Chapter 65

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Bai Shanbao takes man Bao to his study.

This is a large study. Basically, it only displays books. He has his own small study, which is in the outer room of the bedroom.

Before he grew up, this study was basically used for collecting books.

But when his family builds a house, they will certainly move away.

The location of the study is particularly good. It is sunny and wide. Push the door in and you will see rows of bookshelves.

It's much more than Mr. Zhuang's two rows of bookshelves.

Man Bao was amazed. It was the first time she saw so many books. She ran up and could only look up at the bookshelf with her small head.

It's too high for her to reach many bookshelves.

Bai Shanbao is half a head taller than her. He has a lot in common with her in this regard. He and she bite their ears and say, "my grandmother said there was gold in my book. I couldn't find it for a long time yesterday. I almost forgot to do my homework."

Man Bao's eyes were shining and asked, "is there much gold?"

Bai Shanbao thought for a moment and said, "my grandmother has a room, so there should be a lot."

Just want to scan the system in which book the gold is hidden:

Seeing that the two children had been looking for it with great interest, the system couldn't help saying, "host, you asked him, did his grandmother say that there is a golden house in the book?"

Man Bao asks Shanbao.

Shanbao nodded fiercely, "yes, there is a whole golden house in my book."

He has his own caution. He didn't tell his mother and grandmother about yesterday, but he was willing to share it with man Bao. He said quietly, "when I find the gold, I'll hide it. In the future, this will be my money."

Man Bao thought he had a good idea and asked him, "let me help you find it. Can you give me a little?"

Bai Shanbao said there was no problem. The child was not short of money since childhood and was very generous.

Seeing the two children say and forget it, man Bao has the posture of rolling his sleeves. The system interrupts: "host, there is a golden house in the book, which means that reading and obtaining fame is a great way out. After obtaining fame, there are prosperity and beauty."

Man Bao was stunned and relayed this sentence to Bai Shanbao. Finally, he added, "I think this sentence is strange. It's different from what Mr. said. I don't like it."

Bai Shanbao is concerned, "so there is no gold in my book?"

Man Bao said, "ask your grandmother."

Bai Shanbao took man Bao.

Big head was left by Liu in the living room to eat snacks and talk, so Bai Shanbao soon found his grandmother and asked, only to know that what man Bao said was true.

Liu didn't expect his grandson to recover so soon. He couldn't help looking at the little girl standing next to him. He was really a clever child.

She said to Bai Shanbao, "this sentence was said by an ancestor. It means that there are thousands of knowledge in the book. If you master the knowledge, they will come automatically no matter you want wealth, fertile fields, houses or beautiful women in the future. You say you want to make money, but you are only five or six years old. You can't lift your hands, you can't pick your shoulders, you can't read well, you can't do arithmetic, and you're young. How can you make money? "

"It's better to settle down to study and learn knowledge well. When you grow up, wealth comes from you."

Bai Shanbao was very sad. He felt that the gold he got flew away. He couldn't listen to what his grandmother said. He turned and ran away.

Man Bao quickly followed.

Zheng was worried and was about to go after her. Liu stopped her and said, "let him go. He will figure it out if he thinks more."

She is really afraid of what her daughter-in-law says. This family is all yours.

Bai Shanbao ran back to his study and squatted on the ground. He was so sad that he burst into tears. Man Bao was very happy. He thought what grandma Liu said was much better than Keke's. she said to Keke, "this sentence should mean like Grandma Liu said."

The internal data of the system flows quickly, "host, this sentence should be said by Zhao Heng in history, and whether this sentence is right or not, it should not appear based on the current productivity of the host."

The system completely tunes out the poem that appears in this sentence to man Bao.

Man Bao read it again and disliked it. "Is this a poem?"

Although she didn't read poetry and Fu for long, she also knew the most basic rhythm. She could feel whether a poem was good or not. She thought it was bad.

The system said: "it's not good. Some people commented that it can't even compare with doggerel poetry, but the poet is an emperor, so it has been handed down."

The system scanned the book data in the study again and said to man Bao, "at this time, the emperor hasn't appeared."

Man Baocai didn't care about this. She just squatted down to comfort Shanbao. "Don't be sad. The person who said this sentence has ordinary skills, so what he said may not be right. Let's not think about reading to make money, but start making money now."

Bai Shanbao raised his head and looked at her with red eyes, "how do you earn?"

"Pull the snow grass. You will pull it with me in the future. After drying, let my fourth brother take it to the drugstore to sell it. Then you will have money."

Bai Shanbao thought she was right. He couldn't just listen to his grandmother, wiped away his tears and said, "I don't read anymore, so I can have more time to pull snow grass."

Man Bao looked at him in surprise, "why don't you read?"

She hesitated and asked, "are you short of money? If I'm short of money, I'll lend you some, but you have to pay me back when you earn money. "

Bai Shanbao was stunned, scratched his head and said, "I don't seem to be short of money."

"Why don't you study without money?"

"It's not what you said. What my grandmother said may be wrong. Can't you earn money by reading?"

Man Bao said, "even if reading can't make money, reading can be happy and reasonable. You study for money?"

Bai Shanbao really didn't know why he read. He thought and said, "my mother said that I read to honor my family and my grandmother said that I read to inherit my father's ambition."

Man Bao looked at him and Shan Bao looked at her. The two children sat on the ground against the bookshelf and looked at each other.

Man Bao can only tell him why she reads.

"I think reading is very happy. I can know a lot of things that others don't know, and I can see a lot of interesting stories from the book," man Bao said. "Sir, reading can be reasonable. I want to be a reasonable person, so I read."

Man Bao told Bai Shanbao, "you have to think about why you read. My parents whispered behind my back that after I read, I married me to the countryside for a good life, but I didn't want to marry to the countryside, and I didn't tell them. "

Man Bao said, "we should listen to adults, but don't listen to them all. My friend said that adults are not necessarily right, so you have to have your own ideas."

You have to have your own ideas!

This is the first time Bai Shanbao heard it. Since childhood, his grandmother, mother and husband all told him why he wanted to read and what he had to do. No one ever let him have his own ideas.

He wants to climb trees, they are not allowed. He wants to play with water, they are not allowed. He wants to sleep in, and they are not allowed. Since childhood, they have not allowed him to have ideas.

Parents and friends of the same age, of course, listen to friends of the same age!

Bai Shanbao's eyes were shining and he began to think with his little head.