"Hahaha! Gonggong looked up at the sky and smiled. His red hair was draped behind him. The black dragon and snake scales covered his naked upper body. The green Python wrapped around his arms spit out messages, and the black dragon roared at his feet. Gonggong looked at Zhuanxu angrily, his hair and beard were open, and his laughter was like thunder shaking for nine days

Emperor Zhuanxu calmly sat on the throne and asked, "the great God of Gonggong is making a noise, but what do you think of me?"

Gonggong laughed and said, "Jedi Tiantong... Thanks to your imagination!" Gonggong walked out from behind his case, took a few steps, came to Emperor Zhuanxu, pointed to him and said, "Zhuanxu!"

"I work together is God!"

"God is the one who protects and protects his believers and his people! After the Jedi Tiantong, do I want to protect my tribe and protect the human race in this high heaven? I can't support this heaven for them, dispel their fear and lead them to survive? The difficult way still has to sit here... Sit high in this heaven and stay away from the people I want to protect?"

"If God can't protect his people, but just accept the awe of the lower world and accept their worship, this God... Am I worthy of it?"

Gonggong looked at the eyes of emperor Zhuanxu, who could not see any feelings, and roared: "Zhuanxu, I will never sit in this high heaven and ignore those people who believe in me and worship me in the flood and famine of the lower world."

"That's enough!" Ziyang emperor stood up and said, "Gonggong, how dare you speak to God like this and roar at the heaven? What sin should you do?"

Gonggong said with a smile, "this heaven is what I fought with your majesty Dihong... God, are you talking about your majesty Dihong? Or the child above? Ziyang, you are a person who has no contribution to the human race. You rely on the help of others and the villain who is in the heaven with me... Also match me to bark?"

Being humiliated to his face by the co-workers was a "child generation", and Zhuan Xu did not show any anger.

Because Gonggong is qualified to say so, at this time, Emperor Zhuanxu showed his city government. He did not directly scold Gonggong, because no matter what the result, direct tit for tat with Gonggong would damage his authority as emperor Tianting.

At this time, Ziyang became the vanguard of Zhuanxu.

He sneered: "Gonggong, I respect you as an old qualification, and God respects you, so you don't sound so ugly. As the God of water, you command all waters and are the great God of heaven. You have great authority. You can be described as an important Minister of heaven. However, since you performed your clerical duties, you have repeatedly favored your own clan and helped the Ministry of Gonggong oppress all races, which has made all living beings complain for a long time."

"Heaven has always ruled the flood and famine with fairness and justice as the yardstick, so that the flood and famine can have a peaceful government and people, and all sentient beings have no complaints. However, as heaven attaches importance to God, you blindly favor the human race, corrupt the law of heaven, often set off floods and tyrannize all sentient beings, which has harmed God. Such an unfair and selfish, narrow-minded and tyrannical God."

"How can we still be worthy to respect God in heaven and govern all living beings in famine?"

"Jedi Tiantong is to cut off your God who is greedy for the world of mortals and perverts the law for personal gain!" Ziyang announced magnificently.

Gonggong looked up to the sky and laughed without explaining Ziyang's accusations. Then he laughed and said, "God only protects his people, his believers, worshippers and worshippers. Those who don't believe in me are not the creatures of my people... Why should I treat me equally? Love what I love, hate what I hate and protect my people. This is God!"

"Those who say they are treated equally and selfless are just indifferent!"

"If God must be selfless, if God must be indifferent and ruthless... Then govern the flood and famine, turn Yin and Yang from the way of heaven! Why should there be God?"

"You are selfless. Can you be more impartial than heaven? Are you indifferent and heartless? Can you be more unkind and heartless than heaven and earth?"

"What is the use of this heaven if it does not guard and protect its believers and its people?"

Gonggong threw the ground and said: "God is to have close and distant relatives, to protect those who worship me and believe in me. What does it matter to me if they don't worship me?... if they are one and selfless, what is the face of my joint work to face those who trust me, believe in me, worship me, kiss me, and regard me as their ancestors and gods?"

