Chapter 63

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Before the fifth brother came back from the county, man Bao put down his book and followed big head to the field to find the fourth brother.

Today's man Bao is very clever. He doesn't make trouble at all. He walks out with the small stones dug by thurlong and follows them to build things on the ground.

Zhou Silang was a little uncomfortable and took the time to ask her, "Why are you so good today?"

Man Bao said, "I'm good every day."

In fact, she also has some purposes. She wanted to help first. However, since the fourth brother mentioned it, man Bao said. She took the fourth brother to see the snow grass on the ground.

Yes, it's everywhere.

"Fourth brother, do you know what this is?"

Zhou sirang looked at his sister contemptuously and said, "Lei gonggen."

"Do you know it's medicine?"

"Eh, it turned out to be medicine. I knew that if wrestling bleeding, I would chew goo and paste it to stop bleeding." Zhou Silang poked the grass on the ground, looked up and asked, "then?"

"Then we dried it and sent it to the medicine shop. Didn't you say I wanted to think of you? Don't I just think of you? "

Zhou sirang expressed doubt, "can pharmacies ask for things that are everywhere?"

"Bamboo can also be seen everywhere. Don't many people buy the dustpan and bamboo basket made by my second brother?"

Zhou Silang was thoughtful. He hadn't decided yet, but the big head around him was already excited. "Sister-in-law, we also pull snow grass. Can you take it to the drugstore for us?"

"I can't, but I can ask brother five to help you." Man Bao had planned for a long time and said, "there are many people with great strength. I'll pull it out. You can find out where there are those kinds of snow grass with large leaves. They are heavy. Maybe you can pull one kilogram."

Even Zhou Silang felt a little hot when he listened. He looked at the snow grass on the ground and thought that this might be the beginning of great wealth!

Man Bao broke his dream, "let's open up the wasteland first, fourth brother. We'll pull the grass when you rest. Anyway, we're not tired."

Zhou Silang's dreamy smile fell down and got up to get a hoe.

But they didn't want to work hard for him for free. They all ran to find snow grass, pulled it up and piled it together, and planned to take it back to dry in a while.

Zhou Silang looked at the land where he was left alone. He was very sad. He said, how can man Bao not give him trouble?

When they came home for dinner, Zhou Erlang also led Wulang and they came back. He was excitedly talking to the family: "I asked the medicine shop, and the medicine shop said that the chaste son would accept it. If it was good, it would be 60 Wen a kilo. If it was bad, it would be 40 Wen at least. But it must be sun dried. "

Zhou Dalang and others are also excited. The price sounds more expensive than rice noodles. It is worthy of medicine, but it is valuable.

Qian asked, "did you ask how to dry this thing?"

"Yes, the shopkeeper of the medicine shop said that they could fumigate or pass through the hot water first, and then air it until it is dry, and then their medicine shop will close it. As for how to fumigate and superheat water, the shopkeeper refused to say more. He said that their medicine shop has the cooperation of special medicine collectors. These are the skills of those medicine collectors. If he said everything, I'm afraid the medicine collectors would be dissatisfied. "

Qian turned his head and said to Xiao Qian, "tomorrow should be a sunny day. Don't go down to the ground and empty the stove. Let's have a try. We can fumigate and scald water to see which looks better."

Xiao Qian should go down.

Qian said to Zhou Dalang again, "if you have nothing to do these two days, go to the mountains and see if you can find privet seeds. Just walk outside and don't go too deep. "

Zhou Dalang, they are no longer children. They know the weight. There are many beasts, snakes and insects in the mountains. They don't have the courage to go in.

On Friday, a group of young men also plotted in their room. He told man Bao, "I went with my second brother at that time. There was a medicine collector there. When I saw my second brother asking with privet, my face was very ugly."

He hummed, "this business is not only their family. Why can they do it, but we can't do it?"

Zhou LIULANG also said, "that is, some people have learned from us to sell our flower baskets these two days, but their flower baskets don't contain sugar and their business is not as good as ours. We always change places, so we can sell them every day. "

Zhou LIULANG is a little proud, but he is a little worried on Friday. He feels that if this continues, the flower basket business will not continue. They can only sell sugar.

But the sugar business is their own, but there is no Ming Road. If the flower basket has no business, the family will certainly not allow them to go to the county again.

Man Bao also thinks that the flower basket business should not continue. According to Koko, there are already imitations in the market. The supply exceeds demand in the back, and the price will certainly be pushed down, which is not cost-effective.

Man Bao said, "then we have to prepare some other excuses to go to the county."

On Friday, Lang and others thought so, but this was not something they could think of immediately, so they came to count the money.

After counting the money, man Bao not only gave Wu Lang a bag of sugar to use the next day, but also gave him a handful of money to buy chicken at the market.

She said, "it's hard to buy chickens in the village. People don't sell them."

On Friday Lang asked, "man Bao, do you want chicken? A chicken is very expensive. "

"It doesn't matter. I have money." Man Bao was very heroic. He waved and said, "buy it back and mend your mother's body."

On Friday, they swallowed their saliva and agreed without much hesitation.

He collected the money and encouraged man Bao again. "Man Bao, don't you really consider selling more sugar?"

Man Bao shook his head firmly, "no, too much sugar is bad for his teeth."

And privet daughter's points haven't come down yet. She spends points every day, but doesn't earn any. She doesn't know when she can save enough points to buy medicine for her mother.

In man Bao's opinion, the role of money is not as important as points, and she has enough money now.

Man Bao is very satisfied with her current assets, and she doesn't think it's difficult to make money. She told her fifth brother that she had found another medicine, saying that even if their flower baskets could not be sold, they could also sell medicine.

The Chow family ate fish tonight. Man Bao drank a bowl of fish soup and lay contented in bed. He couldn't sleep for a moment. He went to look through the things once entered into the system, read their entries, and then went to the mall to focus on her mother's medicine.

Then he slept contentedly, woke up the next day and went to school.

She has long forgotten the quarrel with Bai Shanbao yesterday.

But Bai Shanbao remembered that because he suffered all night, he didn't find gold in his study. Instead, he was laughed by his grandmother.

His mother didn't give him money, and his grandmother said man Bao was right; He didn't find gold, and his grandmother laughed at him!

So when man Bao came, he pushed the cake he had come from the kitchen in the morning in front of her and invited her to eat.