"Now the ancient strata transformed by the divine bones of King Poya have long been eroded and decayed by the evil Qi carried by the xuanming ancestor witch. The strata here are extremely fragile. They are frozen by the extremely cold gas of the xuanming real water hidden in them, so that they are not crushed by the weight of the sea of blood. But as long as we add more strength, we can break this fragile balance and collapse the weak strata here."

"The sea of blood in the palm of the hand rushed into the blood vessels of Poya King's body under the stratum!"

Old Taoist Yuan Yu said in a low voice, "but the destroyers must also know what we know... Even if they know something we don't know, it's normal. No matter what the arrangement of these mummies is, it's not difficult to refine this sea of blood and this white bone mountain!"

"So we have to introduce more forces to muddle this pool of water!" van WuJie said: "if there were only two of us, we would certainly be unable to fight their calculations of innumerable robbery, but now... There are enough fish lured down!"

"It's time to muddle up this mess!"

Vatican WuJie and Yuanyu Laodao came to the white bone holy mountain. Looking down from the top of the holy mountain, the white bone holy mountain with a thick upper end and a narrow lower end was indeed like a bone spur nailed into the stratum. Vatican WuJie took a long breath, and the undead medicine in his stomach was slightly hot. With a hook in his right hand, an illusory river of time surrounded him and stretched out his hand to point to the next part of his body, The long river formed by the light and water of the universe sank into the giant Kun.

In an instant, the body shape of the huge Kun fish soared countless times!

On the sea of blood, Fajing and his entourage, crossing in a purple and gold bowl, suddenly saw the whole sea of blood lifted up in front. They were suddenly lifted to a height of tens of thousands of feet. The four sides of the sea of blood appeared in four bottomless abysses. At every moment, countless blood poured down. They saw the first knuckle of the five finger Tianzhu, which was flush with their sight!

Fajing looked down. His pupils turned into pure gold and saw through the blood sea below with tianyantong

Then I saw a huge Kun that was so huge that even the sea of blood could not drown, and raised its tail towards the sky. Lift a sea area from the sea of blood... That's where they are.

The filthy blood of the sea of blood slipped from the tail of the giant Kun... Like an abyss at the end of four sides.

"An adult innate spirit Kun!" master Fajing said with a shocked face: "how can it be... How can this sea of blood raise an adult Kun? Kun fish is not a god Ao. Kun fish are naturally active. If the sea of blood here moves, it will shake the earth and mountains, and it is difficult to turn around... How can there be an adult Kun here?"

The dried corpse drives the Shenao to resist the impact of the sea of blood wave after wave.

The hair of the first corpse was clean, and only a few strands of withered grass like hair stuck to the scalp, winding on its skin like withered vines. He opened his eyes in the direction of the corpse, and his muddy yellow eyes like muddy water gave off strange light. Watching the Kun fish drop its tail and hit the bottom of the sea of blood.

The giant tail that hit the baigushen mountain smashed the stratum in an instant, and also triggered the riots of the evil spirit black tide and the dark cold tide. The black xuanming real water, mixed with the evil tide, rushed out of the broken stratum and frozen everything along the way.

With the power of Zhou light, the Brahman who temporarily summoned the future body of Kun fish can't hold up at this time!

He took back the extremely weak Zhou Guangzhen water. Ju Kun recovered and shrunk hundreds of thousands of times. Old Taoist Yuan Yu prepared for a long time. At this time, he pointed out in time that the weak Kun fish changed into a small whale and fell into his hands. Then Yuanyu changed into a young black dragon.

The black dragon swallowed Brahma WuJie, then spit out xuanming real water and freeze himself.

At the next moment, the xuanming bone spurs accumulated the cold wave and evil Qi of the immeasurable xuanming real water under the stratum, which flooded here in an instant. Countless strange or powerful blood sea demons were frozen in an instant. The cold wave overtook the black dragon that frozen itself, homologous, but powerful xuanming real water cold wave, extremely cold force, Slowly and firmly eroded to the black dragon frozen in the center.

Just like in the face of a fire, the first thing to do is to burn out an isolated area without combustibles. After the black dragon's weak power of xuanming real water has frozen itself, it takes a period of time for xuanming real water to reduce the temperature of the black dragon frozen in the core, which creates a buffer period.

