Vatican WuJie went all the way in chaos and went up against the long river of time. Every step forward on the chaotic ocean, his state went back a lot. His realm and cultivation fell rapidly and soon fell below the realm of the Taoist king. Only the characteristics of the great Luo, which was transformed by Zhou guangteng and never retreated, did not degenerate, Instead, the cosmic light vine in the sea began to absorb the power of the cosmic light.

Fan WuJie took the time to look at several people walking with him. He saw that Yuan Yu's face was not red and he was out of breath. Instead, his body bones looked stronger. The blood butcher demon king and the inanimate leader were also very calm.

I couldn't help but feel a little shocked: "these old monsters have been practicing for a long time. I've fallen from the realm of Taoist monarch. They haven't wavered in their cultivation. If it wasn't for the sprouting of Zhouguang Taoism, some of their strength would never retreat. At this time, I'd wait to send them to the door."

At this moment, it has gone for tens of thousands of years

The cultivation of Brahma WuJie has returned to the immortal, and the flesh has become young with the naked eye. At this time, Brahma WuJie's face is green and astringent. Even his Taoist heart, which has experienced all kinds of hardships and performance tests, is lively, as if he has become young and impulsive with the retrospect of youth!

At this time, the three people next to him were still like that.

"Make complaints about the old monsters..."

"The time of my birth is ahead!" Vatican WuJie said, "if you go up again, 'I' won't exist!"

Yuan Yu pinched his fingers and said, "where are we?" the blood butcher also twitched at the corners of his mouth: "you are really a genius and in full bloom! Let the fool be ashamed to live for so many years..." the leader of the inanimate church joked: "how about if we stop for a moment in your childhood and let you cherish your childhood?"

When van WuJie thought of his body's recovery from infancy, his pink, tender, childish and lovely touch. In front of such an old monster and immortality, there were sparrows, small face and baby fat, a naive and childish touch. I felt a burst of cold, so I quickly ran a few steps and quickly crossed these times. As soon as I crossed the time point of my birth, the whole existence of Brahma WuJie collapsed.

His physical body, mana and original God constitute his "everything", all of which are virtualized and turned into chaotic Qi, which slowly fades away from him, and strands of chaotic Qi are stripped from his existence and thrown into the chaotic ocean behind him.

After all the "existence" of Brahma WuJie faded, the exposed essence was actually a vine connecting the end of time and winding the true water of Zhou light

Yuan Yu's face changed when they saw the exposed essence of Brahma WuJie.

Brahma WuJie felt the nonexistent "self". Everything in reincarnation turned into a mark, which was branded in his essence. He inexplicably understood that this was a true spiritual mark condensed from all memories and the past after his original God, flesh body and existence all disappeared... Representing his self.

This true spirit mark helps him stabilize himself and maintain his future memory and self as time goes on.

"So this is' I '... This mark is the true spirit?" Brahma wukai observed curiously the mark that condensed his' existence'.

"This is the true spirit..." Yuan Yu said with emotion: "it is condensed from the mark of reincarnation on you and records everything you are 'yourself'. Even without your past, you can still maintain your self-existence."

"This is both protection and imprisonment..." the blood butcher devil said faintly: "to achieve Da Luo, you should also get rid of the shackles of the true spirit on yourself. No one can define 'self' except yourself. This is da Luo!"

"Hide the true spirit mark!" the blood butcher said, "the true spirit mark is very important for the existence under the great Luo. Compared with the so-called essence, blood, eight characters and life style, it is closer to your essence. If you are spied by others, it is very harmful!"

Van WuJie choked when he heard this.

He quickly took back the real spirit, wrapped it in the heavy Zeus water, hidden in the deep space and space - dare love this thing so important! So you've been snooping on my vanity and reality before you remind me to take advantage of me and sell it to be a good man!

Vatican WuJie was removed from all existence the day after tomorrow, and only kept the essential characteristics close to Dalai. He paid great attention to observing the three old monsters around him... He continued to walk for several yuan meetings. The three old monsters, namely Yuan Yu, blood slaughter and wusheng, still had no obvious changes. Vatican WuJie was secretly surprised - these three people were afraid to be the peak of the real Taoist king, A person who is only one foot away from the realm of Dalai.

The top old monster in the world of heaven!

At this time, Brahma WuJie has begun to meet some Taoist kings lost in the chaotic ocean, including the Taoist King Jinxian of both good and evil, and the powerful Bodhisattva of Buddhism. They all stay in their heyday and stop. Moving forward is to move towards a weaker era, and they may lose themselves later.

