Chapter 320

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Old Zhou tou sat on the threshold and looked up at the sky. Man Baogang finished his notes. He listened to Keke's suggestions and came out to look into the distance and raise his eyes. When he saw her father sitting on the threshold, she also sat on the threshold and looked up at the sky with him.

One big and one small sat on the threshold, speechless. Some passing villagers couldn't help but be happy, "what are you looking at?"

Old Zhou tou sighed, "look at God."

Man Bao nodded seriously, "look at the clouds."

The villagers also looked up at the sky and saw the sunset all over the sky. They also leaned against the wall and looked together, "Uncle Jin, do you think it can be sunny this day?"

Today, it rained two more times. Although the sun came out in the afternoon, it's not easy for everyone to open sickles and cut rice on such a day.

Old Zhou tou touched his cigarette gun and said, "no matter whether it can be sunny tomorrow, we can't wait. If the rice in the field is yellow, we have to cut it."

"Your family will sickle tomorrow?"

"Well, if you cut it, you can pick it back and dry it at home instead of staying in the field."

The villagers were envious, "Uncle Jin, your family has a large population. Of course, it's no problem. My family can't do it. Just six people and two dolls can cut a piece of land in a day. It's impossible to pick it back."

Old Zhou tou was a little proud, but he still laughed and said, "there are many people in my family, but there are many places. They are the same, the same."

It's strange that one person cuts one piece of land and two people cut two pieces of land at different speeds.

Although he doesn't know why, it's just different.

They can't calculate, but they can see with their eyes and compare directly.

Man Bao tooted his mouth and said, "Sir, there is no holiday for the autumn harvest."

Old Zhou smiled and said, "don't let it go. Anyway, there aren't many rice this year. It's not necessary for you little dolls to go down to the ground."

"It's true that my family has planted a total of 12 mu of rice, and half of it has been destroyed," the villagers said happily, "thanks to the tax exemption of the imperial court, otherwise we won't be able to live this year."

In fact, although the imperial court is tax-free, everyone's life is also tight.

In the past, rice could harvest about two and a half loads per mu, but now there may not be even one load.

A lot of rice hasn't been grouted yet. When you reach out and touch it, it's all empty shells. You can only use straw to cut it off.

The old Zhou family's luck was not better in rice. This was also the case. Several fields were directly washed away. Now there is more grass in the fields than rice.

But now the pressure on their family is not so great, because the harvest of wheat is good. Recently, Zhou Erlang has a fixed income every day, plus the windfall of Poria cocos, so now Lao Zhou is quite calm and steady.

The old Zhou family decided to harvest rice. As soon as the news came out, many people also went to the fields to have a look at the rice. It has been August. Even if there was a flood, most of the rice is yellow and ready for harvest.

They looked at the sky and decided to start harvesting tomorrow.

The countryman's decision was so quick and unreasonable. The day before, we were still idle sitting under the tree with hemp thread. The next day, before dawn, we took a sickle and picked up a bamboo basket to go out.

From slack farming to busy farming in an instant.

Rice harvests better than wheat, but not many villagers in Qili Village are happy, because this year's rice harvest is really poor, so that everyone doesn't have much power.

The old Zhou family simply didn't let he and Fang go to the ground. The rest worked for six or seven days, cut back all the rice in the field, and then began to thresh slowly.

Because there is no rice in many rice husks, I Shovel them with a dustpan and blow them in the wind. In an instant, I blow out a pile of big ones. There are not many good rice.

However, we have long expected that although we sigh, we are not very sad.

We will also collect the blown rice husks. If there is not enough food at home next spring, these ground brans can also be eaten.

The old Zhou family also collected it, but the old Zhou head calculated the food at home and thought it was enough to eat, so he decided to feed it to the chicken.

Qian looked at the collected ten bags of empty rice husks and sighed: "go to the market and buy ten chickens back. The hens raised last year are old and can be killed and eaten during the new year."

"The chicken shed is not big enough," man Bao looked at the chicken shed and said, "Mom, they are too crowded to lay eggs."

Little Qian glanced at man Bao and took the opportunity to propose, "Mom, why don't we make a whole piece of wasteland behind the house and build a chicken shed there, which is spacious and the home is not dirty."

Qian hesitated, "after all, it's outside the house. In case someone steals it..."

"Who's so bold, and we have a lot of chickens at home. Someone really steals them. We'll know as soon as the chickens crow."

Little Qian disliked the chicken shed in the yard more than once. Although the children cleaned the yard every day, she got up early and went to bed late. Some dirt inevitably came into her eyes.

Man Bao obviously heard her talking about it.

Man Bao agreed with his sister-in-law's proposal.

"What if there is a weasel?" There are not only people stealing chickens in the village, but also mice and weasels.

Among them, rats and weasels are the most harmful.

Qili Village is also relatively simple. Although there are lazy and annoying gangsters, because there are few people and everyone has family ties, there is no special harm to the villagers.

The loathed gangsters in the village are just lazy people who like to wander around the mountains and rivers.

For example, Zhou sirang was once classified as a gangster.

Zhou Dalang thought for a moment and said, "aren't there still some stones left in the house built last year? We should simply build it with stones at the bottom, yellow mud at the top, and a fence outside. The weasel should not run in. "

Zhou Erlang continued, "in June, the broken tiles were still piled up in the corner. Let's build a chicken shed, and the mice can't run in."

Qian agreed.

From the right side of the Zhou family to the back of the house, there are all their vegetable gardens.

The vegetable garden on the right was opened by Lao Zhoutou's parents. Later, Qian took over. Because the family had more and more people, she expanded out bit by bit. Anyway, it was not anyone's land, so she planted it behind the house.

About 300 meters away from the land behind the house is a mountain, which is the mouth and field distributed to Zhou Dalang in the village.

At the foot of the mountain, five or six clumps of bamboo grow naturally. At the foot of the mountain, hemp was planted before, and now they have all been cut back.

The mountain is not far from their home. The open space of more than 300 meters in the middle is ownerless. Usually, few people go.

Qian automatically delimited the land to his own area, and then he didn't have to tell the village head. The next day, his family began to paste mud and prepare to build a chicken house.

When the construction really started, man Bao ran there to look back and forth, and then found that it was good to put a chicken shed in the back, "you can drive the chicken to the mountain to find insects to eat in the future."

Qian smiled, "how many insects can there be on the mountain? We might as well go to the fields. "

Qian was stunned when he said, "yes, we can drive the chicken to the field to eat insects."