Under the twisted and strange black dead wood, a group of Buddhists can sit together and form a circle around the ancient bodhi tree in the lonely garden in the past, that is, the one that Brahma WuJie saw just now, which spans life and death, contains demons and Buddhas. Now that they fall in the magic land, they stand in the past bodhi tree in the lonely garden.

Life and death, wither and glory, devil and Buddha, the past and present are intertwined. Half of them are brilliant, holy as Buddha, half are withered and twisted, and death is silent as devil. This extraordinary divine tree is bright, and a hazy shadow appears under the tree.

The shadow is vague. It can only be seen that it is a Bodhisattva wearing a Yingluo, braided hair, four shawls, wearing a three bead crown, with rich cheeks and square Yi, sitting on an octagonal lotus seat, holding up a golden flame pattern and carrying a boundless light. His hand is hanging on his side with a cassock. Although his face is blurred, it can make people feel the faint smile at the corners of his mouth.

As if it contains some secret and wonderful meaning, all kinds of Impermanence in the world.

"Under the bodhi tree, there is the shadow of a Bodhisattva listening to the lecture!" the unknown old monk said secretly: "If it's really like what the devil said, it's a tree in the past to the lonely garden, who is the Buddha and Bodhisattva here to listen and leave this immortal shadow? It seems that the Bodhisattva smiled when he heard the beauty of the Buddha's Dharma, but branded the shadow of this moment under the bodhi tree."

"Leave the shadow in a tree in the lonely garden. I don't know how many robbers have not been erased by the thought of magic ancestors echoing here."

"This Bodhisattva is very high... Far higher than me!" the unknown old monk sighed, "I just don't know if this Bodhisattva escaped a tree and gave the lonely garden a big disaster?"

The unknown old monk heard the abusive words of the demons behind him. The demons were more angry than each other, and the voice of scolding was very loud. The old monk recited scriptures silently for tens of meters. They shone on the subtle and pure Buddha light without shadow. Centered on the circle, they shone through the transparent and bright space.

But beyond this circle of light, there is boundless darkness. Countless ghosts are hidden in the darkness. Layers of dark figures wriggle and struggle, just like dark ghosts.

The dark ghost shrouded the whole magic land, just like the Black Sea. Countless dark shadows are sea water. They flow, surge, diffuse, squeeze together and are isolated from the aperture.

"Bald donkey!" the voice of the blood butcher devil came from the dark. He had only one shadow in the dark. Standing not far away, he sneered: "see? All the Buddhas in your family lie here! The Buddha is so cruel. At least he mixed with him here, but he was killed after listening to the old man's speech of killing the devil ancestor!"

An angry old monk's eyebrows jumped and his voice suddenly became louder.

His knowledge of the sea is now full of malice transmitted by the devil and Taoist king. Their ridicule, ridicule and disdain are more and more vivid and true under the blessing of reading.

"I guess it's just......" the leader of the inanimate sect hehe said: "take the bones here and cremate them. They can burn at least 800 stone relics! It's enough for every Buddhist temple in the world. It's enough to be enshrined! Just like this, you bald donkeys are worthy of this trip!"

"More than that! When the Buddha was cremated, it seems that there are more than 84000 Buddhist relics. Now there are one in the famous temples in the heavens, which is very productive! I think! So many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas here are famous powers in scriptures. How can they burn less than those non famous Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the heavens? It is said that dalantuo Temple invented a cremation In this way, you only need to add auxiliary materials such as glass, gold and silver, coral, amber, trifoliate, agate, lead, tin and so on. "

"The output can be increased ten times!" an old devil sneered in a cheap voice.

"Is this burning glazed beads or Buddhist relics?" the leader of the inanimate cult laughed and said, "old corpse God, you are a professional. Have you tried to develop Buddhist relics or something?"

