In the solitude and boundlessness at the end of time, when Luohe danced wildly and the big dark star covered the sky, a figure stood out in the middle of the invisible darkness, walked from the depths of time and space and walked slowly towards Luohe.


In the chaotic and magical chorus of destruction magic drum, doomsday copper pull, lonely flute and burial suona, the man came slowly from the chaos, but what protected him from being eroded by the chaos was not the immortal killing sword symbol or the imitation of the four immortal killing swords, but a small bell like a bell. Bursts of bells protected the man from walking through the chaos.

"This is the sound of the chaotic clock!" Luo Xuan opened his eyes slowly on the dancing demon body.

"A bull's nose in the right way of the Xuanmen, holding the bell of the chaotic clock, came to the end of time to see the Buddha... What an interesting combination." Luo Zhen smiled.

"The devil is about to die, can you laugh?" the man is a follower of the Xuanmen, wearing the emperor's clothes and crown, and he doesn't have any respect for Luo.

"That's right... He stepped on the threshold of the great supernatural power." Luo Xuan commented on him without paying attention: "I saw many traces of acquaintances falling on you. Styx River, Sanqing, Buddha and Taiyi, who even borrowed the power of your chaotic clock, but don't think you can talk to me if you have a chance to strike the chaotic clock!"

Luo Xuan slightly raised the immortal killing sword in his hand, and forced the man to step back and put himself under the protection of chaos.

"You're too far away!"

Luo Xuan said, the four swords of Zhu Xian moved slightly, and a startling sword spirit crossed all the barriers of time and space and locked on the man from a distance. The man was extremely nervous. The chaotic bell in his hand vibrated repeatedly, making a sound and half unreal, suppressing the whole chaotic bell. As soon as the bell rang, it wrapped the man beyond the lock of the four swords of Zhu Xian.

Although the little clock only had the power of a real chaotic clock, Luo Xuan could break away with the locking power of the four immortal killing swords.

The man knew that even if Luo Xuan was dancing wildly, he could not use the real power of the four immortal killing swords and all his strength.

However, if the immortal sword is really killed, it will be difficult to escape unless the chaotic clock is really used. When the chaotic clock rings, he will use it in key places. If it is used here, his plan will be greatly affected.

The man quickly opened his mouth and said, "the devil ancestor is as famous as the Styx ancestor. Now the Styx ancestor commands the devil, and the devil ancestor can only be trapped here. Are you willing?"

"It's useless to say this! Can you save me?" Luo Zhen sneered.

"I'm not good, but it's difficult to rescue the demon ancestor..." the man said faintly.

Luo Xuan roared, "then tell me a fart!"

"Although I'm weak, it doesn't mean that the people behind me are the same..." the man saw Luo Xuan's bad temper and frankly said his intention: "I'm here to give the devil a great fortune. As far as I know, in those years, the famine was broken. Although the ancestor of the Styx River plotted against the devil, he induced you to go to the avenue of destruction and become the public enemy of all great Shentong and 3000 Da Luo, so as to take away the power of the devil."

"But the Styx ancestor was also afraid that when the flood was broken, the devil ancestor was greatly blessed by the destruction of the flood. The Taoist practice progressed thousands of miles with each passing day, but it was on him. Therefore, before the flood was destroyed, the devil ancestor was sealed, so that the road of destruction of the devil ancestor could not be completed by the disaster of the flood and destruction, and some power was missing."

"I'm here to help demon Zu complete this way!"

"You come to help me complete the destruction of the road ahead of time!" Luo was surprised. "Do you know that once my destruction road successfully captures the destructive power of the flood and destruction, the completion time will be greatly advanced, and the completion time of my destruction road is the time of the destruction of the universe and the end of the road!"

"You want to help me destroy the universe in advance?"

"This is against all the great Luo in the famine and against many great magical powers! Do you have the courage?"

The man didn't care and said, "it's just that the next pangaean is ahead of schedule... What harm will it do to us and Darrow if the time of Cosmic Destruction is ahead of schedule? So many pangaeans have come before... I've made the time of Cosmic Destruction ahead of schedule, which can touch their fundamental interests?"

"What is this? The whole world is enemy? If so, would the devil have been torn apart and suppressed by them long ago?"

"The suppression of the evil ancestor can last at least one tenth of the time for the universe?"

Luo Zhen sneered: "They know that they have calculated me, that they are sorry for me, and that they are wrong, so they dare not go too far! The avenue of destruction destroys the universe, not because of me, I am just a result. The avenue of destruction is an external cause. In the process of the development of the universe, the internal cause continues to accumulate the internal cause leading to the destruction result, and the internal cause leads to the external cause, so that the established procedure set by Pangu gradually strengthens the avenue of destruction."