"Old Taoist!" the black dragon's voice said, "how long can you hold on?"

"I can't hold on for a few breaths!" the black dragon stared nervously at the cold wave freezing through the black dragon and said: "although the black dragon is also a congenital creature who can naturally control the xuanming real water, the xuanming real water is also different from the xuanming real water... You know there are so many wonderful real water in the world. Why can only the nine kinds of xuanming real water be called the nine congenital real water?"

"Such as jiuyouming water and Cambrian water. They are poor God ice. They are also congenital. The temperature is lower than the xuanming real water controlled by my black dragon avatar!"

"Why is only xuanming real water one of the nine congenital real water in the world?"

Brahma WuJie whispered: "Because only nine kinds of innate true water can implement the Shuiyuan Avenue! Since I control the Zhouguang true water, the more I understand it, the more I feel its mystery and infinite power. After I cultivate any magic powers and spells, I will gradually fail to keep up with my Taoism. Only with the Zhouguang true water, how high my Taoism is, how powerful my Taoism is. All other magic powers and spells are It's a waste of time and will eventually be eliminated! "

"Yes, the power of these innate waters has an end. Even the cold ancient ice tide that caused the flood and cold ancient era in those years also has a limit. Only these nine innate real waters have almost endless power and no limit with the improvement of users' Taoism."

"Xuanming water is cold without limit!"

"One yuan heavy water, heavy without limit!"

"Nine days of weak water and clear spirit have no limit!"

"The real water in the blood river has no limit and can contain almost all materials!"

"There is no limit to the volume of Tianyi real water. It can store all the water in the flood and famine in a drop of Tianyi real water!"

"There is no limit to the power of purification. It can purify all filth!"

"There is no limit to the nourishing and nurturing of Sanguang Shenshui!"

"There is no limit to merit and virtue, and there is no limit to the time symbolized by Zhouguang real water!"

Yuan Yu said here with a bitter smile: "for those who can give full play to the real power of these nine kinds of congenital real water, only the congenital gods who are in charge of them, which symbolize the avenue. The congenital real water has no limit in their hands. In other hands, it is only a relatively strong magic power at best!"

"Xuanming zuwu is the inborn God who controls xuanming real water. Pangu is authentic. The cold power of xuanming real water is almost endless in her hands. I am just a black dragon, and an idea is frozen to death in front of him! Xuanming real water is in the hands of xuanming zuwu. It is said that even the long river of Zhouguang can be frozen... It can stop the whole flood time!"

"Although it is only a bone spur left by him, the dark cold wave caused by it is still very terrible. I can only try my best to delay time. When the white bone holy mountain sinks into the body of King Poya's Dharma and enters his blood vessels, the cold wave will naturally subside without a foundation." before Yuan Yu finished, Brahma offered some weak Zhouguang real water, Help him delay the time of the ancient cold force!

The divine Ao broke the huge waves raised by the giant Kun and stood still under the impact of the earth shaking waves. Behind the Ao head, the group of destruction demons who described the withered and terrible appearance faced the sea of blood. The dried corpse with Nuo face was carved from an animal bone. On the basis of preserving the evil spirit and ferocious face of the fierce beast, they engraved witch patterns and stained with the blood of the Taoist king, A strange mask stabbed with a spell.

It looks very ugly and ferocious!

With a fascinating magic

The mummies beat gongs and drums, and the mummies wearing Nuo noodles danced wildly with the beat. Their bodies twisted and danced, imitating the behavior of all kinds of strange and evil monsters.

Those old monsters who took refuge in them stood by and watched calmly, their eyes twinkled, and they didn't know what they were thinking. The dancing mummies gradually shed black and purple blood and sweat like dirty blood. Some mummies carried bronze bags to carry the blood and sweat left by the dancers. The mummy dragged out three albino animals from behind.

A white dog, a white horse, an Aries!

These albino animals are extremely extraordinary, with divinity flashing in their eyes and divine light flowing on their bodies. Their rich and inseparable spirit makes them like divine animals. Someone exclaimed in a low voice, "this is an albino creature in the depths of the sacred mountain!" the pulled out Shenjun white horse bone joint is very strange, with a thin and slender body, and two protrusions like horns on the top of the skull.

