"Brother WuJie is from there?" when he returned to the place where the Galactic navy was temporarily stationed, the emperor Mu smiled and asked fan WuJie.

He stood in the palace of the trees of the Wutong and the white jade, and wore the Xuan Xuan tattoo of the sun and moon, which was very magnificent. At that time, he had the appearance of a prince. Today's affair seemed to have a great stimulation on him. The shepherd boy is like a waking up in a big dream.

But fortunately, the shepherd boy Jun did not suddenly become another look. His tone was as sincere as before, and even a little pedantic and straightforward. Looking into his eyes, fan WuJie could still feel the kind of sincere goodwill, rather than the profound and unpredictable emperor Bojun.

"No robbery, don't use the excuse from the remote villages to prevaricate me! In the lonely place, you can't cultivate a character without a robbery and a good life, a few of the sons of Zhengyang."

Fan WuJie said with a wry smile, "zhengyangzi, they sold me all clean, and I don't have to hide it for them!"

"Brother paotu, they seem to have let out the bottom of brother WuJie..." emperor Zimu smiled with a grimace: "when brother WuJie challenged Zhang Liang, they told a lot of truth under the stage."

"It's also the first time I know that the nine scepters, the nominal treasure of Zhenjiao in Taiping Road, is actually a congenital spiritual treasure! And it's also the powerful spiritual treasure of the middle emperor among the Nine Emperors under the heavenly king of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. I've heard of the nine emperors of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. My father, Emperor Donghua, is also one of them... It's a very ancient god."

"The era of becoming Tao is before the heaven."

"But after the Heavenly Emperor established his way in the heavenly court, only my father, Emperor Donghua, and Prince Dong, the head of the immortals above the Nine Emperors at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, chose to be loyal to the heavenly court, and the other eight emperors chose to retire. Now it seems... Some of them have retired nominally, but their hearts have not yet retired!"

Fan WuJie sighed: "now, I won't hide it from brother Mu! Yes, our party are all visitors who break into this era by mistake!"

"Brother WuJie comes from the future, but what do you want to change?" the emperor mu Haoqi said: "is it possible that brother WuJie has a woman who is deeply in love. She doesn't hesitate to reverse Zhou light and overturn Yin and Yang, but also wants to meet her in this era; or what happened in this era that makes brother WuJie regret and come here to make it change?"

Fan WuJie shook his head and said, "if I say that the future is short of resources, the avenue is hidden, civilization is backward, and the way of cultivation has also suffered a serious decline. Even the road of Dalai and the emperor of Tianting have become legends, so we go upstream to this era and look for opportunities... Brother Mu is credible?"

When Emperor Zi Mu heard this, he didn't show any surprised expression. Instead, he showed a natural but gloomy look.

Another Vatican was surprised and said, "brother mu, aren't you surprised?"

"You are not people of this era. Maybe you don't feel it, but who doesn't feel the wind and rain in the heaven today? Maybe those who indulge in the power of the heaven, the mighty God in power, or the noble and carefree immortal who sing and dance, but for those of us who really contact with practice and observe the heaven from a nearby perspective 。”

"The feeling of undercurrent surging and wind and rain coming is obvious!"

"The emperor of heaven is united! The way of the world has changed, and the heaven has also changed. The figure that suppresses everything is slowly fading, and people want to change. If you stand in that position, this feeling is obvious... Although I am not in power, my father is in charge of Yin and Yang on behalf of emperor Zhuanxu, and the emperor of heaven is in charge of slaughter. He combs the flood and famine every day, the sun and the moon are constant, the stars are moving, the vitality is rising and falling, and the affairs of the three religions are small to the reincarnation of life , the place is strong and powerful, the demon is quite chaotic, and the big and small affairs of sects and sects. "

"Is there anyone who knows the direction of the undercurrent better than him? Why don't I know that I accompany him every day?"

Fan WuJie sighed, "has the general trend of the original famine been obvious to this extent?"

Emperor Zi said with emotion: "This time I went away quietly. I wanted to see the most specific and subtle corners of the flood and famine surging by the undercurrent. In the Tianting, the cracks are gradually obvious, and the local giants are ready to move. Even the three religions of Buddhism, metaphysics and demons are also a little unstable. In the Tianting, I can only feel the cracks between factions. In the flood and famine, I can detect the unrest after the order established by the emperor of heaven was overthrown !”

"There are more and more contradictions between heaven and man..."

"I have seen the uneasiness and agitation of the human kingdom towards the divine power of the heaven. Although the human dynasties cannot and dare not resist the heaven, although they still call themselves the son of heaven, they no longer take the place of the will of the heaven to govern and command the people of the human race. They also no longer follow the saint virtue road established by the heaven emperor... But gradually attribute their power to themselves. The son of heaven does not govern on behalf of the heaven, but wants to replace the heaven Walkway. "

"They began to be dissatisfied with the order established by the heavenly court and the instructions of the heavenly court, even if it was a God."