"After the external factors matured, in order to prevent the avenue of destruction from developing out of control in the process of destroying the universe, the designer of the cosmic cycle, Styx, tricked me into filling the pit of the avenue of destruction. He tricked me into incarnating the demon God of destruction and insured the avenue of destruction."

The man exclaimed, "the original designer of destruction Avenue is really the ancestor of Styx."

"The Styx ancestor is so deep... No wonder he can imprison the demon ancestor with Guixu!"

"When I was cheated by him, I was as shocked as you when he and Lingbao waited for me with the four immortal killing swords!" Luo Xuan's face was cloudy and uncertain: "the incarnation of Lingbao cheated me to practice the four immortal killing swords for him. Fortunately, I really believed that the rudiments of his four killing swords were really the sword soul he took the opportunity to refine when he killed three thousand chaotic demons."

"As a result, I worked hard to refine the soul of the sword into four unparalleled killing swords, but he used my hand to clear up the remaining chaotic demons and set off the disaster of killing immortals. Finally, he turned his back and took away the four immortals I had worked hard to refine!"

"And dobao, like his master... Terrible!"

Luo Xuan's face twisted and seemed to think of something terrible in the past

"The four immortal killing swords were actually refined by the great heavenly master of Lingbao by the hand of the devil ancestor?" the man listened to the big secret, his face changed slightly, and there seemed to be something more than he expected. He asked in a deep voice, "aren't the four immortal killing Swords still in the hand of the devil ancestor?"

Luo Xuan's face was black: "the four swords of killing immortals have a deep connection with the avenue of destruction. He borrowed me to raise the sword and put it here for the time being. He can use it at any time when he wants to use it. When it's not in use, he can put it here with me. On the one hand, it can prevent the avenue of destruction from polluting the end of his Lingbao, on the other hand, it can also avoid the big cause and effect of the four swords of killing immortals!"

What Luo didn't say is that in the model of the great cycle of flood and famine, the road of destruction is a necessary link, but it is a dirty job. Originally, Styx and Lingbao competed for the dominance of the road of Guixu (Lingbao) in the end of flood and famine. The road of destruction will fall into the hands of one of them, and that person must bear the cause and effect of world destruction.

As a result, neither of them wanted to dirty their hands.

He refined the avenue of destruction into the four immortal killing swords, and used this Lingbao to perform the cause and effect instead of himself, but the four immortal killing swords could not afford this cause and effect. Therefore, before the opening of the sky, the great heavenly master of Lingbao designed to let this precious treasure fall into Luo Xuan's hands, and then the Styx River forced Luo Xuan to testify and destroy the demon God.

It's like finding someone to top the cylinder. The two tacitly shared the power of destruction, and didn't dirty their hands with Luo's black gloves.

It can be said that the calculation is exquisite... But the price is that there is a big cause and effect between the four immortal killing swords and Luo Xuan. After all, someone will destroy the world with a sword... What Luo Xuan doesn't know is that these two bad purulent guys not only split the first cutting treasure the day after tomorrow into two parts, but also sealed him so that he can't find it.

In other words, two scum men like the beauty of a woman, but they don't want to marry her.

Therefore, they jointly maintained a beautiful woman (destruction Avenue). This transaction relationship is to control destruction avenue through the four swords of killing immortals, but a woman must get married, so they found an honest man (Luo Zhen) as the marriage object of destruction Avenue, but they don't want beautiful women to Luo Zhen, just want Luo Zhen to help them raise women.

So they locked Luo Zhen up, threw him a marriage certificate, and then found another place for the beautiful woman.

Luo Zhen holds the marriage certificate (Zhu Xian four swords), and two scum men hold the beauty (Zhu Xian array). The honest man doesn't know what the beauty's complete form is. Holding a marriage certificate, he thinks he has accepted the offer!

But in fact, I haven't even touched the hand of beauty (the real control of destruction Avenue).

Now Luo Zhen thinks he is the rightful husband of a beautiful woman, and others think he is the husband of a beautiful woman.

He took all the responsibilities, but the benefits fell into the hands of Styx and Lingbao... However, Luo Xuan was still in the dark and thought that the reason why he couldn't take advantage of it was because he didn't untie the button.

But in fact, they are all in other people's arms!

