Chapter 383

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The villagers who listened were also frightened. After half a ring, a man shouted, "I'll be good. If I credit two cows, the interest in three years will be enough to marry a daughter-in-law."

Man Bao said, "don't you get five Liang silver to marry a daughter-in-law? It's only more than 3400. "

"Ouch, you can spend five liang of silver when you are a girl of any family. If your family is poor, give a wedding gift of a hanging money and use the rest for a banquet. You can save a lot of more than 3400 Wen. Ouch, my darling, the interest on two cows costs more than 3400 Wen. Does the county government want to rob money?"

Man Bao: "... That's the number in three years, but why do you have to pay it back in three years? It won't be good in six months?"

"It's not certain whether God will reward you with food this year. How dare you spend four liang of silver for nothing?" Old Zhou said slowly, "if God doesn't appreciate us, we don't have any land to grow. Even if people can't eat at that time, it's terrible that we still owe such a large amount of money outside“

"Yes, yes," said the villagers to Lao Zhou tou, "you can't take such a risk."

So some people who were excited stopped immediately. Lizheng knew this would be the case. When he received the news yesterday, he said it at Dali Village first. As a result, no one was willing to go on credit.

Zhou Hu hesitated and squeezed out to find man Bao. Seeing that man Bao had heard the announcement, he was walking back behind her father with his small hand on his back.

One is old and one is young. One is holding a cigarette gun with his hands on his back, and the other is leaning his neck with his hands on his back.

Zhou Hu hurried up, grabbed her and asked in a low voice, "man Bao, do you still have credit?"

Man Bao nodded, "of course, I think I can afford it."

Zhou Hu hesitated. He was afraid that, as Uncle Jin said, if God didn't appreciate it, he wouldn't go this year.

No, even if God favors, it may not be paid this year, at least not until next year.

But there is a cow, which is much more convenient for his family. Needless to say, he can plough his own land without asking the Zhou brothers for help.

Zhou Hu hesitated. Seeing that he was so tangled, man Bao whispered in his ear and said, "let's go to the city tomorrow. Maybe we can wipe off this year's interest."

Zhou Hu looked at her in surprise, "how to wipe this?"

Man Bao smiled like a little fox. "You'll know then."

Then she ran after her father.

Old Zhou tou was almost home. Seeing his daughter rushing back, he asked, "what did you say to Zhou Hu for so long?"

Man Bao remembered that he hadn't told his father that she wanted to credit cattle, so he said, "Dad, I'm going to the county tomorrow, and I'll bring you a big gift."

Old Zhou asked with a smile, "what gift?"

"If you say it, you won't be surprised."

"OK, you go," old Zhou tou never stopped her from going to the county and said with a smile, "Tomorrow your second brother will go to the county to sell tofu and bamboo baskets and dustpans. Let your fourth and fifth brothers go with you. Anyway, it's cold again, and they have nothing to do at home."


Spring vegetables are scarce. Qian and Xiao Qian just planted vegetables and sprouted before long. Because of the cold spring, they just held some straw and covered it carefully. They plan to take away the straw when the cold spring passes.

So now, in addition to dry vegetables and pickles, they are wild vegetables in the field.

Man Bao doesn't like wild vegetables very much. He always feels bitter.

Of course, if it's made by Xiao Qian, you can still barely eat it.

Qian estimated that the city people had no vegetables to eat now, so he tied several bundles of wild vegetables from the big head and put them in a bamboo basket for Zhou Erlang to take to have a try tomorrow.

"If you can sell it, you can sell it. If you can't sell it, you can take it back. Our family can eat it by ourselves."

Zhou Silang disliked it. "Just take back so many wild vegetables and find them in the field."

"You think it's easy to find wild vegetables now," Qian beat him and drove him away. "Now many people in the village have more wild vegetables than steamed buns. They can be ruthless in looking for wild vegetables. Just because there are more children in our family, they can find more."

Old Zhou also nodded, "yes, so from tomorrow, our family should eat thin meals three times a day, and we don't work in the field. Why do we eat so much?"

Old Zhou looked at Xiao Qian and told him, "when cooking noodle soup, put more water and less noodles."

Xiao Qian should go down.

Lao Zhou looked at the grandchildren squatting in the yard, thought and said, "make more tofu tomorrow and save more for the family. It's not expensive and tastes good. Isn't there still a lot of beans in our family? "

"Then I'll soak more beans tonight."

Lao Zhou nodded, satisfied and squatted to touch his old cigarette gun.

The next day, man Bao ate bean curd, steamed eggs, and then half a bowl of noodle soup.

She has grown up now. With the exercise during this period, she can walk from Qili Village to the county by herself.

Zhou Hu waited at the entrance of the village early in the morning. When he saw the Zhou brothers arrive, he followed them and helped Zhou Erlang push the scooter.

Zhou Erlang knew that Zhou Hu also went to the county. He asked curiously, "sister-in-law's medicine is over?"

"No, I'll go into town and ask about the cattle on credit."

He felt that man Bao was right. He had to go to the city and have a look. If there was a way to offset this year's interest, he would prefer to credit cattle.

Zhou Erlang was surprised, "you want to credit cattle."

Zhou Hu was even more surprised. "Don't you also want credit?"

Zhou Erlang almost turned his car into the ditch. He stared wide and turned his head to see man Bao for the first time.

Man Bao said proudly, "yes, this is my gift to my family. Second brother, when there are cows at home, how many acres of land can our family cultivate? "

Zhou Erlang hesitated and said, "but it's too big. Did you tell your parents?"

Zhou Silang shouted excitedly, "what do you say? Tell Dad that you can't get credit. I think it's good to buy cattle. With cattle, we don't have to pull the plow. The main reason is that the speed is still fast. If it weren't for my father at home, I would like credit. "

Zhou Erlang stared at him, "what if he doesn't get it? It's three or four liang of silver."

After thinking about it, Zhou Silang said to man Bao, "man Bao, don't be afraid. The big deal is that when the ginger in my field is sold in autumn and winter, my fourth brother will give you some."

Man Bao was happy and quickly nodded his head: "OK, fourth brother, I can remember, but you don't have to worry. I told Shanbao that we also circled a piece of land to grow ginger. It's near the ditch. The land is fat, the drainage is good, and the watering is convenient. It's about two mu. When we plant ginger, we'll certainly sell a lot of money."