They left the miraculous white bone mountain behind and away from the evil sea. The people were secretly relieved. If the zuwu xuanming was buried below, it would be a disaster to pierce the sky.

Looking around, this is a barren magic land. I don't know which world fell on the wreckage of Guixu. There are twisted dead trees everywhere. The twisted branches are intertwined like dragons and snakes, about the size of a python. Before falling into Guixu, it must be a holy forest. There is a strong sense of destruction on the scorched tall strange trees.

I don't know how many years have passed since they fell into the ruins. These holy trees can still exist tenaciously, and even a trace of divinity remains.

Before falling into the ruins, the strange trees here must be very powerful and divine spiritual roots, but now only the remains of the Holy tree of spiritual roots are left. The destruction Avenue distorts the form of these spiritual roots and degenerates into a dead form with deep demonic nature, just like the teeth and claws of dragons and snakes.

The old monster corpse God leader of the corpse driving sect was a little hairy in his heart and whispered to the crowd: "it looks like a burial soil here!"

"Stay away from this magic land!" urged the blood butcher.

"I seem to hear these trees crying!" Vatican WuJie shivered. He went to a stump lying on the ground and half disabled. The exposed roots were like a huge black poisonous dragon. Most of the dead trees were buried under the black magic earth. The exposed part of the ground was like a hill. Vatican WuJie brushed away the floating dust from the stump section, Expose the dense rings on it.

Vatican WuJie counted the annual rings and took a breath immediately

There are tens of thousands of annual rings on it, and it is only the part exposed to the surface, and more than half of the cross-section is still sinking in the ground.

And this is still a small strange tree!

"The sacred tree of Linggen takes an unusual year. In ancient times, the sacred tree of Ming takes 500 years as spring, 500 years as autumn and 2000 years as a year. The legendary sacred tree of Ailanthus altissima takes 8000 years as spring, 8000 years as autumn and 32000 years as a year!" van WuJie felt that the place was more strange and made him hair behind his back.

"These strange trees can withstand the power of destruction. I don't know how many years have passed without extinction. The origin is different."

"It has lived for at least hundreds of thousands of years, and how old is this sacred tree for a year?"

"Even if the year of the ghost tree is counted, two thousand years is a year..." Yuan Yu Lao Dao pinched his fingers and smacked his tongue: "these sacred trees have lived for at least hundreds of millions of years before they fall into the ruins with this magic land!"

"Let me have a look!" the blood butcher pushed them away and looked at the growth rings of the sacred tree... The blood butcher looked gloomy. He stretched out his hand and put it on the trunk of the sacred tree. The rough bark cracked like black scales and felt like the dead body of a real dragon. The blood butcher took root with both legs and pulled the fallen sacred tree out of the ground.

Everyone rushed up and counted the rings with their fingers.

"598326 rings!" someone soon figured out the specific number of rings. The man said angrily: "I saw the changes of the flood climate... He pointed to the outermost rings and said: "There are traces of nine days of weak water here, and the texture of the annual rings is relatively soft and wide, indicating that the sacred tree soaked in some kind of pre naive water suspected of nine days of weak water in those years and grew faster, but the wood was damaged!"

"Gonggong is angry to touch the Zhoushan mountain! The great flood dumped by the Tianhe!" everyone present shivered collectively.

"Young life! How can anything here have something to do with the earth shaking events that happened in the flood and famine!" Yuan Yu whispered.

"Taking the time point when Gonggong angrily touched Buzhou mountain as the coordinate, when the divine tree died..." the blood butcher devil calculated several growth rings, but he saw that the growth rings with wide range and light color were very close to the skin!

"After the great flood, it is not far from the collapse of the flood! That is to say, these sacred trees may fall into the ruins and be destroyed and withered when the flood is broken?"

Others pointed to the more dense ring in the ring, about thousands of rings said: "this ring is very dense, indicating that the sacred tree grew slowly, the climate was very cold, and lasted for a long time. It seems that there is a trace very similar to xuanming real water in the ring, which is an ancient Avenue..."

The man trembled and said, "it may be the underworld era... The cold ancient era!"

"How many years are there in the cold ancient era?" the leader of the killing cult said dryly.