The old corpse God who turned into an ancient tree said very frankly: "According to my research, the important factor affecting the sintering of Buddhist relics is the seven treasures embedded in the Buddhist golden body. The seven treasures contain many materials that can be used to refine glass and water essence. In terms of alchemy, they are glass. Because they moisten the magic power and Buddha nature of the golden body, these are very good materials. In addition, it is easy to refine and contain powerful bones with the Buddhist golden body as fuel And the quintessence of gods - this is the relic. "

Later, I colluded with the abbot of the big rotten temple and secretly adjusted the ingredients of the cremated golden body, and worked out several suitable recipes for crystallization and glazed glaze. With the golden body remains as the main ingredient, with a reasonable formula and ingredients, the yield of the sinter was greatly increased. Moreover, the gloss and appearance were all more beautiful, and the quality did not drop, but also increased.

"As a result, the output of dalantuo Temple increased greatly, and even exported to other temples in the sky... Unfortunately, he finally took the mill and killed the donkey and plotted against me in a transaction... But I didn't suffer a loss. I took the opportunity to calculate him and robbed him of a large number of gold body stocks. I also obtained the method of refining pills with corpses, which expanded the industry of our corpse driving sect."

"In the past, corpses can only be used to refine zombies. Now they can not only refine corpses, but also refine relic elixir and relic treasure, which enriches the utilization efficiency of demon Tao resources, implements the policy of innovation and Entrepreneurship of the demon Tao of the Styx demon ancestor, and has even been commended by the master of the corpse demon Tao, improving the direct ranking of our corpse driving sect."

"Because the Taoist relic, the magic relic and the martial relic refined from the bodies of the Xuanmen, the right way and the scattered cultivation, the martial Friar and the magic friar have no brand effect of Buddhism, and because other friars have no tradition of burning relic." the old corpse God said proudly: "So in order to ship in large quantities and stabilize the market, with the help of the traditional famous brand effect, we have also invented the technology of burning Buddhist relics by using other kinds of monk corpses, burning cottage relics and launching counterfeit products. Although the high-end market is still monopolized by dalantuo temple, the middle and low-end relics on the seventh floor of the market are all made by our corpse demons!"

"Don't look at all the Buddhist temples in the heavens now, no matter how large or small, they all worship the great power relic and the remains of the elders. In fact, who knows what kind of things they were burned! If the Xuanmen friars are OK... If the elders of our demon sect have knowledge under the spring, they will do all kinds of evil all their life. When they die, they can pretend to be a Buddha's great power and be worshipped by others. They will forgive us for stealing them My grave! "

"My successor, the corpse orphan, is the most powerful! He creatively invented the technology of refining relic from the bones of monsters. Monsters are bulky, burn resistant and cheap goods, which makes our cost break a lower limit again. Now we are preparing to impact the lowest market! Buddhist believers are thousands of times more than monks, which is a larger market! Earn these with ultra-low-end relic People's money, on the one hand, satisfies their faith, on the other hand, it also opens up another battlefield to compete with Buddhism for resources! "

"It's shameless for those Buddhist bald donkeys to cheat believers' money one by one! We are engaged in imitating Buddhist magic tools, listing them through the shell of Esoteric Buddhism, selling Buddhist relics, and the demon sect alliance specializing in the Buddhist market. At least we exchange products for money... I don't know where we are higher than them!"

"Next, we are going to borrow the shells of several traditional Buddhist ancient temples, let a group of disciples turn to the way of magic Buddhism, open cheap doors in the world, build temples operated by magic disciples, around these temples, open up Buddhist type markets, sell belief souvenirs, offerings, things of God and Buddha, Buddha treasure relic, and expand our magic Gate Avenue!"

"Hua La Hua!" there was a neat and consistent applause in the dark, and a group of old demons said in praise: "it's beautiful to drive the body..."

"The future is great!"

"The corpse God old man is really my devil Junyan. It's a pity to be a tree here!"

"If we control this magic land, can't our magic Tao get involved in the high-end industry of the relic?" the immortal leader muttered.