"Among the more backward primitive tribes, the human tribes dominated by the witch religion also began to be dissatisfied with the God's restrictions on their access to resources, and the divine power is restricting the development of human civilization."

"Demon man, not to mention..."

"Even the gods are dissatisfied. They hate the greed of all living beings, and are tired of the destruction of heaven, earth, nature and the operation of the avenue. Those who abide by the Shinto and run the sun and moon are only dissatisfied with the destruction of nature by all living beings, while those who run the humanity are involved in the humanitarian cause and effect, and are gradually polluted by the humanitarian desire, and can not maintain rationality and neutrality."

"My father has long noticed that the order between heaven and man has been chaotic..."

"The eastern King recognized that the heavenly court was too broad in its management and worried about all living beings. The gods appointed by the Heavenly Emperor set their lives for all living beings and all living beings set their minds for all gods. They came from and went to all living beings to bear the expectations of all living beings and the ideas and plans of cause and effect... It's naive! The heavenly court can't afford the huge cause and effect of all living beings in the flood and famine."

"The emperor of heaven can't afford it, so he goes with the way!"

"Both my father and the Eastern Prince feel that the heavenly court needs to change... The affairs of all living beings should be handed over to all living beings themselves. The heavenly court only needs to control the fate of all living beings. The heavenly court does not need all living beings to feel that the heavenly court is everywhere, but that all living beings do not feel that it is everywhere. Nor does it need all living beings to be united... There are too many living creatures who embark on the path of cultivation!"

"Because they know how to practice, they will feel that heaven binds and controls them."

"Because he knows how to practice, all sentient beings are uneasy. The emperor of heaven is happy to practice with all sentient beings. He even hopes that all sentient beings can achieve success in their practice. He believes that the court of heaven is concentric with all sentient beings, and the emperor of heaven is concentric with all sentient beings. The more intelligent and intelligent all sentient beings are, the stronger and more perfect this power to change the world and reshape everything will be, until he embarks on the road of opening up a perfect world in the heart of the emperor of heaven."

"But emperor Zhuanxu and the Eastern Prince are not as optimistic as the Heavenly Emperor..."

"Or pessimistically, a flood can't hold too many powerful powers with vast powers and wisdom..."

"Cultivation... Will only create too many unstable factors in the eyes of the heaven. The gods of the heaven have long been tired of those greedy, reckless, ferocious, even stupid and vicious practitioners. They cut off the spiritual pulse, they cut down freely, they kill each other, they kill weak creatures, and they are demons!"

"Some gods just want to return to the ancient pastoral era... Simple and natural, without too many prosperous times of spiritual civilization."

"Some gods want to control these uncontrolled factors and establish a tighter order... A tighter... Class!"

"This trend of thought... Is for Jedi Tiantong!"

A flash of lightning split the confusion of Brahman WuJie. He murmured: "Jedi Tiantong... Yes! Jedi Tiantong... Cut off trees and control the way of cultivation. Heaven and man are isolated. The gods running the avenue are high above, manipulate everything and manage all living beings. The gods involved in all living things collude with local giants and spiritual sects to accept the way of cultivation in the world."

"Resources are concentrated and heaven and man are isolated. Cut off the upward path of all sentient beings..."

Brahma WuJie thought - isn't that the current state of Brahma? Or the state of the entire era of the heavens.

"In the era of the heavens, has the heaven really collapsed?" Vatican WuJie shuddered: "or is it already high above, Jedi Tiantong, overlooking the heavens?"

The emperor's son confused: "yes! Jedi Tien Tong. The spirit of the world is shining on the heavenly realm. All the essence of the flood land is brought to heaven by all the great gods. All celestial beings must ascend the heavenly realm, and then open up nine days. The heavenly heavens will serve as Luo Tian, covering the highest place, and the next eight days, to accommodate different levels of immortals."

"Let those giants break away from the foundation of their growth. A golden immortal can dominate in the wasteland, but what is it in a world full of golden immortals? Clarify the class and isolate the class. In the wasteland, only ordinary people who fail to become immortals are left, promote the elite to become immortals, and then imprison the immortals in different systems for eight days to divide and absorb them."

"The idea of the Eastern Prince is to establish a perfect and difficult rule!"

"Emperor Zhuanxu's Jedi Tiantong only hoped that people and gods would not interfere with each other, cut off Jianmu, improve the height of the heaven, make the divine power operate more covertly, and eliminate the contradiction between heaven and man. The Jedi Tiantong of the Eastern Prince was ready to cut off the upward path of all living beings."