Everyone pinched their fingers and calculated. Yuan Yu replied: "after the famine was broken, the sun, moon and stars changed greatly, the Milky way was broken, and the timing and calendar had changed greatly. The time of the famine day is different from that of the heavens. At present, the heavens take the Beidou time as the standard time system. After conversion, there is about 6000 yuan in the ancient times!"

Everyone immediately bowed his head and counted the Rings - "there are about 6000 rings... This sacred tree will be a year for one yuan!"

"It's 590000, about 600000 yuan! It's 72 billion years..." when everyone heard this number, they couldn't help numbing their legs. They looked at the sparse, twisted branches or twisted black ancient trees around them. Looking at this dead magic land, it seemed that someone was holding a knife behind them.

This was once a sacred land that existed for at least 72 billion years, but now it has become a dead land.

How many incredible holy trees grow here, and how old secrets are buried?

When this sacred tree was still alive, what kind of magic light was shining between its branches and leaves, and what magnificent form and strong vitality was it before it died? What is this sacred land like before it falls into the ruins? Because of what, it fell into Guixu, a Jedi that did not return, and was finally wiped out all creation, leaving only a dead magic land.

What a great horror is buried here.

Woo woo!

At this time, fan WuJie turned back rigidly. He seemed to hear the cry across time and space. The voice was not male or female, like Buddhist Zen singing, as if he could cry blood and chant scriptures. The vague scriptures and crying came from the depths of time. Only fan WuJie could hear it. Fan WuJie quietly pulled the Cape of Yuanyu.

He leaned over and whispered, "did you hear the cry from the depths of time? It's next to the tree!"

Yuan Yu's hair stood up in fear. He shouted in a low voice, "don't scare people! This kind of place will kill people!"

"I'm not scary... I just heard this voice!" van WuJie swallowed nervously.

The vague chanting sound and weeping sound in his ear became more and more obvious, just as someone was crying. The Sanskrit chanting was vague. Coupled with the crying nasal sound, it was difficult for Sanskrit to distinguish what the voice was chanting. He felt that something was coming to him in the depths of time.

Yuan Yu saw that Brahma WuJie was in a wrong situation and hurried to pull him, but there was a layer of cosmic light between them at this time.

Vatican WuJie saw the dead sacred tree stand up in front of him and plunge its roots into the magic earth again, as if time and space were going back, and the divinity slowly revived in front of him. The black cracked old tree skin fell off like scales, revealing the white holy trunk, and the oval leaves glittered with divine light, like green emerald.

The ancient tree is as vigorous as a dragon. Brahma wukai looks up and looks at it. The broken ancient tree has grown a incomplete part, but that part is only a virtual shadow. In fact, all divine lights are only a virtual shadow projected from the depths of time, as if the time in the past reappears.

In the golden vein shadow, the lush branches of ancient trees completely suppress the sky above Brahma WuJie, blocking out the sky and the sun.

The divine light flows, and the white divine tree is shining!

However, under the divine light, the dead dead wood took root in the virtual shadow, as if the past and the present overlapped together, a brilliant, holy and bright tree, a dead and twisted tree, and dead and silent as a devil. At this moment, this extraordinary sacred tree showed a strange posture of half withered and half glorious in the eyes of van WuJie, and a shock and numbness flowed in Van WuJie's mind like an electric current.

"This is the bodhi tree!"

"I know!" Brahma WuJie instantly heard the voice of Zen singing Brahma in his ear. He understood that someone was crying blood in Zen singing the Vajra Sutra.

Vatican WuJie saw the bodhi tree slowly turning back to God, and the white body as vigorous as a Qiulong slowly twisted. With the twist of the white trunk, the towering Bodhi Tree slowly turned into a young monk in white clothes. He folded his hands and looked back at Vatican WuJie, with golden blood and tears flowing in his eyes!

Van WuJie clenched his fists and almost suffocated!

The monk in white slowly said, "this is a tree for the lonely garden!"

"Goodness, goodness, xubodhi, as you said, the Tathagata is good at protecting and reading Bodhisattvas and giving orders to Bodhisattvas. You should say it for you now. A good man is good at women, and a good man is good at three despises of three Bodhisattvas. You should stay like this and subdue his heart. Only the Buddha, may you be happy and want to hear it." the surrounding Sanskrit sound is very clear.

Countless wonderful truths and truths manifest in front of Brahma WuJie, as if the blessed one were speaking in person.

