Chapter 11

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
One side of the big girl Erya looked straight happy. Feng stared at them and immediately advised man Bao, "aunt, our basket is not easy to sell. If you sell it with flowers and plants, you can't sell it. These flowers and plants are everywhere on the mountain. Who does our farmer lack this?"

"But I think they like it very much. I was going to hand it to them just now, and they all took it." Man Bao thinks they are just stingy and unwilling to spend money.

"Of course you want what you give for nothing, but it's not worth the money."

Man Bao thought for a while and had his own idea, "no, if flowers and plants don't look good, they won't be given for nothing, so we have to find some people who don't pick them up and let them see our beautiful flowers and plants. They must buy them."

Feng said, "but the people in the market are stingy."

Man Bao broke down his shoulder. "Well, we won't sell it today. Give it away for free. We'll sell it when we find someone who doesn't dig."

Feng was satisfied and let them take the flowers and arrange the baskets they brought.

Daya and Erya help immediately.

Needless to say, the basket looks much better after such an arrangement, and it is particularly conspicuous in line, which attracts everyone's attention at once.

Even those who don't lack baskets at home stop and look more. If they happen to need baskets at home, they come up directly to ask the price.

The prices of things on the market have been increasing for several years, and few have increased. Therefore, the basket of their house is the same as that of others. Zhou Erlang's workmanship is not bad. The guests pick one and pay for it or barter it.

The items that can be exchanged in the market are usually eggs, cloth and grain.

Cloth is very expensive. They have to pay a certain amount of cloth every year. Most of them still exchange their eggs and grain.

Of course, there is also money, that is, less.

After a trip, Feng collected a lot of grain and eggs, which were classified and put in baskets and back baskets.

Seeing the sun getting bigger and bigger, Feng took a worried look at the end of the street. Her husband and uncle haven't come back yet.

Seeing that the children were a little sick, I knew they were hungry. I took two cakes from the basket, tore them apart and gave them, "here, eat some water. When your uncle and father come back, they can go home."

On Friday Lang and Zhou LIULANG also took a small half of the cake from their sister-in-law, ate it separately, squatted and sighed, "it must be hard to sell. No one is short of food just after the autumn harvest."

"Bah, bah, bah, children's words are not taboo. When the wind blows away, they will be smooth and profitable," Feng said, "fifth uncle, you have to say more auspicious words."

"Is it hard to say auspicious words? Every day I make a wish with the God of wealth in my dream, hoping that our family will be rich and noble, but I haven't seen it work. "

Man Bao was very interested and asked the system in his heart, "Keke, is the God of wealth in heaven? Can you see it? "

System: "... No, and there should be no God of wealth in this world."

"Why not? We worship him every year, as well as the kitchen god and the land God..."

System: "future people are firmly atheist, so they think there are no gods in the world."

This is just the opposite of the story man Bao heard when she was a child. She was stunned for a while, then quickly figured it out and said excitedly, "it must be because there are no immortals in your world. They all came to our world."

System: "it's good for you to think so."

Man Bao said, "can the immortal be better than you? You can also make things disappear and come out again, and then you can make my wish come true? "

"I fulfill the wishes of the host on the premise that the host has completed the tasks I assigned, so there is no gift for nothing in the world."

Man Bao nodded thoughtfully, "you and the immortal are the same. I think the immortal must think so. But the immortal won't talk to me. How can I know what its task is? "

The system stopped talking.

Man Bao thought about it himself and spent his life by himself. Man Bao soon had thoughts and shouted in his heart, "I know!"

Then he pulled Wu Lang and said, "you can't do that. Make a wish when you go to bed at night. It can be seen that your heart is not sincere. You have to help the God of wealth to meet your wishes."

On Friday Lang asked, "what can I do for him?"

"For example, clean him up and help him bring tea and rice," man Bao said justifiably. "That's what I do to Mr. Zhuang. When I clean him up, Mr. Zhuang teaches me to read. When I bring tea and rice to Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang gives me the finished paper. You have to do the same to the God of wealth."

On Friday Lang laughed and asked man Bao, "where is the God of wealth?"

The partners looked up at the blue sky and sighed with regret, "he's in the sky."

Feng listened to their children's words with an expressionless face and sorted out the things they got wholeheartedly, but the villagers who set up a stall nearby were envious and boasted to her, "sister-in-law, your children are so smart."

