With the passage of time, the ancient species in the Tongming hall have become more and more strange. Most of these species are not powerful in absolute power, but the life gods are very strange. It seems that they are mixed with the idea of the devil ancestor. That kind of strange, strange and unpredictable species constitute a complete and complex ecological chain. These ecological chains also reflect a completely different evolutionary direction from the flood and wilderness universe.

Poyamoso knows that the orthodox nature of the Honghuang universe is in the hands of the goddess of Wa Huang, the empress of Houtu, and even the emperor of heaven. The ancestors of Styx who created these species seem to have a different understanding of nature from the orthodox nature of Honghuang.

Therefore, the archaic species, blood sea demons, living here have no distinction between congenital and acquired, and it is even difficult to be included in the cultivation system.

They compete, prey, kill, coexist, parasitize, and co evolve an extremely rich and colorful ecological chain.

What makes the group helpless and difficult to adapt is that, as the top Taoist king of the world of heaven, they can't find their position in this ecosystem. Sometimes they can kill the powerful demons at the top of the food chain, but sometimes they die in the hands of the most humble and weak species. The former poisonous spider was bitten by a real fire, which can remove the toxin. Later, it was bitten by a spider of the same race, but it turned into pus at the moment of being bitten.

These ancient species are simply difficult to define by level. Which are Jinxian level fierce animals, which are Tianxian level poisons, which are Yang gods and which are Jindan fierce animals. Level... Does not exist.

Poyamoso also doesn't know which ancient species are innate creatures, which ancient golden immortals can't provoke.

In this world, some weak like mole ants can survive safely, but they seem to face the malice and danger of the whole world.

"We can't afford it!" poyamoso whispered, "I was going to use the safest way. Now it seems that we must take some risks!"

The green hair corpse looked up, looked at the Asura demons who had lost three or four people around, and said uneasily, "this is still a safe way? What is an unsafe way?"

"We are like foreign bodies entering the world. The safest way is to keep weak and inaction, comply with the rules here and integrate ourselves into the world. Therefore, we are only facing a small counterattack of the ancient species living here in determining the position of our food chain. However, there are more radical ways to invade the world and finish it regardless of any consequences Our business, and then withdraw from here before the world bites back! "Poyamoso said again.

"What if we don't have time to escape before the world bites back?" the green haired corpse said uneasily.

"Then we will face the riots of ancient species!" poyamoso said deeply, "I hope we will escape a few people alive and continue our king's great cause and plan!"

Poyamoso took out a white skeleton. From the hollow thin bone and beak, it was the skull of a bird. Through the skull, it seemed to see the distorted space, like a black line, with a strange rhythm scattered in the void. Relying on this wonderful vision, Bofu bird can chase and kill NANDA ancient ant everywhere and become the natural enemy of this species that is the first to escape.

Bo Fu bird cannot escape into the void, nor can it drill a hole and escape in the void like NANDA ancient ant.

But this kind of demon bird has a strange ability. Like spiders, they can sense the tiny touch of space, and their perception spreads along the space line. Whenever space is distorted and touched, they can sense any tiny space fluctuation outside several heavenly worlds, and then instinctively eliminate the fluctuation characteristics that are inconsistent with the natural powers of the NANDA ancient ants, Finally, find the target and track it away. After finding the ancient ant queen NANDA who escaped into the void, the Bofu demon bird pecked into the void with its long beak and took out the ancient ant NANDA.

Therefore, the long beak of Bofu bird can be used to refine the magic weapon for shuttling through the void. As a material, it can increase the ability of the magic weapon to escape and break through the void. However, the most common part is often used as a combined part of the flying escape war magic weapon, which is responsible for piercing the surface tension of the space like a needle, so that the space tension of the nearby void is destroyed, and the flying escape magic weapon can use less power, Break the void.

This feature is nothing for small flying Duncan, but for those large-scale flying Duncan carrying small thousand worlds, or even medium thousand worlds, for two-world wars, the power consumed is as boundless as mountains and seas every time it is urged, and the feature of destroying space tension that can reduce consumption and power requirements is very important!