But Brahma WuJie didn't dare to listen, because there was a cry like a devil like prison in the Brahma sound, which was the manifestation of the avenue of destruction, and the monk humanity transformed by the bodhi tree: "it's also great in heaven!"

Vatican WuJie finally couldn't help it. He felt countless truths and countless messy ideas drilled into his mind. He understood a lot in a moment. The monk in white was like a book with no cover up. He opened the page and saw its thoughts, thoughts and everything. However, Vatican WuJie was scared and ran away.

Tear the time and return to its place.

Fan WuJie said in horror, "don't get too close to these ghost trees... They have become essence!"

Yuan Yu was puzzled by the Vatican WuJie who suddenly appeared in front of him. He saw that Vatican WuJie looked frightened and warned all humanity: "these ghost trees are alive! Don't get too close to them, or they will become a part of them!"

Both the blood butcher devil and the leader of wusheng sect were startled and quickly flew back. They looked at the half fallen ancient trees vigilantly. Fan WuJie waved to everyone and said, "get away from the ghost trees and don't get close to all the trees!" everyone was startled. Although they didn't know what had happened, they followed the good example and gathered on the xuanming ancient ship, Patrol around vigilantly.

But there were still two or three people who didn't move, including the corpse God old man of the corpse driving sect. They stood where they were, their breath didn't change, but their faces were a little confused. They looked like they had just woke up, with a trace of stagnation and numbness.

"Corpse God!" the blood butcher devil stared at those strange sacred trees and shouted to the old corpse God, "what happened?"

"No... I'm fine!" the old corpse God said slowly. His voice was very slow, like squeezing out of his teeth word by word. He said it was good. Only ghosts believe it!

The leader of the killing cult asked fan WuJie, "what happened? How did you know there was a problem with those trees?"

"Here is a tree for the lonely garden!" the first sentence of Brahma WuJie made all the evil Taoist kings look pale. Someone trembled and asked, "the Buddha said that the holy land of Buddhism preached by the Buddha is only a tree for the lonely garden?"

The beginning of Vajra Sutra is: This is what I heard. At that time, the Buddha gave only a tree to the lonely garden in the state of shewei, along with the great bhikkhu, a crowd of 1250 people. At that time, the blessed one, wearing his clothes and holding a bowl, went to the great city of shewei to beg for food. He begged again and again in the city, returned to this place, finished his meals, collected his alms, washed his feet, put on his seat and sat down.

The only tree to the lonely garden is one of the holy places of Buddhism. The holy land left by the relics of the Buddha has a position in Buddhism, just like the Hangu pass of Xuanmen, Yujing mountain, yuxu palace, the boundless sea of blood of the magic gate and Guixu netherworld. It is one of the supreme holy places of the whole Buddhism. If this is only a tree to the lonely garden, what are several Bodhi sacred trees, Even if the Brahma twin trees in the city where the Buddha died were transplanted here, it is normal!

They are a group of demon lineages who have gone to the holy land of others' Buddhism. What is this?

The most terrible thing is, why did you find such a pure land as lonely garden in Guixu? Buddha's ashram? Why did you fall into the ruins?

It seems that they found xuanming's body before.

Everyone's hair stood up!

Xuetu repressed his tension and said to the old corpse God, "corpse God! Who are you?"

"I'm... A tree!" the old corpse God said slowly, "I'm a tree!" he didn't move at his feet. At this time, people saw that the old corpse God's feet had been plunged into the magic earth, and the lower part of his ankle had turned into a deep root system. The withered appearance of the corpse God was transforming into a tree, his hands turned into branches, and his body turned into trunk, Wrinkled skin is like old tree skin.

Xuetu took a deep breath, turned back and said, "they are hopeless! Let's get out of this damn place!"

Vatican WuJie was shocked and said, "these trees are alive! They are not the divine roots before they were born, but a kind of demon born in their bodies because of the strangeness here. This demon can understand us, so I said it was crying and heard the cry."

"... shut up!" Yuan Yu said with a blank face.

At this time, Yuan Yu moved away from his body and looked out. All the ancient trees rooted in the surrounding magic earth were revived. They turned into a kind of half ghost and half magic. Looking at the white bone magic ship, countless faint voices repeated van WuJie's words and said, "magic!"



"Big in the sky...!"


"What is life?"

