When the king of hell was destroyed on the 18th floor of hell, he was shocked and aged countless in a moment. The crown on his head was knocked off by ah Bi's sword light, and his gray hair was scattered, somewhat like a man and a ghost. The emperor of ghosts looked at the three people who came out of ah Bi's hell and sighed: "The demon robbery will end... But the Styx demon ancestor wants to destroy the underworld. If he doesn't kill me, don't think about it!"

The prince of the devil smiled and said, "King Yama, you look up to yourself!"

The demon sword Slayer also shook his head and said, "we're not here to deal with you... We've had enough to deal with your ten halls of hell. Yin and Yang Demon Lord and corpse demon lord... Why should we wait for three people?"

The Yin demon God grinned and said: "the Tibetan king Bodhisattva made an oath in the past years: hell is not empty, and he vowed not to become a Buddha! The Styx ancestor deeply admired it, so he let the yin-yang demon lord destroy the hell, kill all evil spirits, and make the hell empty... No, in order to prevent the hell from being empty, even the 18th floor of hell was destroyed... Just to send the Tibetan king Bodhisattva to become a Buddha!"

"This time I'm here to invite the Tibetan king Bodhisattva to sit in the sea of blood and talk about the feeling of becoming a Buddha."

The demon sword Slayer laughed and said, "not to personally send the Tibetan king Bodhisattva to the west to become a Buddha..."

The blood butcher Prince shivered when he heard the speech. Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian and Fahai were shocked by this series of changes and couldn't speak. Fahai said angrily, "don't be crazy, devil!" the blood butcher Prince comforted him and said, "why bother the Buddha! Several demon masters are not bad people. After all, they are sending Bodhisattvas to become Buddhas, and the certificate is a higher fruit."

"Dizang Bodhisattva vowed: hell is not empty, and he vowed not to become a Buddha! This is the great wish. When he was reborn as Ashura, Bodhisattva saw that all living beings in the sea of blood, hell and reincarnation had all kinds of suffering. He made this great wish because of his compassion. You destroyed hell and slaughtered all ghosts, but said to send Bodhisattva to become a Buddha!"

"I haven't seen such a humiliation since the famine was opened up... This is a great humiliation for us Buddhas!"

Fahai said with grief and indignation, "seeing that all living beings were robbed in front of me, there was nothing I could do to humiliate them; seeing that hell was robbed and destroyed by demons, I helped the tyrants and became an accomplice... Bai Suzhen, because of you, countless living beings have fallen and lost their souls. Originally, I always insisted on equality and compassion, but I forgot that the Buddha also had the cardinal right and wrong of gold and anger, good and evil, and neither Buddha nor devil!"

"Fahai hereby vows to be the right way and eliminate all demons. He is at odds with the devil way!"

The handsome Fahai was so angry that he swung the purple gold Zen stick... And went to the devil's way. At this time, the blood butcher Prince sighed faintly, flew up and tore the void. He came to Fahai in a flash like a phantom. His hands formed a lotus Dharma seal, like a blood lotus falling on Fahai's chest, smashed his purple gold Zen stick across his chest, shattered his muscles and bones, and seriously injured him.

The blood butcher said to Bai Suzhen, "the hell is about to change. After all, it's an acquaintance, and I can't bear you to be robbed. But now it's just a prelude. I can't protect you until the catastrophe officially begins... Take them to the hell gate! You can leave in three days... Don't go back to the hell again!"

"Because... Soon, there will be no hell!"

The leader of wusheng cult looked at the Yin and Yang that came out of the arrogant dark abyss hell and swallowed up the ghosts of hell with the body of the ghost. The Yin and Yang usurped the laws of hell and became the Lord of hell. In fact, there is only one layer of the eighteen layers of hell, that is, abyss hell, but when the ancestors of Styx refined the two accompanying spiritual treasures. When the abyss two swords were slaughtered in the Yuan Dynasty, the abyss sword established the hell road and the yuan Tu sword established the Shura road.

Therefore, ah Bi hell is controlled by ah Bi sword!

In order to avoid hell falling into the hands of the devil.