Secondly, the soul and eyes of Bofu bird can be used to refine a magic weapon to detect spatial fluctuations. It is often an important part of feidun magic weapon. It can be called the weapon of war in the heavens and the space radar of feidun magic weapon.

How important radar is in the military, this magic instrument called "sky detector" is as important as it can be called the strategic material of the war of the heavens.

In the heaven world, because of the objective conditions of the boundary sea war, feidun magic weapon is the most valued and is regarded as the embodiment of the war strength of the heaven world in the boundary sea. During the tense period of the heaven situation, the berfu demon bird was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It was a kind of precious material that could be encountered but not sought. It was widely hunted and killed by the friars of the heaven. If it were not for its strong strength, It often needs the cooperation of several Taoist princes. It is possible to hunt and kill at the risk of losing one or two people. It has long been extinct in the world of heaven!

"The skull of Bofu bird is very precious!" poyamoso thought about the skull and said: "Even though the layout was started before the immeasurable robbery, I have only two in my hand. I was originally prepared to trap one or two living NANDA ancient ants, but now I have to use one of them in order to win time, resulting in abnormal fluctuations in the space in the Tongming hall, simulating the fluctuations of the bird's beak hitting the space."

"Trigger the restlessness of the NANDA ancient ants living here!"

"We take the opportunity to lock the target... And then, desperate, catch some of them before the ancient ants in NANDA escape!"

The golden silk thread seeped from poyamoso's hands and penetrated into the skull of the Bofu demon bird. The surrounding void aroused transparent ripples. Poyamoso gently flicked the warhead bone, and the destructive power like black lightning fell on the skull, which instantly stimulated all its potential. An illusory ancient strange demon bird turned into a virtual shadow. The demon bird was dressed in five colored feathers, like a Phoenix, but on the phoenix feather There are colorful words, but the demon's feathers are messy, the texture is not smooth, and even has reverse chaos and wrong feathers. His wings are like arrows, stabbing in all directions.

Although the bird is covered with five colored feathers, it goes against the chaos. Therefore, it is not a phoenix beast, but a ferocious bird demon bird. Its temperament is cruel and ferocious.

The virtual shadow of Bofu bird has just turned out. Under the control of poyamoso, it probes into the void with its divine beak. The surrounding space is diffused with black silk threads, such as silk and wisps, extending around. An invisible spatial fluctuation spreads in the Tongming hall.

Just beat his younger martial brother violently. He was calmly looking down at the FA Jing of those ancient ants in the purple gold bowl, and suddenly noticed the strangeness.

NANTUO ancient ants in the purple gold bowl are restless. They dig holes in the void one after another, ready to escape.

"Wait..." master Fajing was not busy with surprise, but his face sank and whispered, "there is great energy approaching!"

"It's the remnant of Luo Yu! Asura demons!" Fajing looked up and sensed the people who were rushing in the air. They aroused the stress response of countless archaic species. A group of archaic plague locusts sprang up, a group of about tens of millions. Each one was emitting the smell of plague, which immediately covered the sky and the sun. The smell of countless plague diseases swept all over the world. Fajing just rubbed a little, smelled a fishy smell, and felt under his armpit Sweating, the Dharma body is dim and dirty.

I can only say it in secret!

All Buddhists feel exhausted and mentally ill just rubbing the edge. Asura demons rush in from the sky and face the storm formed by the ancient plague locusts. How can it be good? Yellowish brown plague gas, cyan black disease gas, purple black pollution gas, gray white aging gas, gray black decay gas. Plague, disease, pollution, aging and The five evil spirits of decay were detonated by the wings of tens of millions of archaic plague locusts.

The five evils are transformed into an ancient heaven and the incarnation of the great emperor of the plague department.

The gasification of plague is a great seal, which represents the power of the plague Department of the heaven. The gasification of disease is a pestilence whip, the gasification of filth is a manic flag, the gasification of decay is a coma sword, and the gasification of aging is a headache chime. The projection of these five congenital spiritual treasures is suspended in front of the emperor of the plague department, which is resisted by him. Just a distant blow, several Asura demons scream, hold their heads and fall When they fall down, others are either covered with rotten sores and red pox, or rotten and purulent. It's not good at first sight.