Who knows who is going to die... A Poya Ashura king knew something and saw the green hat on Luo's head. He was ready to see the right time and quietly remind his boss, and then he was killed by the Styx river! Lingbao also helped cover up the crime scene... The man who came to secretly collude with Luo Xuan didn't know the situation, otherwise he couldn't escape the murders of the two adulterers.

Someone doesn't know that he has passed away with annihilation - let alone that the four immortal killing swords hide such an amazing secret.

He only cares if Luo Xuan can use the four swords to kill immortals!

Seeing that Luo Zhen finally had a moving consciousness, the man finally stood closer, the chaos dispersed and revealed his face. He was the immortal Ziyang who came all the way with Brahma WuJie and others. The immortal Ziyang had a fairy demeanor and long beard. He was a decent gentleman with a noble and righteous appearance, but he stood at the center of the darkness of the universe and talked with the exterminating gods and demons.

Immortal Ziyang said, "if the demon ancestor can use the four immortal killing swords to break the famine and draw the power of destruction, can the demon ancestor get the power of destruction? With this opportunity, he can successfully destroy the avenue in advance?"

"Impossible... When I wield that sword, someone will stop it over a long period of time!"

"Why did the famine burst?" immortal Ziyang asked.

"I had been sealed at that time..." Luo Zhen said in a bad tone: "how do I know why the famine was broken?"

"Apart from the most precious weapon of the day after tomorrow, what magic weapon can break the flood wasteland?" immortal Ziyang said negatively: "no one knows why the flood wasteland is broken, why can't it be cut by the four immortal killing swords?"

"I said that the four immortal killing swords can't... no!" Luo raised his eyes and looked at immortal Ziyang: "the person behind you is Taiyi... Chaos clock... I know! You want chaos clock and the four immortal killing swords to work together to break the flood! The first cutting treasure from birth and the first cutting treasure from the day after tomorrow... If they can't break the flood, what else can break the flood!"

"In the past, it was the great Shentong war that broke the wasteland. This time, you played so much!" Luo Zhen was shocked.

Immortal Ziyang said, "if there is a chaotic clock, no one can stop you on the long river of time!"

"No... Taiyi is the God of innate creatures, the emperor of innate gods, and creates an immortal divine court. The collapse of the flood wasteland will do the greatest damage to his interests. After the flood wasteland is broken, the innate creatures will not exist, and all powerful innate creatures competing with the human race will lose the environment needed for their growth, which is the key to the prosperity of the human race. How can Taiyi cut through the flood wasteland?" Luo Zhen wondered.

"Because if you don't occupy the position, you will be occupied by the enemy." immortal Ziyang said, "the Taiyi God Emperor changed his mind and decided to implement the 'demon' plan! With the help of the strength of the human race, all creatures except the human race will be united. The Taiyi God court will rule from birth to the day after tomorrow, and all sentient beings will no longer be the territory of the human race."

"Terrans are too overbearing!"

"The tyranny of the Terran is also cultivating enemies for itself and making enemies everywhere, which provides a solid foundation for the divine court. People belittle all creatures except them as' demons'. With the hegemony of the Terran, there is the concept of the 'demon' family."

"The self respecting Terrans have personally created their biggest enemy!"

"The human race has no way, and all souls have suffered for a long time!"

"Now the connection between the innate and post innate spirits has been personally connected by the Terran. Now the innate will be the ancestor of the postnatal. They will be connected through blood and the evolutionary law established by the ancestor of Styx with a nose sword. The postnatal spirits respect the innate ancestors and divide nobility by blood."

"Innate beings respect the former God, and the innate God only establishes the Taiyi God court."

"This is a system of blood lineage spreading, evolution, hierarchy and order based on blood lineage. From then on, the demon family respects blood. Any demon family of practice is returning to their ancestors and providing fresh blood for the innate creatures. The old ancestor of Styx can also take this opportunity to promote his evolution method. Integrate the way of ah Bi evolution into the cultivation civilization of the demon family."

"So you think Styx will support you?" Luo Zhen sneered.

"Of course I don't dare to be so bold. I think the Styx ancestor will support me, but at least he won't oppose me!" immortal Ziyang said confidently: "the opportunity to pinch the heaven and the world into a whole, except the human race! Now the heaven and the world are neither human nor demon... We have succeeded!"

"Therefore, the one God changed his attitude towards the breaking of the flood and famine. He didn't stop the breaking of the flood and famine, but depended on whose hand the flood and famine was broken!" immortal Ziyang said: "If the flood and famine are broken in our hands, the overall structure of the heaven and the world will be planned by us in the future. At that time, how many worlds are suitable for the survival of the demon race and how many worlds are suitable for the survival of the human race is not what we say?"