Stay where you are. With the passage of time, because of the reversal of time and space in the chaotic sea, you will gradually stay away from the boundless universe.

Or close to the parallel universe, or close to some different universes. Of course, the process of breaking away from this universe is very long. It takes at least immeasurable time to stay away from this universe and close to other universes

"This is really not a good place!" Vatican WuJie said with emotion: "if there is no endless longevity yuan, if you can't prove the characteristics of Dalai, you will only be trapped in your own time line and in a dilemma!"

"That's not true!" the blood butcher devil disdained: "those who really have great wisdom and perseverance can naturally seize the opportunity and delay here. The dilemma is nothing more than those mediocre people who are not firm in mind!"

Yuan Yu also smiled and said, "although there are Zhou light traps here, as long as you have enough firmness and perseverance, you can naturally live another life!"

"Live another life?" Brahma WuJie seemed to be touched. He had the hidden consciousness of understanding reincarnation in the future. He was inspired. He soon touched something, but he still couldn't understand it for a while.

The leader of the inanimate church explained: "don't look at this chaotic sea. In fact, around us, these chaotic Qi contain one universe after another. The chaotic Qi contains everything and contains everything. You think they are trapped in a trap that doesn't appear. In fact, they are just trapped by their own sight and knowledge!"

"The universe is invisible and the road is unknowable. That's why they stand in this chaotic sea. If they fall into the chaotic sea, they will find that the universe is always around them and they can't detect it!"

Fan WuJie was surprised and said, "but this chaos is the seal of the great God of the candle dragon. How can they break it?"

"There is another solution to this chaotic trap besides cutting it with the first killing power of the heavens..." the blood butcher asked fan WuJie: "haven't you understood it yet?"

There was a flash of light in fan WuJie's mind, as if he remembered something. He thought carefully, and then remembered that this was the moment when he crossed the time point of his birth, from existence to nonexistence. The whole chaos seemed to change for a moment, but he was anxious to cross this point and couldn't notice

At this time, Brahma WuJie suddenly said: "they still have the opportunity to cross the time point of their birth and turn from existence to nonexistence. Because they do not exist, the seal of the candle dragon is meaningless. Chaos will be broken at that moment, so they can drop their true spiritual mark into the sea of chaos and reincarnate into themselves in the past universe!"

"But after this reincarnation of their true spirit, all the memories of later generations will turn into chaos, which is equivalent to falling into the mystery of pregnancy."

"On the way to practice, every Taoist gentleman has one or two points of innate talent and understanding, but the temperament and opportunity the day after tomorrow are more important. No one can be sure that after his reincarnation, he can have a smooth journey to the Taoist gentleman!"

"This is a rebirth and death pass, which is equivalent to rebuilding the first life. No wonder Taoist brother said it was another life!" van WuJie sighed.

The blood butcher devil smiled and said, "if it's just like this, wouldn't it waste the great opportunity on the chaotic sea?"

"These people care too much about the results of their practice. They don't know that the candle dragon seal is not aimed at them, but all the acquired pollution, all the existence that disturbs the order of time and space, which makes them trapped in chaos. It is their cultivation and memory that cherish their lives. As long as they wash away these memories and return to the congenital spotless, the chaos will go away."

"Therefore, the most important thing to practice in this chaotic sea is the way of giving up. Give up the acquired things and keep the congenital weakness. Keeping the congenital weakness is like returning to a seed, which can take root and sprout in this chaos."

"If we take the way that the candle dragon is not infected by nature, it's just reincarnation and reincarnation. It's not in line with the practice intention of our postnatal creatures. However, if we don't give up our cultivation achievements at all, our memory will inevitably be incompatible with chaos and trapped in chaos trap! The cultivation method to truly live another life needs the practitioner to grasp the subtle peace between the two Balance. "

"On the one hand, give up the acquired turbid dye, on the other hand, keep yourself."

"Finally, standing on the chaotic sea, the shadow is thrown into the past universe. God is on the sea and man is in the sea, controlling his destiny and living another life!"

After hearing the words, Brahma WuJie was silent and sighed for a long time, "how difficult it is!"

"Isn't it difficult to practice?" the blood butcher smiled and didn't think so.

At this time, they went out for a long time, and van WuJie noticed the changes of the three people around them. The blood butcher devil became younger. A pair of thick eyebrows showed their sharpness and awe inspiring momentum. When they raised their hands and feet, they were domineering, just like a demon giant. The leader of the inanimate cult was murderous, but it was like a cold faced young man. The greasy spirit of Yuanyu disappeared, and there was great righteousness in their eyebrows, He is a handsome young man.