Yuan Yu echoed: "yes! It's a waste to let dalantuo Temple eat the fattest meat! Anyway, Buddhism doesn't eat meat. It's better to give it to us. With this batch of materials, we can burn more high-end relic products! Isn't it Meizizi to sell back to Buddhism at that time?"

"So none of the powerful bones here can be left for the Buddha!"

"Here we are. At least let them take some home! Even if we give them as a gift from the devil's friendship!" the leader of the blood butcher said bravely.

"There are so many monsters with huge bodies in the sea of blood, we also need to develop our own magic relic and Blood Sea relic... It seems that there is a white bone relic in the bone magic Road, isn't it?" seeing the white bone old devil nodding for confirmation, then the killing cult leader encouraged: "then we should develop our own relic culture and spread our magic relic brand."

"The relic was originally a sacred object burned by Buddhism, but they indulged in the sacred aura of the relic tradition and dared not break the tradition, break superstition and study how the relic was made. This is the rigidity and stupidity of Buddhism. Under the teachings of the ancestors of Styx and killing demons, our demon Taoism pays attention to innovation, encourages invention, asks the bottom of everything, and has a pious research and inquiry At the end of the day, trace back to the devil spirit of the Avenue! Have a high degree of curiosity and creativity... "

"I would also like to criticize all of you... Relic is not a new thing, but a classic traditional thing. Buddhism is lame by itself. Our demon Tao can't see through the aura of superstition and hasn't made up its mind to study it. Fortunately, there is an excellent leader of the demon sect, the old corpse God. He is not afraid of secular vision and has breakthrough thinking, Dare to innovate, boldly collude with the holy land of Buddhism, and even do not hesitate to develop revolutionary technology to expand the power of Buddhism. "

"This is the selfishness of our demon sect. I can take advantage of it and care about his life and death!"

"During the period when the corpse driving sect colluded with dalantuo temple, I don't know how many fellow demons were ruined by the sudden outbreak of relic production. I don't know how many Buddhist monks jumped because of the help of relic... If they were in Buddhism, they would be traitors. But in our demons... Our demons don't blame the winners. We not only saw the growth of the power of Buddhism, but also our demonic values The penetration of. "

"The gains and losses in power are temporary. Only by implementing the values of selfishness, mercenary and interest only of our demon sect is the foundation for the eternal prosperity of the demon way... This is the road pointed out by our farsighted killing Lord Styx!"

"Support the Styx demon ancestor and the demon values!" The doings of the blood carlord made an impromptu speech, highly praised the actions of the slayer, which was harmful to others and selfish, and mercenary. At present, applause was like thunder, and the Brahman without any robbery and make complaints about the wonderful flowers of the magic Road, while secretly admired, the blood slaughtered monarch could take the lead of the devil's path as the commander in chief of the magic Road, and indeed there was a level.

Apart from other things, this speech will be able to grasp the theoretical core of the devil's way!

"The core of relic industrialization is product specialization. Compared with the era of the flood and famine, the resources of all worlds are nearly exhausted, which puts forward requirements for our utilization efficiency of spiritual resources. The most important thing is theorization and specialization, that is, the specialization, professionalization and shortcut of alchemy!"

"We should summarize the alchemy and device refining methods that are more in line with the avenue."

"The success of the corpse God old man lies in breaking through the aura of superstition on the relic and analyzing the production of the relic from the professional perspective of alchemy. This concept should be popularized... No resources are sacred. If you sanctify the resources, you will ignore the avenue contained therein... No one really thinks of how to improve the relic after so many years of Buddhism Output? "

"Some Buddhists burn relic with amazing efficiency. Later, after the research of the corpse God old man, the quality and quantity of the gold body refined by some Buddhists' practice methods are extremely high. He destroyed a small sect and robbed them to study the method of cultivating gold body. It turns out that the quality and combat effectiveness of the gold body are not high, but it is very suitable The sintering of Buddhist relics. So they cheated some geniuses to practice this method. Because the quality of the gold body is very low, they often get stuck in a certain step and can't break through. In this way, they can cremate those monks after they are trapped and die, and produce a large number of Buddhist relics. They were once rich and accumulated a very deep foundation! "

"But do they dare to publish their research results? Dare they apply them on a large scale?"