Only then did Buddhism divide the abyss hell into 18 layers of hell and give it to the master of the ten halls of hell

Therefore, after the eighteen layers of hell are completely destroyed, ah Bi hell comes out and becomes the master of hell. Only then can he attract ah Bi sword. With the power of ah Bi hell, he can open the channel from the sea of blood to the Youdu, and let the three demon masters come to the Youdu hell with the help of ah Bi hell.

At this moment, yin and Yang, holding the a-bi sword, controlled the a-bi hell and the body of ancient evil things. With the help of the power of countless ancient evil things, he controlled the great dark hell.

Great dark sky hell, a nose infernal hell

The two hells were controlled by him and became the true master of hell. He jumped onto the threshold of the great supernatural power... The ten halls of hell joined hands to compete with him. Therefore, the Lord of the corpse demon Tao found King Qin Guang early, suppressed his innate Lingbao judge's pen, locked the innate immortal light of King Bian and prevented the ten halls of hell from joining hands.

The leader of wusheng sect looked at the demon gods born from the great dark sky and gathered endless darkness. He was burning black flames all over, wearing five skeleton crowns, three eyes and six arms, and wrapped with countless dragons and snakes. Those dragons and snakes are evil things in the dark, youhuang evil snakes and aimless real dragons

He came with countless darkness, bringing great fear, great darkness and great despair.

It's for the great dark demon

The king of Yama called the book of life and death and found that the real name of yin and Yang on the evil book had disappeared! Yin and Yang became the Lord of hell and incarnated into the great dark demon God. The king of Yama closed the book of life and death in his hand and sighed, "mokgara!"

The great dark demon opened his eyes, and the underworld was black. He smiled and said, "the king of hell is so knowledgeable!"

"When the demon ancestor of the Styx River saw the darkness of the Youdu, he thought that a great dark demon God could be born. He was the master of ancient evil things. Later, the empress earth sealed the darkness of the Youdu, isolated ancient evil things, and opened up reincarnation in the light... Because of the birth of reincarnation, this great dark demon God was no longer bred."

"Youdu and the sea of blood are the darkest and most evil places in the wilderness."

"The sea of blood gave birth to the ancestor of the Styx River, and Youdu also gave birth to a powerful demon God. This demon God should be born from the darkness, extremely powerful, and become a congenital demon God representing the darkness... But because there is no demon God representing the darkness among the three thousand chaotic demons, I think the luck of the dark demon God in Youdu was taken away by the empress earth and turned into a Tu Bo It's over! "

"Therefore, after the development of reincarnation, the darkness of Youdu lacks the law of reincarnation, and the great dark demon God is doomed to be unable to be born."

"Unexpectedly... When Styx opened up reincarnation, it put a part of the great dark demon God into the law of reincarnation and turned it into hell Road, so that the great dark demon God has great power of terror. This power of terror turns into hell road in reincarnation and is dominated by his nose sword..."

"The great dark demon God conceived in the dark was divided into two, the great dark hell and the abyss hell..."

"Later, we were deceived by the Styx River and thought that the abyss hell was just a scabbard prepared by the Styx river for the abyss sword, so we divided the abyss hell into 18 and separated it to prevent the abyss sword from dominating the abyss hell and turning it into 18 layers of hell in the underworld. We penetrated the souls of countless sins into it and bred the origin of hell with countless sins."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect... We bred hell and matured it. We made wedding clothes for the ancestors of Styx!"

The king of Yama laughed bitterly and angrily and said, "after the eighteen layers of hell are pregnant, the great dark demon God has been pregnant. As long as the birth of Abhisit hell is combined with the great dark hell, the great dark demon God mokgara will be born! Mokgara... The Lord of hell! The son of Youdu!"

In the dizang hall, the Bodhisattva, the king of dizang, sighed: "Moko Gara... In the magic language, Moko means big, great and great... And the Gara means tiny, dark and has the meaning of the time of the world."

"Moco Garo means the greatest darkness!"

"To call this God by mokgaro is the great dark demon God, the great dark sky and the Lord of the endless time. It is born from the two hell of a nose and the great dark sky. It is a demon God bred for the dark capital and the reincarnation hell road... It has endless divine power and is incredible!"

The old Fahai knelt in front of the Tibetan king Bodhisattva. His eyes were deeply tired, but he still managed to cheer up and said, "Bodhisattva, can't you stop the plot of the Styx demon ancestor to destroy the underworld?"

