nodded and said, "it must be OK."

Man Bao encouraged her, "sister-in-law, after the sun rises every day, get rid of the cold, and you will also go for a walk in the yard. When people move, their Qi and blood flow faster, and they will become more energetic. "

Chen's physical condition is worse than Qian's at the beginning. She has been ill in bed for the past two years and rarely goes out.

Because when she walked a little longer, she felt cold sweat all over her body, dizzy in front of her eyes and uncomfortable for a long time.

She didn't want to go, but she listened to man Bao's words. She decided to have a try tomorrow.

When the time came, man Bao took the needle, carefully stared at Chen's face, touched her pulse, and went home after confirming that she was all right.

Erlu came in with Sanshou on his back. When he saw man Bao, he grinned, "man Bao, have you come to see my mother again?"

Chen couldn't help saying, "call Gu."

Er Lu smiled, "man Baogu, look at Sanshou. He can already call his brother."

Sanshou is over two years old, but he is weak. Although he can speak, he can't walk steadily. He slides down from his second brother's back, hugs man Bao's arm and vaguely cries, "man Bao, man Bao..."

Man Bao was very happy and gave advice to Chen, "sister-in-law, give him a bowl of egg water every day. I'm sure he can keep his body well. That's how I grew up... "

Chen remembered that man Bao was like a kitten, and was not much better than Sanshou. He also felt that this folk prescription was good, so he nodded, "OK, I'll let his father change some eggs back later."

Man Bao immediately said, "you can exchange with my family. There are many eggs in my family and many eggs in my small farm."

Man Bao is right. The old Zhou family now keeps a lot of chickens. Because there are geese guarding the back mountain, they are not worried that the chickens will be stolen by weasels or mice.

So their family now has 70 or 80 chicken feet. It's hot at the moment, and chickens love to lay eggs.

Not to mention their small farm, which has raised hundreds of chickens, so manbao is not short of eggs at all.

Chen also knew about the village from Zhou Hu, so he smiled and nodded, "OK, let his father go to your house and change eggs."

Man Bao said goodbye happily, and then went to give Chen a needle every day.

She and teacher Mo specially designed a set of acupuncture for Chen Shi and referred to many documents. This set of acupuncture does not complete all acupoints in one day, but is divided into three days.

After walking once, take a two-day rest and start again.

I don't know whether acupuncture and moxibustion worked or whether the new prescription was good. Chen's body was getting better slowly.