"On the one hand, it is more vicious than our evil way to frame our own people. The Buddhist relics burned are all the flesh and blood crystals of our disciples. Our evil door is just burning corpses, recycling, waste utilization and expanding the recycling of resources, which is conducive to the development of the universe and ecological practice and civilization. They burn their own people directly!"

"On the other hand, in the application of technology, they eat antiquity and hypocritically restrict the application of these technologies, so they become more ferocious in private and more beautiful on the surface! Hypocrisy!"

The blood butcher devil was full of emotions and criticized the hypocrisy and shamelessness of Buddhism. For a few hours, a group of leaders of the demon sect turned these ideas into ghosts and passed them to the Buddha light circle where Buddhism brainwashed each other. The evil way and the group of ghosts were one, turning their years into ghosts. They also echoed in the dark tide. Gradually, Buddhism brainwashed each other and wiped out their thoughts.

Under the impact of the dark tide, the Buddha circle finally appeared a flaw.

An old monk jumped up violently, turned back and scolded: "devil son nonsense..."

In an instant, his voice disappeared. The two old monks sitting next to him suddenly felt that there was still a figure sitting in his position, but they were no longer chanting and talking, and even the sound of breathing was gone.

There was still a shadow sitting in the position of the old monk who stood up, but there was no popularity all over.

In the Buddha's circle, there is a cold body.

A circle of people chant and chant scriptures. When they come here, it's like meeting a black hole. All the Buddha light and Sanskrit sound disappear. There is a black hole that doesn't speak and breathe, swallowing all the light and Buddha nature.

An old monk sitting next to him chanting scriptures couldn't help turning his head quietly and glancing at him quickly.

He saw a corpse demon. The gold body was covered with corpse spots, as if it had begun to decay. Blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, but a compassionate smile on his face.

This is not the grumpy old monk, this is a "Buddha!"

The old monk suddenly wanted to understand something. He screamed in horror and gave out a miserable cry that was totally different from human beings, and then stopped abruptly. It was like being strangled by someone halfway through the scream. His scream made more people look over there, and then there were one after another miserable cries in the circle of Buddha light.

There was a long howl from the mouth of inexplicable creatures, and Fajing was frightened. He knew that the calculation of the demon kings of the evil way had been completed. They finally brought some strange things in the dark to them. Even those lawless, even ghosts dared to integrate into one. The demon king who changed his state seemed to be afraid of this ghost thing.

When it came in, the people in the magic road stopped talking!

Afraid to recall the strange existence to them

"Younger martial brothers, recite with me! Don't distract him!" master Fajing roared. Under his leadership, a group of Buddhist monks continued to chant scriptures loudly, ignoring everything around them. The bright Buddha light seemed to suppress the strange existence, and gradually the howling became lower and less.

But it continues to happen

Fajing suddenly lost the breath of a younger martial brother beside him, and a silent terror shrouded among them. The unknown old monk beside Fajing had to say, "elder martial brother, you can't go on like this! Your younger martial brothers are not afraid of life and death. For us, life and death are as usual. We have been practicing Zen for tens of thousands of years. Can't we break this skin bag?"

"What you younger martial brothers fear is the unknown in the dark and the shaking of the Dharma."

"Therefore, to break this situation, we must see through the strange existence and the great terror... Please allow me to look back. Younger martial brother is confident that I can read the name of this place and expose its heel, so that you can have no fear!"