"At that time, after the human demon war and subduing the human race, the divine court will be re established and the heavens will be unified!"

"That will be the most glorious world!" immortal Ziyang said excitedly.

Luo Xuan hesitated and said, "if I'm not mistaken, you seem to be a Terran!"

"Do you think I'm on the side of the demon clan?" immortal Ziyang sneered: "I don't stand on the side of the human clan, nor on the side of the demon clan who drink blood and hair. I stand in the divine court, and I stand in the innate gods. The heavenly court rules the flood and famine, regulates Yin and Yang like the way of heaven, and controls all students... It shouldn't be the private property of a family."

"The emperor of heaven ruled heaven with people and put humanity above the way of heaven. It has been a perverse act, and there is no reason for it!"

"We are gods. We live above all living beings with a fair attitude and rule everything equally, but the emperor of heaven only cares about the human race. He can't see the resentment of all living beings under his favoritism... When the emperor of heaven loses his virtue, he always only remembers that he is a human being and doesn't look like a emperor of heaven." Ziyang emperor's eyes are sharp and show indifference and ruthlessness.

"The emperor of heaven instead of the way of heaven governs the four directions. He should take all living beings as the ruminant dogs. The road is invisible and gives birth to heaven and earth; the road is ruthless and runs the sun and the moon; the road is nameless and raises all things. Holding a human heart, how can he be a good God? A good ruler of the famine? The Taiyi God court is the heaven court of the innate God, so that they can treat everything impartially and equally."

"Too much inequality!" Luo said coldly, "the ancient gods are high, close to their good, deviate from their evil! They are the most selfish gods!"

"The emperor of heaven, as a human race, fought against the ancient gods for the postnatal creatures. How fearless and courageous!"

"But what happened after the Heavenly Emperor ruled the world? Why did the postnatal creatures who chose to follow the human race to resist the ancient god resist the human race like the ancient god? The Heavenly Emperor just became another Taiyi! The human race just became another ancient god!" Ziyang Zhenren asked: "At least in those days, the ancient gods ruled the flood and famine with their own will, and the Heavenly Emperor and Tianting, as the supreme authority to rule the flood and famine, actually succumbed to the will of the human race."

"They are more ridiculous and stupid than the ancient gods!"

"The Heavenly Emperor should only be loyal to himself. The heavenly court should rule the flood and famine only for its own interests. It should not be the private property of one family and one religion!"

Luo Xuan said faintly, "if I heard you right, you don't want Tianting to be the private property of the human race. It's because you want Tiandi and Tianting to be above everything and make the flood and famine become the private property of Tianting."

Immortal Ziyang said with a smile, "is there anything wrong?"

Luo Xuan said calmly, "you have not experienced the history of the ancient gods ruling the famine in those years. These are just your nonsense! You have not thought that the acquired creatures outside the human race have gathered into a demon race and colluded with the ancient gods to overthrow the rule of the human race, not because the rule of the human race is no different from that of the ancient gods, but because... All creatures are forgetful!"

"They have forgotten the history of the rule of the ancient gods, just the past?"

Immortal Ziyang didn't care and said, "what's the difference?"

Luo Zhen shook his head slowly and said, "so you're not really for all sentient beings. You're just an ambitious! You're not as good as the emperor of heaven! No, no, no... You don't deserve to be compared with the emperor of heaven... You don't understand the mind of the emperor of heaven!"

"Ha ha!" Ziyang laughed and said, "Luo min, are you admonishing me? Even if I'm an ambitious man, what does it have to do with you? Isn't that what you want?"

Luo also laughed and said, "yes! What does this have to do with me?"

"Boy... I promised you! When the time is right, I'll do it... The chaotic clock rings and the immortal sword is killed; the world is bleeding and the heavens are plundered; the heaven is destroyed and the flood is broken!"

"When the chaotic clock rings, vibrates time and space and fixes all changes in time and space, I will send a sword to heaven as you wish."

"But boy, I want to tell you that if you think everyone will stand idly by, it will be a miscalculation! You think that the loss of the emperor of heaven and your act of usurping the throne and rebelling against chaos have nothing to do with the great supernatural powers of stakeholders. They will at least stand idly by, but I know that one person is definitely beyond your expectation."

"Go away! Boy..." Luo Xuan's evil thought closed his eyes and slowly faded away.

"Although I hate the emperor of heaven, it disgusts you more!"

Immortal Ziyang had a disgusting smile on his face. He bowed slightly, turned and disappeared into chaos