The Bodhisattva king of Tibet pointed to the demon God who came out of the darkness and sighed:

"The great dark devil was originally the master of ancient evil things bred by the souls of all living beings in the endless darkness of the Youdu. Once born, he was like the devil ancestor of the Styx river. He commanded countless evil things and was the evil devil ancestor. The three great evil ancestors of the ancient world, destruction, killing and evil... Commanded the Honghuang devil family. The sea of blood bred the killing devil ancestor, the Styx River, and the Youdu bred the evil devil ancestor mokgaro, and chaos bred destruction Kill the devil Zu Luo... "

"The three great evil ancestors were originally led by the destruction evil ancestor Luohe, who was born for the gathering of three thousand chaotic gods and Demons and was destined to destroy the world. Luohe was born first, then bred in the sea of blood Styx River, and finally the Youdu mocegaro was born. However, the afterland opened up reincarnation, interrupted the pregnancy of mocegaro, and the souls of all living beings had the destination of reincarnation and no longer sank into the darkness of the Youdu."

"Without the nourishment of the souls of all living beings, the Lord of ancient evil things stopped breeding..."

"I thought it was the arrangement of the heaven to prevent the demons from disappearing. At that time, the ancestor of the Styx River also intervened. He opened up the reincarnation in advance, which seemed to be a calculation, so that the evil demon ancestor who would compete with him for the dominant power of the demons in the future would die. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Styx river had calculated at that time to divide the pregnant Moco Garo into two and turn it into a ghost For a nose endless hell, great dark heaven hell. "

"Then he used his companion Lingbao a-bi sword to contain the power of the a-bi hell and turn the a-bi hell into a-bi sword scabbard. He also calculated that our Buddhism would divide the a-bi hell into 18, so that the a-bi hell would not be born. No one could find the half body of the mocegara bred in it... The river Styx was in the sea of blood, studied the essence of ancient evil things and created countless more strange things than ancient evil things, Evil things. "

"Including ghost... Ghost is very strange. I saw it with my own eyes when the ancestor of Styx created ghost in the past. It is immortal, dirty and ignorant, but it can integrate all evil things and has the potential to become the master of evil things. Styx sealed it in heaven... So that no one with great supernatural powers noticed his calculation."

"The demon ancestor of the Styx River created ghosts to control countless ancient evil things and seize the other half of the dark power of Moco Garo. Finally, the yin-yang demon master got the essence of ghosts, turned the nine questions of the nether world into yin-yang, gathered the power of countless evil things in the dark, destroyed 18 layers of hell and made ah Bi hell appear... It seems that the yin-yang demon master has proved the body of the great dark demon God, but in fact, the yin-yang demon master is just The puppet of Styx ancestors. "

"The great dark demon is divided into two."

"Ah Bi hell is controlled by ah Bi sword, while the great dark hell can only be mastered by the owner of ancient evil things."

"Yin and Yang, the master of ancient evil things, is only a temporary substitute. I already know that... It is in heaven, and it is born after the thoughts of the flood and famine people after life and death. It is called all living beings... The demon ancestor of all living beings is an incarnation of the old ancestor of Styx. As long as the demon ancestor of all living beings holds a nose sword, he can turn mokgara into a demon God conceived in the Youdu , the true evil devil. "

"It's called the evil devil ancestor, but in the name of all living beings... What the Styx wants to tell is that evil is not unique to the devil, but the nature of all living beings. The Styx has great spirit. It doesn't dominate the evil ancestor of all living beings with its own will, but makes the evil ancestor of all living beings think of all living beings, so... It can't be destroyed, measured or subdued!"

"The evil ancestor of all living beings is the evil thoughts of all living beings, the evil nature of all living beings and the thoughts of all living beings."

The Bodhisattva king of Tibet said with a bitter smile: "The evil devil ancestor is more terrible than the Styx devil ancestor, and it is the real foundation of the evil way... Because it comes from all living beings, unless we kill all living beings, it will not die or be sealed, because the people can't be bound, only education. Unless there are no greed, ignorance, anger and evil thoughts, the evil ancestor of all living beings will never die. From then on... The evil of the evil way and all living beings Integration... As long as the desires and evil thoughts of all living beings do not die out, the evil road will not be cut off! "

"Really, it is more energetic and long than Buddhism and Xuanmen."