Fajing recalled the appearance of an unknown old monk. He was just a thin, ordinary old monk. There was nothing outstanding along the way. Unexpectedly, when this inexplicable terror was coming, he could break through the fear from ignorance. Can break the Zen principle of subduing fear demons

Master Fajing folded his palms and sighed: "in the face of the strangeness in the dark, I lost my square inch. It's better for my junior brother to see clearly. Please bother my junior brother! Shanzai, Shanzai..."

Fajing said sadly, "your body is like a bodhi tree and your heart is like a mirror. Wipe it frequently to avoid dust. The sixth ancestor is so wise that we can't touch it. If you don't have wisdom, you'd better be stupid! If you can't have nothing, you'd better wipe your Zen Mind from time to time. Elder martial brother... Thank you for your enlightenment!"

The unknown old monk looked back, but saw more than a dozen strange figures sitting in the Buddha circle.

Next to him, I saw a six tooth white elephant squatting on one side. It was mottled. Rotten parts had been exposed on the original white jade like skin. Some rotten wounds could see golden and divine bones. A figure was sitting on the white elephant's back. He saw a lotus in his left arm. Falling Yu sat on the white elephant's back, spread out his right hand and stretched out towards the ground

Although the six toothed white elephant was stained with death, the Bodhisattva Dharma body was still clean and unimpeded.

There is only one pair of eyes... Hiding the infinite magic, it is great terror, great prestige, great solemnity, great killing, great destruction and great disaster. It is like an endless void, and it is also like a bottomless ruins. The unknown old monk can see the boundless sea of blood from his eyes. His eyes can see the flood of the universe, the past and the future, but he can't see himself.

"The God of Samantabhadra... Is dead!"

The nameless old man suddenly understood everything. He looked back and saw that sitting in the Buddha's circle, there was a sacred statue with a green lion camel, a Buddha with a light wheel on his head like a big sun, a Bodhisattva listening to strange animals next to him, and a King Kong who can break all troubles

The unknown old monk suddenly realized everything... This is a sealed land. In those years, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were infected by the evil idea of the Styx river. They had to cut off the evil body to return to purity. Only in this way can they not take away the ghost created by the evil ancestor and leave here alone. Therefore, there will be the king Tibetan Bodhisattvas who are still alive and the bodies of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

These are just the bodies they cut off!

However, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can return to purity, but their thoughts will never be destroyed. It can be said that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas left here are all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There is no essential difference between them and the original Buddha, that is, they are part of them. For this reason, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can only use the great power of the Buddha to seal the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so that they will not be infected.

Therefore, the bodies here have died one after another. Although they are immortal, they have been forgotten.

But he is an idea. When the bodies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas died, how could there be no negative thoughts turned into ghosts? These Buddha thoughts are hidden in the dark. They are the negative emotions of countless powers. They are transformed by fear, disgust, anger and destruction before death. They represent the information and final evil thoughts of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

These thoughts, hidden in a thought of the Styx River, echoed here, and formed an inexplicable and strange statue.

It is the bane of all Buddhist monks, representing the entry and extinction of Buddhas and the ghosts of evil thoughts of Buddhas... Ghosts are thoughts, information and not monsters in essence... But ghosts formed by evil thoughts and some extremely strange and tit for tat information are more terrible than any strange and terrorist existence.

People can become demons... What's more, ghosts that gather all evil thoughts and evil thoughts in the hearts of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?

Ghosts are purer than people!

The unknown old monk was dragged into the darkness by the inexplicable strangeness. He didn't resist, and he couldn't resist. Even if he was a man sitting on the lotus platform, he had no power to fight back when he met this terrible demon that specifically restrained him. Finally, he calmly left a sentence: "this thing is the evil thoughts of the Buddhas. The way to escape here is in the Buddha..."

Before he finished, he was dragged into the dark.

Master Fajing suddenly flashed something in his mind. He held three thousand wisdom beads and counted them one by one. He sorted out some secret and subtle clues along the way, and then connected them with Prajna wisdom to form a complete clue. The ancient secret bits and confusing clues he saw and heard here gradually gathered together, It reproduces the truth that happened in the lonely garden.