Chapter 134

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Miss Fu Er did not expect that man Bao would bring her a basket of ginger. She was quite speechless and stood in the door for a long time without talking.

Man Bao really thinks her ginger is very strange, because she watched it grow and grow up.

She and Miss Fu recommended, "ginger is spicy and slightly warm. It belongs to the lung, spleen and stomach meridian. It can sweat and relieve the surface, warm the middle and stop vomiting, warm the lung and relieve cough, and dispel cold evil. That's why ginger enters tea. Sister Fu, it's time to receive autumn grain. Your father must be very busy. At this time, you have to pay more attention to your body, so buy some ginger and go back to make tea for him."

Miss Fu Er was amused by her and asked, "do you still know medical skills?"

Man Bao shook his head. "I don't understand. I just read the book."

Miss Fu Er smiled, turned around and said to the girl, "since man Bao said her ginger is good, it must be good. Buy it and send it to the kitchen."

The girl answered and didn't pick up the basket, but took Thursday Lang to the kitchen.

Man Bao scratched his head and said to her, "can your family eat so much? Just buy some. You should feel good. In the future, we will send you fresh ones. My family has planted a lot of ginger. "

Miss Fu Er was happy and said with a smile: "I've never seen the seller want the buyer to buy more. It's the first time I saw the seller persuade people to buy less."

Man Bao said seriously, "although we do business, we won't deceive people. Ginger is needed for stewing meat and tea. Otherwise, you can buy a kilo. It's only forty Wen. The tender part of the leaves can be fried. You must have an iron pot in your house?"

Where does Miss Fu Er know?

However, she didn't listen to man Bao's words and still decided to buy them all. "If my family can't finish eating, I can give them away. Let them go to the kitchen and say, you stay and talk to me."

Miss Fu Er likes talking to man Bao very much, especially after she became a pen pal with her. Although the two sides are five years away, she thinks she can talk to man Bao.

Man Bao has less prejudice against her. She thinks that although she is the daughter of the county magistrate, she is still very cute, and there are few reasonable little sisters around her. She also cherishes this friendship.

Hearing man Bao's offer, Zhou Silang went to the kitchen with the servant girl on his back.

Miss Fu Er couldn't ask Zhou Xi and others to enter the door, so she just stretched out her hand and pulled man Bao's hand to one side to speak, "my mother took my eldest sister back to my grandfather's house to celebrate her birthday. There are few people in the family. I don't even have a speaker. It's so boring."

Man Bao asked, "don't you go to school?"

She thinks she is very busy every day, especially when she goes to school, she has to go to school as soon as she opens her eyes, do her homework when she comes back from school, look at her own things, play and read books. It seems that there is not enough time. How can she be bored?

Miss Fu Er said, "my eldest sister is not at home and is busy with farming, so I gave my husband a holiday."

Even if her husband doesn't have a holiday, she only has half a day's class, so she is very curious about man Bao's life. In her cognition, farm girls can't go to school, and even among her friends, there are few literates.

Their family is dominated by their grandmother. In their early years, she and her brothers and sisters lived with her grandmother. Only then did they get used to inviting her husband to teach. When she first came to the county, her mother didn't want to invite her sister a husband.

Especially after they communicated with each other, Miss Fu Er was very interested in man Bao's life. She felt that she could not say a lot to her mother and eldest sister, but she could speak to man Bao.

Miss Fu Er took man Bao's hand and asked the girl to step back. "Why do you always follow your family out to do business? Is your family very short of money?"

"Yes, my family is very short of money," man Bao said with his fingers. "My family is going to build a house and marry my fourth and fifth brothers. I also want to buy a lot of things to eat, so the money is always not enough. But now I can't always come out and have to study. My friends said that I should study more, so I can go further and make more money when I grow up, Otherwise, I'm young now. Even if I'm smart, I won't make much money. "

Miss Fu Er smiled, "your friend is powerful. What's her name?"

Man Bao hesitated and whispered, "I can't tell you its name. It won't let me say."

Miss Fu nodded understandably, "OK, what books have you been reading recently?"

"I'm studying the book of songs and the University, but Sir, the university doesn't talk much. He says that we are still young. He tells us more about the history of the previous dynasty and teaches us arithmetic. So recently, I especially like watching the biography of the great Sui Dynasty. How about you? "

Miss Fu Er looked at man Bao in surprise and said, "I'm also studying the book of songs, but I didn't read the University..."

She hesitated and said, "college was learned by my brother and brother. It seems that my husband doesn't intend to teach us."

Man Bao said, "if he doesn't teach, read it yourself. If you don't understand, ask your husband again. Our husband said that university is very important. The so-called university is the study of adults and the knowledge of becoming saints."

Miss Fu Er suddenly burst out laughing. Looking at the serious man Bao, she suddenly burst into tears. "But we are women and don't need to be saints. Why should we study university?"

"Ah?" Now man Bao was silly. She blinked suspiciously and asked, "why can't women become saints? Our husband didn't say that women can't become saints. Mr. Li said that to achieve the supreme good, we need to respect things, know, be sincere, be upright, cultivate self-cultivation, unify the family, govern the country and level the world. Only after we have learned these can we become the supreme good person. But my husband also said that it's difficult to be a saint, but he never said that women can't be saints. My husband also praised me for being smart and learning better than Bai Shanbao, hum. "

Miss Fu Er looked at her and said, "you're right. It seems that no one said that women can't become saints."

Man Bao was glad to see that she agreed with her point of view and said, "yes, you are older than me and know more than me. Now you can read the university first. If you don't understand, you can ask your husband."

Miss Fu asked with a smile, "can I ask you?"

"Of course," man Bao said with a smile, "we are friends. You can ask me or I can ask you. This is called mutual consultation."

Miss Fu nodded with a smile and said, "then you must often ask your brothers to send letters to me, and you don't need your brothers. Anyone in your village can send letters to the door, and I must reply."

Man Bao solemnly responded.

Miss Fu Er seemed afraid of her forgetting and said, "if you have anything delicious and strange in your family, you can bring it to my house. I'll buy it when I see it."

Man Bao thought her family was rich and nodded admiringly, "my wish is to be you. If you want to spend money, spend money."

Miss Fu Er couldn't help laughing. She pinched her little round face and said, "you're so cute."

Man Bao praised her, "you're cute, too."

She's a good child who reciprocates, man Baoxi thought.