"Speaking of it, the Eastern Prince is more ambitious!"

"So even if the East Prince is demoted and reincarnated, there are so many gods and emperors practicing the East Prince's line."

Van Gogh thought more: "Therefore, Emperor Ziyang came from the future, but still wanted to control the power of the heaven... Didn't he know that the future heaven collapsed? Unless... He didn't know whether the future heaven collapsed... Because once his vision was completed, the heaven and the world could be the world after the Jedi heaven, and there was a high heaven that despised everything."

"If so, then Ziyang emperor's idea can be said to be perfect!"

"Because all sentient beings really don't feel that there is a heaven restricting freedom above their heads. Even we Taoists don't feel it. The boundless world of the heavens is broken. Isn't it an isolated small world? Such a small world is really easier to control... Because even we Taoists are just blindly groping in the sea of boundaries."

There is a giant of heaven next to it, and it may not be aware of it. If Heaven can really control everything.

Is it God who controls the fate of all living beings?

For the first time, Brahma felt such deep fear

"It's time to start..." a tall figure whispered before the holy mountain where the Galactic navy was stationed.

The Jiao demon king followed behind the tall figure, looked at the hidden array map in surprise, and whispered, "brother, how did you bring the Jiuyao array map!"

"It's not a complete Jiuyao array, but just a change of Jiuyao array. It's called Jiuyao sky covering array. It can isolate the two worlds and cover everything. When this array is launched, the Galactic navy can't react. This attack on shepherd boy Jun is to be foolproof. Jiuyao array is one of the core arrays of the Zhou Tianxing array of the divine court... It's hard to break through on the Galactic Navy."

With his hands on his back, the ox demon king slowly walked up the steps and entered the palace where emperor Zimu was located.

Qin Xiaowei of Yinhe navy was suddenly called to the side hall where he was located by Emperor Bojun. This was an extremely abrupt behavior. If emperor Bojun didn't have the title of heavenly patrol envoy and Yinhe Navy had the responsibility to cooperate, Qin Xiaowei wouldn't be ready to come at all. But as soon as he stepped into the side hall where emperor Bojun was located, he suddenly felt that the space had changed.

The nine big stars suddenly fell to the Tonghua hall where emperor Zi Mu was located. The whole jade hall became secluded and isolated from the world!

Qin Xiaowei looked up at the stunned emperor Bojun. Countless wonderful expressions flashed on his face, and finally turned into a dull, cold way: "emperor Bojun... It's the right time to call someone!" a divine light was forced from the eyes of the sky on his side, directly into the darkness covered by the Jiuyao sky covering array. The divine light advanced several feet and disappeared in the darkness.

The heavenly eye god man was sweating and said anxiously, "this array is unusual..."

Qin Xiaowei raised his head and said, "it's unusual... The stars vibrate on the sky. The stars are the great politics of the heaven. The Galactic Navy is the main army of the heaven to suppress countless star worlds in the galaxy. Who else can shake the power of the stars in front of our galactic Navy?"

The heavenly eye god man was stunned for a moment. In the twinkling of an eye, he woke up and gnashed his teeth and said, "the remaining evils of the demon court... The big star array in the sky!"

The emperor Bojun was really stunned. He stood up and hurried a few steps through the door of the hall to look at the direction of Tonghua palace. His mind was dizzy and he was at a loss. He was blank for a moment before he came back to his senses and said firmly: "there are demons attacking the camp. Colonel Qin quickly protect the shepherd Emperor..."

Qin Xiaowei's face was colder and said coldly, "the remaining evils of the demon court attacked with the star array on Sunday. My highness called me away from Tonghua palace. Now I have been isolated by the array. What did your highness ask me to take to protect the shepherd emperor?"

Emperor Bojun also lost his head and said, "Qin Xiaowei thinks I transferred you away from emperor mu?"

As soon as he said this, his heart sank. No matter what Tianting did under the table, he couldn't make it to the table. Now he pointed out the distrust and political separation, which not only broke the rules, but also gave himself no room for turning around. How can this thing be said... It should be regarded as non-existent! Don't say you didn't do it, even if you did, you should think it doesn't exist!

It's better to act like it doesn't exist at all!

Finding out that there is a fatal contradiction between the two emperors is also to break through the political resistance of the heaven. Originally, this layer of political resistance can become the advantage of emperor Bojun to protect himself, but now it has become a disadvantage. If emperor Donghua wants to be investigated in the future, he only needs to mention his words today.

Say again: "emperor Bojun has this worry. We should give him an innocence."

Then the need to prove that emperor Bojun may collude with the demon family and attack and kill another emperor becomes the dilemma for emperor Bojun to prove that he has no such intention.