Poyamotso did not care so much, but attracted the destructive power. His attainments in the avenue of destruction were higher than those of the green haired corpse. He actually led to 12 kinds of destructive disasters, which was about to form the final Tao solution. Poyamotso said fiercely: "At the end of the days, when all the ways are destroyed, even Tai Chi, the foundation of existence, will collapse. Not to mention a little plague. At the end of the universe, the plague is only a part of destruction, and will be destroyed by a more powerful destruction."

"Plague is also life, all living beings perish, and the plague no longer exists!"

"Destructive power, killing creatures, kill plague creatures for me..." Fajing and others were numb to see that poyamoso turned the killing of creatures into the virtual shadow of Yuan Tu sword. The sword Qi swept away, but cut itself. Yuan Tu sword is a sword of killing and robbing, symbolizing the killing of heaven and earth. Therefore, the destructive force of killing creatures in the avenue will evolve into the virtual shadow of Yuan Tu sword. The essence of the force of plague is an extremely small creature, or a heterogeneous species Vitality.

Under the complete restraint of the killing power of life, these tiny lives that can be regarded as insects suddenly died, and all diseases no longer occurred in poyamoso.

But this is also tantamount to tossing himself half to death. Originally, Ashura's majestic, ferocious and powerful congenital body has been restored. After the reverse bite of destructive power, it has returned to the miserable appearance of the corpse.

Poyamoso's wisps of withered grass like hair stick to his scalp and look ferocious and terrible.

He killed all the plague creatures by killing them and devoured himself with the power of destruction. Now anything that cannot exist under the twelve destruction robbers has no meaning to him. Any attack will be destroyed first by his destruction essence! He is now extremely weak, but also extremely powerful. Poyamoso is cutting out a sword to destroy the rest of the demons The plague Qi on his body was killed together with tens of millions of ancient plague locusts.


Master Fajing was very nervous. What do you think of these remaining evils and destroying demons from killing attacks, and they were all ready to work hard with them... Who would have thought that these people had such a big battle to catch ants?

Who would have thought?

Anyway, Fajing couldn't figure it out. He saw that poyamoto killed tens of millions of archaic plague locusts with only one destruction. The destruction Avenue restrained all existence and was infinitely powerful. He didn't dare to let poyamoto's fire open at all, otherwise poyamoto alone could drag everyone to die together!

"Purple gold bowl..."

Master Fajing put his hands together, and the purple gold bowl floated from his hands and hung behind his head. The mouth of the bowl suddenly opened and turned into an infinite world: "younger martial brothers, help me!" master Fajing raised his hands and held up a huge purple gold bowl. He and dozens of old monks and monks behind him opened their hands together to release infinite light, like a scorching sun, The Buddha light that can shine on the world is absorbed by the purple gold bowl, and the light that can illuminate the whole world is gathered and focused on one focus.

The gentle Buddha light is like the rising sun. After the first zoom, it converges into a hot golden torrent. Any dark evil spirit may evaporate if it is wiped by the hot torrent.

Even if the ghost king of the world, the evil things of the nether world come out and face the endless flood of Golden Buddha light, he can't get any benefit.

The second zoom of the Golden Buddha light flood turns into a blazing white, powerful Buddha light that can't be seen directly, as if it came from the extremely hot hell.

There are nine focusing structures in the purple gold bowl. The Buddha light focused for the last nine times has turned into a faint invisible, invisible, colorless, slightly undetectable, if any, tiny Buddha light ray, which runs through the heart of poyamoso.

Instantly evaporate everything there

But poyamoso just sneered: "the more powerful your magic power is, the closer I am to the essence of destruction... Get out of the way, bald donkey, or I will let you go to the West together!"

"There's nothing wrong with seeing my Buddha in the West!" Fajing said faintly: "since the worst result is also a good thing, I can't let you succeed even if I fight everything! We lose the war and die, but we can see the blessed one. If you succeed, it will be a nightmare for all living beings in the world!"