Through careful calculation, they have walked close to immeasurable robbery over a long period of time.

Sure enough, they are three old monsters

"It's almost time for the flood to break!" van WuJie suddenly said, "you won't preach before the flood to break!"

The blood butcher devil and the leader of the inanimate cult smiled and said, "at this time, we are close to our origin! The flood and famine are broken, and we have to move forward..."

Sure enough, it was only a few steps. Yuan Yu took the lead in withdrawing his essence and revealed the characteristics of a group of Yang and harmony.

The blood butcher devil's face was cold and said in a cold voice, "it's really the heel of the righteous one Qi sect!"

Not long ago, the lifeless sect leader also withdrew his ID and revealed a gray, transparent but changing sword spirit. This is his Dalai characteristic. The blood butcher devil finally withdrew himself. The revealed Dalai characteristic is a river of blood, traversing the sky, which is extremely extraordinary, but it is the most powerful Dalai essential characteristic among them.

Although Brahma WuJie could not see their true spiritual mark, he also boasted that he had seen through their heel and foot. He was very determined at present.

In the dark, Yuan Yu several people are secretly exchanging glances: "how much have you just exposed?"

"I can't hold it. It's exposed for about six or seven points!"

"Just cheat the ghost! Three points at most, no more!"

"And you?"

"I have a backhand. Only two points I showed him are true!"

"And your blood butcher, hide very deep! That blood river is your skin at most!"

"Show him a skin... Good!"

Vatican WuJie didn't know what they were talking about in the dark. He looked around carefully, even stopped and whispered, "according to the information revealed by the growth rings of the bodhi tree, it should be near the time of the famine! We don't know what we can see in this era... If something unusual happens, it must be very terrible!"

Just as fan WuJie and others hesitated, a bell rang in front of him!

Van WuJie and others have changed their faces!


"Actually, there is the sound of the chaotic clock!" van WuJie's frightened face twisted and shouted in his heart, "I just guess casually. Don't let me guess so accurately!"

When the bell rang, I saw the chaotic sea in front rolling endlessly, and the gas of chaos boiling. I saw a big clock, making the color of chaos, blocking the chaotic sea in front, setting off a shocking storm. With the sound wave rolling, it swept across the chaotic sea, and the aftersound continued. As soon as the bell rang, four people, such as fanwujie and Yuanyu, could not help but stagnate in the bell.

The bell distorts time and space, and the Qi of chaos seems to be frozen. It neither dissipates nor moves. It is extremely strange.

The three people, such as Brahma WuJie, couldn't move, and even their thoughts were difficult to operate. They only saw a scene.

It's an infinitely vast heavenly palace. It's extremely majestic. Countless gods garrison heavenly soldiers in the heavenly palace, and countless war weapons start. It's not just a heavenly palace, it's a war fortress, and it's a sacred court that conquers the universe and flattens the disobedient! Van WuJie saw a palace on it that made him very familiar.

Tongming Hall... The Tongming hall at this time is more dignified than the ruins they saw.

There are countless golden immortals and a few congenital gods in the space-time. Countless golden figures stand in the heavenly palace. The breath of each statue is no less than that of them.

With the spread of the ripples of the bell, chaos was broken by the sound wave of the big clock, and the Qi of chaos collapsed into the universe. The sky entered into it according to the trend. As soon as the gap was opened, you saw the universe opposite. The same boundless heavenly soldiers and gods were waiting in full array, with great momentum. The heavenly palace entered the universe, and there was murderous Qi rising into the sky in an instant, Dyed the chaotic ocean black!

Vatican WuJie and others could not help but fall into that battlefield.

Several people were scared to death. In that terrible battlefield, they were not even pawns. If they were involved, how could they be killed?

Fan WuJie roared: "several Taoist brothers help me!" he desperately urged Zhou guangteng to move a distance on the river of time when the bell involved them, but he was finally involved by the bell and fell into the chaotic sea and into the past universe.

As the bell slowly dissipates, Xu is countless years, Xu is a moment. Time in the chaotic bell is completely meaningless.

Vatican WuJie felt that the brilliance in front of him gradually began to flow. There were a lot of people passing in front of him, and the sound of laughter came into his ears. Vatican WuJie was relieved - since there was such laughter, it showed that they were not involved in the bloody battle between the ancient demon court and the ancient heaven court. As long as it's not the worst result, everything is fine!

