Chapter 121

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
The first month is the busiest time of the year for rural people. Even Zhou Erlang, who has been busy weaving bamboo baskets, stopped his actions. Except for the days of yuanxiao, he took the eldest brother and the third child to set up a stall in the county to sell bamboo baskets.

Man Bao took the opportunity to ask his elder sister about opening up wasteland.

Before Zhou Xi could refuse, Zhou Dalang quickly picked up the rice in the bowl and said, "it's OK. When we finish eating early, let's go together. I went to see the land selected by man Baoxuan. It's not very big. There are no trees. It's easy to open it."

Qian looked at his eldest daughter who wanted to refuse and nodded, "well, I'll listen to man Bao."

He also said to Zhou Xi, "even if that land is yours, you can take all the achievements in the land yourself."

Zhou Xi felt uneasy and bowed his head.

After dinner, everyone went to the field, and even Lao Zhou followed him with his hands on his back. Qian stopped Zhou Xi and said, "since reading, your sister has become smarter and smarter. We don't understand many things. Since she told you to plant ginger, you should plant one carefully. Anyway, it takes some effort. The land is developed. The most important thing in our family is people."

Zhou Xi has been home for more than ten days, and she has noticed the difference. Man Bao is the soft and weak younger sister in her impression, but when she comes home for a long time, she finds that her family still dotes on her as before, but there are many differences.

For example, two days ago, old Zhou tou called man Bao to her and asked her to calculate how many kilograms of grain should be sprinkled on the field planted at home.

For another example, after the Lantern Festival a few days ago, the second son wanted to sell bamboo baskets in the county city, and specially asked whether man Bao would go or not.

Man Bao disliked that it was too cold, and her husband's homework was worse, so she didn't go, but let old four, old five and old six go. When he got home, the second gave all his money to man Bao, and man Bao could clearly calculate how much he had left.

Zhou Xi looked at it quietly, but she was shocked. At night, she couldn't help thinking whether her daughter was Xiao's father. Her father was smart and her daughter was so smart?

Now when her mother mentioned it, she couldn't help sitting next to her and asked, "Mom, man Bao is so smart. What should I do in the future?"

Qian's hand was slightly stung, and then said, "it's good for children to be smart. What can I do?"

Zhou Xi wanted to say more. Qian said, "go and have a look in the field. It's your land. You can't just make your brothers and sisters tired."

Zhou Xi answered and got up to chase Zhou Dalang and them.

Man Bao and Da tou Da Ya and other children rushed to the front, shouting and plunged into the weeds.

Zhou Dalang could not help scolding them and stabbed them back carefully.

Man Bao, no, it should be said that the land given by Koko to Zhou Xixuan is next door to Lang's land on Thursday, but there is a stone in the middle.

Old Zhou tou looked and found that the land was very small, only about two minutes, but there were a lot of weeds in the land, because the weeds were withered and yellow just after winter, but at this time, some grass buds were sprouting on the ground.

He hoed a hoe and found that the soil was ok, and there were no big trees and large stones in this place. Although it was a little small, two points was enough.

Old Zhou tou gave the hoe to Dalang and nodded, "OK, just this one. Cut the grass first."

Then he went to say Zhou Silang, "look at you, and then look at your sister. What land you chose is both tree and stone. It took two months to open up wasteland."

Zhou Silang said unconvinced, "my big!"

Old Zhou tou snorted, "what's the use? The land is not fat. Can you plant something?"

Speaking of this, Lao Zhou was angry and said, "don't get fat from home in the future. If you want fat, Rett it yourself. See how much fat you picked in the field some time ago? Do you want to farm at home in spring? "

This is Thursday. Lang is guilty. He lowers his head.

Manbao, who is happily picking up stones and throwing them out, listens to it and runs away, because she asked her fourth brother to pick the fat.

Little Qian obviously knew it was her idea. Seeing her running over, he stretched out his finger and pointed her forehead.

More people open up wasteland quickly. Besides, Zhou Dalang, Zhou Erlang and Wednesday Lang are good workers. They are much better than their three younger brothers. There is also Xiao Qian who mows grass and picks stones.

They hoed a corner and dug the land out in one day.

Of course, it's not enough to turn it over. Tomorrow, we have to take out the fallen soil of grass roots, smash the mud and turn it over again. It's best to sprinkle a layer of fertilizer and raise it.

However, old Zhou Tou is very stingy now. No one is allowed to touch the fat in his family. In his opinion, nothing is more important than sowing in spring. It is the rations of the family for a year, which should not be neglected.

So Zhou Dalang planned to go to the mountains to dig a layer of mud for Zhou Xi and spread it.

However, they obviously didn't choose a good place. The excavated soil was wrapped with a lot of non rotten leaves. Man Bao looked at it and said, "how can you grow the land?"

Zhou Dalang asked man Bao with a smile, "what do you say?"

Man Bao squatted on the ground and asked, "can't you Rett it like retting at home?"

"It's not fat." Zhou Dalang said. The manure in the house is made of dung and water mixed with wheat straw, straw and river mud.

Man Bao started to dig the soil with leaves from the mountains, but Zhou Dalang is a good farmer. He has seen that this layer of mud is indeed a little fatter than the soil from land reclamation.

That's why he's willing to do it.

Man Bao doesn't have his idea of solidification. She thinks that since Koko said that fallen leaves can fatten trees, it shows that fallen leaves are also fertile.

Didn't Koko say that the layer of black soil under the tree is the fertility added to the soil after years of decay of fallen leaves, and the reason why the plants and trees in the mountain forest can grow so well without fertilization is that fallen leaves and flowers will add fertility to it.

In that case, they can use them to compost, because composting is not to speed up the process of decay?

Of course, she can't compost, so this kind of thing should be left to the eldest brother.

Zhou Dalang asked her, "is it written in the book? How does that compost? "

"I don't know," man Bao said, "I haven't seen such a book yet, but don't worry, brother. I'll have a look when I go back. You can Rett it according to your family's first. We don't need to add fat water. Let's water the river and sprinkle more leaves in."

Zhou Dalang:

It's the first time I heard that retting doesn't want fat and water, but sprinkles leaves.

He didn't trust man Bao very much, but she was really pestering people. She had no choice but to take her brothers and dig a big pit beside the ground for them and pour all the leaves mixed with the soil dug out from the mountain into it.