"Younger martial brothers, follow me to get rid of demons!"

"Drink!" all the old monks roared in unison. Fajing had a purple gold bowl. The mouth of the bowl suddenly became bigger and bigger in the eyes of all the Asura demons. Finally, it covered the sky and covered everything. A group of destructive demons couldn't help falling into the purple gold bowl, and they were about to drown in the ocean of Buddha light in the purple gold bowl. At this time, the ocean of Buddha light in the purple gold bowl suddenly shook and set off a huge wave of light. The huge purple gold bowl was hit on the bowl by a fist. The countless purple gold bowl flew into the air, with the bowl mouth facing down and sprinkled countless light rain. It made the Asura magic thing squeak, but also made a group of destruction demons struggle to escape.

The figure who hit this punch was incomparably great. He stood in the void. His body stood in the Tongming hall, like a heavenly pillar with the sky on his head. The Tongming hall was a hall, a heavenly palace for such talents. Fajing and others stood in the Tongming hall, just like mole ants, but that figure could stand up to the sky.

"Po Yazhi!"

As soon as fan WuJie and others stepped into the door of the hall, they saw a powerful figure standing in the door with an unmatched breath, that is the body of King Poya, and knocked the purple gold bowl to the ground with one punch.

Master Fajing's flesh was trembling, and the golden light of his body flew in disorder. Although this fist hit the innate spiritual treasure, the power of shock still shocked their blood and blood, and almost broke their flesh. Buddhism regarded the flesh as a smelly skin bag. In addition to the bitter friars' external efforts to polish the flesh, they were more tenacious and lack of spirit. In the view of Xuanmen, it was definitely damaging the flesh orifices and potential, Other Buddhist monks don't exercise the body at all.

All the mana is contained in the golden body Dharma phase.

Fajing put away his flesh and released his golden body Dharma phase. The huge golden body Dharma phase only came to the lower leg of King Poya's body. He bared his two arms and resisted Poya's fist. The punch that king Poya just hit on the purple gold bowl has rolled up the surrounding mountains and poured out the earth. The whole world has turned upside down and shocked countless ancient species.

The devil Dao Jun and his party who had just stepped into the hall didn't know what had happened. Yuan Yu looked at the great change in Tongming hall with silly eyes and screamed: "run away... There's more trouble in here!"

Vatican WuJie didn't know why, so he ran back with him. In his busy schedule, he had time to ask, "what's the matter?"

"Don't look at the joy of fighting now, you'll have to pull a list later! This is the experimental field of the ancestors of Styx River, not a casual world of heaven. I think they won't die if they smash in the big self-made world of the experiment of the evil ancestors of Styx river!" Yuan Yu said in horror: "Who knows what they will disturb? Do you really think this is a public street in the world of the heavens? Run until the monsters deep in the Tongming hall are disturbed, and these people are dead!"

A group of old demons ran to the door of the hall in a panic. As soon as they escaped, they saw a huge sphere smashed out of the Tongming hall.

Vatican WuJie looked up as if he saw a universe falling

The sphere rolled twice and finally stopped next to the plaque in Tongming hall.

Seeing the true face of the sphere, the hair behind everyone's neck burst open... "Poya king!" the blood butcher screamed: "Poya King's head was torn off by something... Fortunately, it's more than one head!"

"What the hell happened inside! Even the corpse of Da Luo was damaged!"

"It seems to have been forcibly torn open by something... It's so terrible to tear Da Luo by hand!"


With a loud noise, the vibration swept the whole Tongming hall. All the old demons suffered from mouth and nose bleeding. Nearly half of the people vomited blood when they heard the loud noise, mixed with dark red visceral fragments. Then they saw a strong purple gold bowl, which was also smashed out of the Tongming hall, smashed through the damaged gate of the heavenly palace, and the sharp eyed Brahma WuJie found it, Fajing and others are dying and hiding in the purple gold bowl. It seems that there is only one last breath left!