The children of their family will not think about these things and say these words. Every day, in addition to playing with mud, they want to go up the mountain to find wild fruit to eat.

Feng smiled at them and said, "children are used to it every day. No one knows what they are thinking in their cerebellum seeds."

Everyone laughed happily, "also, we can't understand what our children said before they were three years old."

Feng didn't eat the cake. She specially reserved one for Zhou Dalang and Zhou Erlang. Seeing that man Bao chewed a small piece of cake with relish, but she couldn't chew a piece for a long time, she knew she was not used to it.

After all, I haven't been far away. I eat hot at home.

After thinking about it, Feng asked Wu Lang to look at the stall. She took out two eggs and planned to go to the village to find a family to cook the eggs for her sister-in-law.

When man Bao saw her go, he immediately took out a handkerchief from Koko.

When you open the handkerchief, there are candies wrapped in oil paper. This time, stabbing and soaking gives more rewards, because in the future, this thing has become extinct. There are records and photos in the encyclopedia, but there is no real record.

Man Bao not only recorded its fruit, but also a seedling, so the encyclopedia gave her 50 points for the first time.

Koko deducted her historical debts. In fact, Koko used to exchange her savings for candy to lure her to dig grass. There were 18 points in total.

Finally, there are 32 points left in manbao, which is the most points obtained in manbao's history. Before entering flowers and plants, several can get a point.

It was won by Keke and the encyclopedia, because the plants she entered before were recorded in the encyclopedia and will still exist in the future.

That integral is an encouraging integral.

However, man Bao feels that the word of encouragement is still very nice. He has always been proud of it. Every time he gets the points, he changes them into candy. He never wants to pay Keke's debt.

This kind of candy for children is the cheapest. One point can be exchanged for a big bag. There are about 100 in a big bag. Koko said that it is weighed by kilogram. The wholesale price is very cheap.

There are all kinds of colors.

Man Bao especially liked the colorful at first, but for her safety, Koko bought her yellow and red candy, which is similar to the current sugar color.

As for the gorgeous color, Koko once bought a bag for her and left it in the system to eat slowly.

Most of the other sweets were distributed by her because she was a generous and good child.

Man Bao never hides sugar privately. From time to time, he puts one in his brothers' and nephews' and nieces' mouths.

As Daya Erya and Sanya, who have the best relationship with manbao, they eat the most sugar.

In addition, old Zhou tou, Qian Shi and several sisters in law can always get her sugar water, so her candy digests very quickly.

As soon as the points arrived last night, she bought a bag of sugar, and then peeled many in the system. She also pulled out the oil paper brought back by her second brother every time she bought sugar from her treasure box. Today, she wrapped another layer of her little handkerchief.

Seeing his second sister-in-law gone, man Bao quietly took out candy and whispered to his partners, "let's sell these candy?"

On Friday, when they saw the sugar, they couldn't help but flow a little. They asked, "man Bao, I remember that we ate up all the sugar bought by my second brother when he came to the market last time. Where did you get it?"

Man Baogang linked Keke with immortals, so he was very mysterious and proud: "it was given by immortals."

The little friends didn't believe it, because before, she clearly said it was given by a friend named Koko. Further on, she said it was given by their descendants and a person named system.

So we don't believe what my sister (sister-in-law) said at all.

Although I don't believe it, I still have to ask a routine question, and then began to stare at the candy and say, "so many may not sell well. Shall we eat some first?"

"Yes, it's not easy to sell," big head also encouraged man Bao. "You'd better eat some first. It's better to sell less."

Man Bao was not stupid. He wrapped his sugar and said, "no, it's difficult at home now. We have to learn to bear hardships, so there's no sugar for the time being."

Everyone lowered their heads in frustration.

Man Bao comforted them, "when our family has money, I'll stop selling my sugar and give it all to you. Now I have to buy medicine for my mother."

Yes, man Bao was so anxious to sell candy because he wanted to buy medicine for her mother. Yesterday, Qian's medicine broke. Last night, he gasped for half a night. Man Bao slept to death at first. Later, her father got up to pour water for her mother and caress her back. She woke up. Then he slipped into the space to peel sugar paper.

She felt that nothing was more important now than buying medicine for her mother.

Everyone was still very filial. Wen Yan immediately agreed and said he would try to sell candy.

So everyone began to look for a suitable buyer. The other party had to take their children and dress better.