"Because the Buddha Dharma will be lost, the idea of the Xuanmen will perish... But evil will not. So the evil demon ancestor is a demon ancestor who may never fight, but can suppress the endless spirit of the demon way and rest with all sentient beings. It will not compete with the Styx demon ancestor, because it is a part of the Styx demon ancestor."

"The deep calculation of the Styx river has just begun to take shape here."

The Bodhisattva king of Tibet got up and said, "Buddhas, go to the sea of blood with me!" Fahai quickly stood up and said, "Bodhisattva, there must be a devil in the sea of blood. Why should we..."

The Bodhisattva of Tibetans shook his head and said, "the doom has been decided... Mocha Gara is the Lord of the Youdu and the demon God bred by darkness and reincarnation. The underworld is in the Youdu. After the birth of the great dark demon God of mocha Gara, the destruction of the underworld can no longer be recovered! How the yama of the ten halls is a small matter... It doesn't matter the overall situation. The great Luo of the demon Tao is not as good as one tenth of our Buddhism and Xuanmen."

"If the Buddha is sitting on the lotus platform, our Buddhism can send ten times as much power at any time."

"Several demon masters, want to destroy the hell, just a joke!"

"However, the old master of Styx laid out too early, and even established the overall situation when the reincarnation was opened up... Now he just took advantage of the hand of the yin-yang Demon Lord to drop a son! Want to stop... Do you really want to provoke the demon ancestor of all sentient beings? The fate is determined, and the hell is empty... This situation is irreparable."

"Go to rest... Go to rest!"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, put his hands together, closed his eyes and said compassionately, "I only sigh that all sentient beings are still restless and happy!"

A group of Buddhists got up with the Tibetan king Bodhisattva everywhere. Wukong carried a stick and blocked the door of the Tibetan hall with several new demon masters. When he saw the Tibetan king Bodhisattva coming out, he said with a smile: "the Bodhisattva has figured it out?"

The devil Prince and others put their hands together and said with a smile, "I'll send the Bodhisattva to heaven and become a Buddha!"

The Tibetan king Bodhisattva smiled and said, "don't worry, go to the sea of blood first!"

The heart demon prince and others peered at each other, and then the Yin demon God said, "then please move the Bodhisattva to the sea of blood..."

A group of Buddhists followed the Tibetan king Bodhisattva and split the abyss hell with a sword of mokgara emerging in the dark, connecting the dark sea of blood. Countless Buddhists followed the Tibetan king Bodhisattva into the abyss hell and went to the sea of blood. Among them, two bald headed Buddhists with green stubbles and new gradients were defeated like dead ashes

They looked at each other and saw the difficulty of crying without tears in each other's eyes. They couldn't help laughing miserably and walked into hell.

The great dark demon God mokgaro temporarily came into the world as the yin-yang Demon Lord. Yuanyu temporarily boarded the threshold of the great supernatural power. Although it is not as powerful and respected as the demon ancestor of all living beings originally prepared by Styx, it has the top of the demon Tao and one of the three great demon ancestors. However, the modulation experiment of the great dark demon God of Styx has been successful. As long as the demon ancestor of all living beings holds a nose sword, he can appear as mokgaro at any time World.

A bi sword is a spirit treasure associated with the Styx river. It can be lent to the demon ancestors of all living beings. It's not your own treasure. Can you take it at any time?

In this hellish robbery, the devil has taken the position of the Lord of hell as planned. At least two of the six reincarnations, hell and Shura, have fallen into the hands of the devil... This time, the devil has at least returned to its roots! The next thing is to see whether the Buddhism and Xuanmen can hold the remaining interests and turn the tide.

The mokgaro devil moved, and the endless darkness came. A sword light bloomed, and the power of a nose sword was unstoppable. The rotating wheel holy King sighed and blocked a nose sword with the holy wheel. Even so, he could hardly hold the holy wheel in his hand and was about to get rid of it. The rotating wheel king himself was shocked and a pale golden blood gushed out.

At this time, Meng Po no longer stopped the Runner King. With a smile, she left and walked into the tenth hall.