An old monster couldn't help saying, "this divine horse is about to turn into a dragon! Dragon horses are even rarer than real dragons. They are the mounts of saints... They are actually used for sacrifice!"

"Why did you sacrifice with a white horse?" the nine humped old man could not help frowning: "Even for the sacrifice of the son of heaven, you only need to offer cattle, sheep and pigs. Pure color is the victim and all are the victims. White horse is the sacrifice. It is generally used for alliance sacrifice to heaven and sacrifice with dogs. There are only several very ancient witch religions and ancient tribes. It is said that Panhu, a divine dog, can enter the underground capital. Therefore, there are often ancient religions that sacrifice dogs and take the dead into the underground capital."

"If white horses worship the heaven and white dogs worship the earth, are Aries sacrificing their ancestors?"

The corpse raised the sacrificial knife and cut the throat of these albino animals. What came out was the bright red divine blood with gold, emitting a warm aroma. The divine blood was combined into the wine and poured into the sea of blood.

"The blood of these albino creatures is a kind of great medicine!" an old monster was ready to say, "drinking one mouthful is a great tonic, which can at least restore my vitality for 300 years!"

"When did these destruction demons hunt these albino creatures from the depths of the immortal mountain?" others thought further: "There are terrible monsters in the depths of the holy mountain. Albino creatures are extremely powerful. Some time ago, white bats were disturbed, flew out of the holy mountain and took one of our Taoist princes back to eat! These destructive demons actually kidnapped three albino creatures from inside!"

"They must have been prepared for a long time!" one of the oldest old monsters said fearfully: "when I first came here, I seemed to have seen the white dog. It broke into the forbidden area on the island... I didn't expect to appear here. It was nearly 100 million years ago!"

It has been nearly 100 million years since this old monster entered the blood sea of Guixu!

As soon as the golden blood entered the sea of blood, it was quickly contained by the filthy blood. The immortal divinity in the depths of the holy mountain was melted by the sea of blood, as if moistening something. With the vast ancient witch words recited in the mouth of the mummy of the chief priest, the whole sea of blood seemed to activate a divinity. In this complex and huge sea of life, divinity was integrated into a sleeping ancient consciousness.

As the ancient consciousness gradually began to wake up, the black tide disturbed by Brahma WuJie and others at the lower level of the sea of blood began to rise.

The cold current is surging - the ancient ice tide from the xuanming zuwu is surging up, which is enough to freeze the whole sea of blood. Everyone will be crushed by this cold, even the soul thoughts will be frozen. Shenao instinctively felt the cold that frozen everything. It was a little panic and uneasy. The Shenshan on his back trembled slightly.

See that the black tide has frozen the blood water in the lower layer of the blood sea, and see that terrible demons are crushed by ice.

The corpse leader was indifferent... He quietly watched the black tide surge up and dyed the blood Sea Purple and black. The gloomy evil spirit startled the demons in the whole blood sea. All the demons were swimming on the sea, forming a wave of demons.

On the other side of the devil's way, countless black lines burst from the sea of blood. Like hair, dense black lines blacken the surrounding sea area. Countless black lines stretch out of the sea. These black lines are entangled and wriggle. With each action, countless tentacles are wriggling. These tentacles like black lines are as fast as lightning, often when people can't respond, It turns into a black light, plunges into people's body and evacuates blood

A few immortals serving the big men. After the demons were swallowed up by the strange black line, there were only demons left on the whole White Bone Demon ship.

The white bone magic ship was grabbed by countless black lines, and the subtle black lines spread to every space of the white bone magic ship, just like seaweed spreading and growing, covering every inch of the ship's space. Each strand of black lines is composed of countless thin invisible black filaments, which easily broke through the protective powers of the devil heads of the magic door and exercised the extremely tough body. Under the tip of these filaments, Not much better than tofu.

"This is some kind of demon in the depths of the sea of blood! I'm afraid it's the magic algae growing in the sea of blood... The black silk will draw blood and devour our flesh and blood." the killing cult leader cut off several black lines spreading towards him with a white bone sword and shouted: "soul burning demon, try the nine nether fire!"

The soul burning demon king released a pale flame, which burned the black line of magic algae and screamed, barely preventing the continuous spread of the black line, but it seemed to arouse some instinct of the black line. Suddenly, more black lines shot out of the sea of blood, such as the tide spread and rolled up towards everyone.