"Sentient beings, sentient!"

Vatican WuJie suddenly understood something. This is a tree for the lonely garden. In an era before the famine was broken, the ancestor of Styx suppressed Luo in the ruins. Sakyamuni asked Styx to come to the tree for the lonely garden to argue the Scriptures, discuss the difference between demons and Buddhas, and clearly distinguish the Dharma between demons and Buddhas.

This grand meeting was the third debate between demons and Buddhas. This time, the Styx river went alone. The blessed one LED 3000 disciples to meet him. The two sides debated in the lonely garden of a tree.

The Buddha spoke Dharma for seven days, and the Dharma was perfect and profound.

The Styx river has not lost the wind. The two sides have argued for three yuan, a total of more than 30000 years. Finally, when it comes to the issue of "all sentient beings", the disciples of the Buddhas said that this word refers to ordinary people with ignorance and trouble, who flow through the mystery of life and death, and hold the five Yin, which is commonly known as all sentient beings. All beings are different; All sentient beings suffering from the sin of three ways Yin, all sentient beings enjoying the heaven Yin, all sentient beings without leakage Yin, all sentient beings with compassion Yin, and all sentient beings with permanent Yin respect.

The Buddha also said: "Yu se is stained with love, which is called sentient beings; Yu receive, think, act and know are stained with love, which is called sentient beings."

That is, there are various senses such as reception, thought, action and knowledge. The originator is all sentient beings.

In the understanding of Styx, all beings have spiritual activities such as receiving, thinking, doing and knowing, can perceive the objective world and carry out subjective spiritual activities. So are those simple and humble lives that can only feel, but not think subjectively, without the concept of "I"?

Therefore, the ancestor of Styx and the Buddha jointly defined life.

The Buddha believes that the origin is not clear, and the phenomena arising from the harmony of all causes are all sentient beings. Therefore, Styx launched his own thinking on life

"What is life?" the three ancestors of the Vatican family whispered slowly, "where is the limit of life? Where is the boundary of life? How to distinguish life from non life?"

"Love is life!" the blood butcher devil said mysteriously: "those who have love regard lust, lust, love, love, attachment and obsession as love. If they desire, love, love, attachment and obsession, they are called love. If they desire to receive, think, do, know, love, joy, love, attachment and obsession, they are life!"

"Can plants and trees be sentimental?" the killing cult leader calmly retorted, "can ignorant insects be sentimental?"

Yuan Yu looked at their strange faces one by one, and suddenly his hair stood on end. This was not what they were talking about. This was what the Styx devil was talking about. He finally understood what was the most dangerous thing here! This is the place where the Blessed One argued with the devil ancestor. It is full of the thought of the devil ancestor Styx and his ideas.

Now these thoughts have invaded their Yuanshen consciousness sea.

If Yuan Yu hadn't been Da Luo, he would have suddenly understood the thoughts of the devil's ancestors here, and understood some unpredictable mysteries. There were traces of the devil's ancestors' thoughts left in their way of understanding and practice, so he would involuntarily understand the thinking of the Styx river here and be controlled by the idea of the Styx river.

Yuan Yu can't help but understand some things now, just like the main road, invisible, full of around him, and then can't help understanding 'it'!

The avenue here is the idea of Styx.

"Life is a variable, can create variables, unrestrained is life, life is a variable!"

"The power that can create different timelines is life!"

"Variable is a false proposition, life can be controlled!"

"Life is a kind of phenomenon that naturally appears in the process of the development and change of the universe, with rich possibilities such as self growth, reproduction, feeling, consciousness, will, evolution and interaction!"

The tree wriggles to the roots of countless magic trees in the lonely garden. They lift soil waves like separating the water surface. The black magic soil is like turning waves. The huge roots move underground. They whisper and tell the idea of Styx. The magic earth revealed the buried things below, one after another, like bones and bodies of gold, glass and crystal.

Some of them sit cross, some fall, some put their hands together and their heads hang on their chest.

Other corpses kept struggling in front of them. One corpse even pulled on the ground and kept the posture of climbing in the direction of van WuJie. Many corpses kept the final form of fleeing here.

"This is the corpse of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!" Yuan Yu said in horror when he saw the countless bones buried under the magic earth.

"There is no lack of the Great Buddha, and even the famous great bodhisattvas!"