Zhuanxu finally had to speak.

He said calmly, "the great God of Gonggong, in the past, when the Heavenly Emperor joined the Tao, he passed on the throne to me. You once spoke against me with several senior officials of the heavenly court, and said to the Heavenly Emperor: it's better to pass on the throne to you than to Zhuanxu. Do you remember what the Heavenly Emperor said?"

Gonggong said frankly: "the emperor of heaven said that I have great selfishness. Although I have made great achievements, I will not be able to be selfless and deal with Tianting affairs. In the future, Gonggong's people will be reused, and the governance of flood and famine will inevitably favor the human race. In this way, the human race can't be convinced, and there must be complaints from other 10000 families in flood and famine."

"In the long run, heaven will lose virtue to all living beings, and there will be great disaster!"

Zhuan Xu asked again, "what does the emperor of heaven say about me?"

Gonggong said: "the emperor of heaven said that although you have a heavy heart of power and position and will treat old officials harshly when you come to power, you can be in a relatively fair perspective and treat all living beings in the famine equally. Although you ascend the throne with the posture of the descendants of the Emperor of heaven and minor achievements, you can't convince the public... But you can appease all living beings in the famine and make the position of the court of heaven impartial."

Zhuan Xu asked, "in that case, it's clear that the emperor's intention belongs. Do you still want to go against the emperor's intention?"

Gonggong looked a little gloomy, but in the twinkling of an eye, he cheered up and said, "my Gonggong is not as good as the emperor of heaven, so I can submit to Dihong and be his servant. In the past years, when we revitalized the human race, I knew that my Gonggong preferred my own people, which aroused the dissatisfaction of other human tribes and could not convince the public. Dihong is impartial and selfless, and treats the human race as a whole, which is far better than me!"

"Even so, I fought with him several times until I went through countless crises, the rise and fall of the human race, and even went through several extinction disasters. Dihong's great talent, integrity and virtue convinced me and made me willing to go through fire and water for him..."

"The emperor of heaven said I can't rule the sky selflessly. I admit it!"

"The emperor of heaven can treat all sentient beings equally and selflessly. I am not dissatisfied with working together and am convinced. But this does not mean that I think you Zhuanxu are impartial and selfless... The Duke of the emperor of heaven is to have expectations for all sentient beings. He wants all sentient beings to be united and strive for self-improvement. The court of heaven is only a temporary tool to achieve this goal."

"You are not even as good as Houtu... The Duke of Houtu is that she loves all sentient beings, loves all living creatures equally, and all living creatures on the earth are her children."

"Therefore, although the empress of heaven is fair, it cannot be absolutely fair. It is difficult for the empress of heaven to grasp the justice scale between the human race and other sentient beings, and the empress of heaven sometimes indulges the wishes of sentient beings because of her kindness and mercy."

"But you, Zhuan Xu, although called impartial, are actually extremely selfish!"

"Dijiang controls the way of heaven, operates Yin and Yang, and is impartial and selfless in order to make all sentient beings work together, strive for self-improvement, open up reincarnation in the afterland, and create the nether world. You Zhuanxu, Ziyang, and the eastern Duke of heaven, are impartial and selfless in order to control the flood and famine forever and rule all sentient beings!"

"This is the biggest difference between you and the emperor of heaven!"

"Zhuan Xu, no matter how well you speak about the Jedi Tiantong and how well you speak about the flood and famine, the purpose of you and Ziyang is only for the eternal rule of the heavenly court, so that all living beings will not resist and obey your rule. You are God, but the God who rules the gods. The earth after the Heavenly Emperor is also God, but you love all living beings and hope that they will strive for self-improvement and create unity Create a god of great existence beyond heaven. And I work together is just a God who protects his own people and protects those who trust me. "

"Protect the people, this is the way I work together!"