The most people go to the soul burning demon king... These magic algae have extremely strong vitality. Even the nine hell fire is difficult to burn. Just after the soul burning demon king cleared some, ten thousand times more tentacles shot at him immediately. It almost drowned the nine netherworld fire with quantity!

The soul burning demon king was scared out of his wits and shouted, "come and help me!"

"This thing is not small. I'm afraid it's all in this sea of blood. Moreover, it has strong vitality. We can absorb the sea of blood to recover the damage caused by attacking it at any time!"

The blood butcher devil drove several gods and Demons around to cut off the black line, but the broken black line fell into the blood water and merged with the tide and the black line ball in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the countless black lines seemed to be startled by something and quickly retracted all their tentacles.

The blood butcher devil sensed an ancient consciousness in the sea of blood and was slowly waking up. The corner of his eye jumped and said, "no... it seems that something in the sea of blood has awakened!"

"What kind of demons are they?" an old devil said wearily, "are these demons crazy? Groups of demons came up and attacked us... They can't be killed. One by one, they are more difficult to deal with... All the disciples and grandchildren who came with us are dead!"

"No..." there are many strong people who are proficient in the blood Sea Avenue in the demon road. Soon someone found the clue: "it doesn't seem to be a demon... This consciousness comes from the blood sea itself."

"Oh, my mother! Your old man is coming too!" an old devil who looked murderous fell to his knees with soft legs.

Someone quickly pulled him up and said, "it seems that it's not the old man who killed the demon ancestor!"

"There is my king's blood in this sea of blood!" the corpse leader looked at the waking Blood Sea: "we have sacrificed immeasurable robbery, awakened the remnant soul in my king's blood and sacrificed it into a god!"

"Now, the sea of blood is my king! My king is the sea of blood!"

Some people in the devil's way also analyzed and said: "it's Poya king. In this sea of blood, there is not only the blood River real water in the boundless sea of blood, but also the blood essence of Poya Zhi, the great Asura king. The great Asura king raised his blood through the sea of blood and let his body die. After decay, the blood essence did not die!"

"Those remaining evils offered sacrifices and cultivated his blood, and then poured the living blood into poyazhi's body when the bottom of the blood sea leaked." the old devil of the witch sect shouted, "do they still want to revive poyazhi?"

"No... with this little blood, you can't revive a great Luo!" the killing cult leader said seriously: "but this living blood is enough to provide some fresh blood gas. What will happen if this sea of blood pours into poyazhi's body?"

The corpse God cult leader's face changed dramatically: "it's not enough to raise a shocking corpse, but the blood and soul of the sea of blood are enough to temporarily drive the corpse of King Poya... Life! This Dalai is going to pretend to be a corpse!"

"Everyone rush into the body of King Poya!" the blood butcher roared, "stay outside and wait for this huge body to crush us like a mole ant!"

Master Fajing, who drove the purple gold bowl, also changed his face and said, "those who destroy the remaining evils of the demons are actually the corpse of the great Luo. Follow me. We'll drive the purple gold bowl into the corpse of the great Luo. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll have to show the supreme magic power with four layers of power in front of a living corpse of the great Luo!"

The sea of blood surged up, and the infinite vitality burst out, pressing down the cold wave.

The melted sea of blood poured into the collapsed stratum. The decaying blood vessels and dry bodies were moistened by the surging warm blood gas in the palm of the palm, and regained their vitality. The decaying right hand of King Poya regained some blood color. In his blood vessels, there was dark red corpse blood flowing, but now the blood River transformed by dark red corpse blood began to flow again, and the color was gradually a little bright red!

The dark ice melted by the Brahma WuJie and Yuan Yu Laodao was carried by the blood in the sea of blood and rushed into the ancient blood river formed by the blood vessels of the underground Poya king.

The devil people also fled into the underground Blood River in panic. They happened to be in front of and behind the Buddhism. Finally, the group of destructive demons, Luo Yu's remaining sins, drove Shenao towards the bottomless abyss in the sea of blood. When every stream of blood enters poyazhi's dead body, there is a vitality that begins to circulate along the blood River, awakening and moistening the organs and bodies along the road.

The dead body of immeasurable robbery began to recover gradually!