The joked and said, "look, sister, that's the fleet of Ziyang emperor's Sky Patrol!"

"I don't know who is the son of Ziyang emperor. The guard of honor is so prominent? The heavenly court rules the flood and famine, and all ethnic groups are respected together. It's so majestic! It's said that the Heavenly Emperor has not become a saint for several times! It's said that he means to abdicate... Ziyang emperor is very powerful!"

"Now it's emperor Zhuanxu ruling the world! Even if the emperor of heaven passed the throne, it should be emperor Zhuanxu's accession to the throne... Sister, where are you listening to nonsense!"

The light and shadow in front of us gradually became clear, and the blurred picture became fresh.

Fan WuJie saw a flower boat and a painting boat flying across the sky, driving on the huge Canyon abyss. On both sides are fairy peaks towering into the clouds. There are pavilions at the top of the peaks everywhere. Between the pavilions, or riding on the clouds, or rolling up a black wind, countless fairy families rise and fall on the fairy peaks on both sides, and there are no less than 100000 clouds!

"One hundred thousand immortal family... It's just a casual look!" fan WuJie, a local steamed stuffed bun from the world of heaven, has seen such scenes there.

Even if it is the great realm of cultivation, the ten thousand realms of the heavens can't afford to support too many immortals. Everyone usually shrinks at the top of each mountain. They gather only when they receive major events. An elite is naturally bigger than this scene, but they have seen such a life-oriented scene there. Just like the earth buns in the feudal society, they passed through the modern times. The people in the square alone scared him to death!

At this time, fan WuJie was like a scholar in ancient times, suddenly crossing into a large modern commercial square.

Not enough eyes!

At this time, the two previous voices suddenly laughed. When fan WuJie looked back, he saw a young girl in green clothes leaning against a girl in white who looked more mature, with a beautiful smile.

"Sister, look at that man... Smile!" the girl in green whispered in the woman in White's ear, obviously laughing at fan WuJie.

Van WuJie's expression was a little embarrassed.

The woman in white looked at fan WuJie, but her face showed surprise. She pinched the girl in green and said, "Xiaoqing, don't talk..."

Obviously, he saw that the essence of Brahma WuJie was extraordinary and was not an ordinary person. Brahma WuJie glanced at them. The woman in white was the peak of immortality and was about to prove the realm of Taoist monarch, while the woman in green had just reached immortality. It's not a small role, but it doesn't deserve van WuJie's attention.

"Tao Jun is not as good as a dog all the way... I thought the world of heaven had changed. I didn't know and couldn't live anymore!" at first sight, when I saw the familiar fairy residue, fan WuJie had an impulse to burst into tears. After taking a long adventure in the ruins, I almost thought that he was worthless.

Now when I see so many mole ants, I breathe the breath of immortals, earth immortals, loose immortals and weak chickens.

How wonderful

The game seems to restore my familiar touch... It's no longer the difficulty of hell!

"Fan Daoyou..." the voice behind him made fan WuJie stiff. He slowly turned his head. Sure enough, it was the three goods again! Yuan Yu looked around excitedly and murmured, "this is the time of the great famine." the blood butcher devil was covered with a shadow of evil spirit and enthusiastically put it on the shoulders of Brahman WuJie. The young woman in Green saw a blood butcher with a faint smell of blood, a cold faced sword eyebrow and a lifeless sect leader with a sword spirit of strangers all over, pulled the woman in white and whispered: "Sister, these people don't look like good people. Let's stay away!"

"Xiaoqing, don't be so rude!"

The woman in white saluted Brahma WuJie slightly and said, "my sister has no form. She has offended several Taoist friends. I hope you will forgive me!"

Vatican WuJie was finally released from the oppression of the difficulty of hell. Where would he take this little thing to heart and immediately waved his hand and said, "it doesn't hurt... But I just heard that Taoist friends mentioned emperor Ziyang... We are all from a small place. I don't know what kind of people we are?"

Fan WuJie explodes his shortcomings. Xiaoqing inevitably despises him slightly and is curious about him.

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know Ziyang emperor's son? Ziyang emperor, do you know at last?"

Fan WuJie frankly shook his head and said, "I really don't know!"

"What a remote place you come from! The big people in heaven don't know... Don't you even know the heaven?" Xiaoqing said quickly. The woman in white seemed to be worried that fan WuJie had no face. She quickly pulled her and said angrily: "Xiaoqing!"