"So my Shinto can obey the empress of heaven, but I can never obey you!"

"The emperor of heaven works for the unity of all living beings and for the self-improvement of all living creatures, so his great love goes out of the human race and gives all living creatures in the flood and famine. I won't be dissatisfied. Therefore, the empress of the emperor of heaven created the Tianting and worked together. In order to let the human race rule the flood and famine and consolidate the rule of the human race, he is also willing to work for the Tianting."

"But Ziyang, Zhuan Xu, you have long forgotten the original intention of the establishment of the heavenly court. The Heavenly Emperor rules the heavenly court for all sentient beings, and the afterland wants to join the heavenly court for all sentient beings. I work together to dominate the heavenly court for the rule of the human race. But you rule only for rule, and rule for power. You are loyal to the heavenly court itself."

"Although you are the emperor of heaven above this temple, I am just an old water god."

"But I am the master of the heavenly court, and you are just the slave of the heavenly court... I drive the heavenly court to work for the hegemony of the human race, but you are a slave to the power of the heavenly court to rule the wasteland. Jedi Tiantong... What's the use in addition to consolidating the rule of the heavenly court? This is not the intention of the Heavenly Emperor... Because Jedi Tiantong can't make all living beings strive for self-improvement, it will only numb all living beings."

"This is not what the afterworld expected, because the Jedi Tiantong can't bring beauty and expectation to all sentient beings."

"It's also not what I want, because Jedi Tiantong may be good for the immortal God, but what's good for the Terran?"

"The Heavenly Emperor established the heavenly court to lead and lead all living beings, not to make all living beings tame and obey... Therefore, the Heavenly Emperor will never let the Jedi Tiantong and let the gods always stand high!"

"I can't learn that emperor Hong is in the dust with all sentient beings, but I work together to support a sky for the Terran. I am the backbone of the Terran... Not the sky above them!"

"Gonggong! Why do you look down on me so much?"

Zhuanxu was finally angry!

Ziyang bowed his head and said, "I would like to take this joint work of insurrection for God!"

Gonggong picked up the white jade hook around his waist and sneered, "Ziyang, you're not worthy of me... Get away!" he turned to the senior minister of the heavenly court in the temple and said, "today, I'm not satisfied with this Jedi Tiantong and want to compete with Zhuanxu... Who are you willing to carry the backbone of the human race with me?"

"Don't do this high heaven?"

Nine days Xuannv was silent. Zhu Rong sat still. The sound of the piano had stopped. Xuanming looked gloomy, but she didn't get up. Yumang looked ashamed, but she didn't agree. She pressed the sword around her waist and hesitated. Only the God of fire Danzhu and the God of water got up and stood behind Gonggong.

Zhu Rong sighed: "work together! Countless reincarnations in the past, the tribes that respected us as leaders have long disappeared in the great disaster! The current work together, Zhu Rong tribe, is just a shadow of the past. Can't you put it down?"

Gonggong University smiled and said, "those who believe in me are my people."

"Isn't it Terran that we throw our heads and shed blood for it? Isn't Terran still there?"

Gonggong, holding a long hook, resolutely went to Zhuanxu on the throne... Behind him, countless turbid waves surged, and the water of Tianhe soared. In the flood and famine of the lower world, countless rivers surged and rolled with snow-white waves. The great Witch of Gonggong tribe on the Bank of Surabaya suddenly looked up at the surging cloud tide in the sky and got up to summon a group of Gonggong clan humanitarians: "the ancestor god fought with God for us in the heaven!"

"Gonggong, cutting down heaven to help the war!"

Countless Gonggong clansmen opened the God Tibet, opened the God soldiers, drove the Dragon cart, wore armour soldiers, and roared, "Heaven subdues the God and fight for nine days! The water of ten thousand rivers can irrigate the Milky way!"

Gonggong, one of the twelve orthodox tribes of the Terran family... Anti imperialist attack on heaven!